Now recruiting for Mumble/D20Pro game, starting in January.
I am planning to run Rise of the Runelords (Anniversary Edition), on Sundays, starting around 3pm PST.
I need one or two players - three at the outside.
We have plenty of d20Pro guest licenses, so those of you who don't have one, no need to worry. The client is, iirc, a free download.
Mumble is a free DL, information will be provided when it's needed.
If you have Hero Labs, I take .por files. If not, I'll probably be pulling your sheet into HL to check the numbers.
I'm a roleplayer/story GM, not a ruleplayer - I've been known to defenestrate the book because coolness (of course, I'll do that for both sides, so be ye warned), and I've been known to be merciful. However, while I am not out to kill PCs, actions have consequences.
Actual Character Generation!
Assuming you're still reading this, and are interested, here's what you need to know to set up a character.
20 point buy.
Max gold for your class.
I'm using traits, and yes, you get two. One of them should be a campaign trait.
If you want, I am considering testing the background merits/flaws rules - feel free to muck about with that.
I do not allow:
3rd party sources, psionics.
No monks, samurai, ninjas or summoners - and no play-test classes.
No Fetchlings, monsterous races (goblins, kobolds) or races that require templates.
Beyond that, if you want to play something odd, run it past me, and I'll take a look. I would prefer that characters start in Sandpoint, but they do not need to be residents.
Do not forget to note what feats/traits effect what, and to assign Favoured Class bonuses.
If you happen to have played through part of this before (or GM'd it), you are still welcome, on the condition that you are able to cram foreknowledge of events/encounters/monsters into a padlocked box and bury that box in an unused corner of your mind.
What I already have:
A wizard (of some kind)
A divine caster - might be a cleric, might be a paladin.