Syras's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

So, I'm hoping this is something that will benefit myself but here is my question. Is this going to reset all of your experience? You will have to re-train whatever it was you were going for, etc.? I put a lot of points in useless stuff not realizing I couldn't fix that, lol. Thanks for any information.


I love the idea. I love sandbox MMO's. If this resembled the early days of UO in 97-98, I would just have to jump for joy. The skill based system is a great idea IMO.

I am currently in two groups playing PF and I can't stress enough how much I love the P&P version. Actually "seeing" the River Kingdoms would be particularly exciting, most of our adventures have been in that region so we all have an idea of what we think it appears to be. It's really going to be highly anticipated for us.

Anyway, questions. How close to the "classes" will the MMO version be? Considering there are archetypes, I would assume you have a few different flavors of each type of class. Would that mean as well that you could "multiclass"? Will you just simply pick from different skills and talents from everywhere or will it be class specific?

Thank you for your time, I am looking forward to put in my application for the beta whether that is 1 or 2 or however many years away.

(Side question - MMO's take years to develop, has this been started yet? Would it be realistic to say a few years off as of now?)