SymeonArgyrus's page

Goblin Squad Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Thank you! This is a perfect response.

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This feels decidedly like WOTC/OGL, whether intended or not.

This is burning through the goodwill generated by Paizo’s response to that crisis.

The community character builders and community supported extensions to VTTs give Pathfinder 2E the competitive edge, the spirit of community that makes all the difference between Paizo and WOTC.

It’s always been “yes, the rules are free but the quality and integrity of Paizo make me want to purchase the books and tools and..”.

I’m a Demiplane subscriber and a proud owner of the FLGS Remaster books, as well as owner of countless Paizo books- hard cover, soft cover, pocket sized, PDFs, Demiplane copies. Pathfinder (both editions), Starfinder 1st. Humble Bundles, Kickstarters, even Pathfinder Online.

I buy to support your support of the community.

I buy to support your support of the community creators.

If Paizo won’t support community character builders, VTT implementations, community modules and addenda and settings and all of the like, then why should we support Paizo?

I run several game tables that are playing PF2, one that just finished a PF1 campaign, and one that was getting ready to move to Starfinder 2E.

I want to believe that this isn’t intentional, that this was a misstep along an otherwise noble and community minded path.

Please prove us all right in our love and support of Paizo; extend licenses to the community creators that have made us into the ardent fans of your work that we are.

Thank you.