
Swift.'s page

239 posts. Alias of Kayos..


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Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift humms to herself as she eats a little, obviously caught up in her own little world as the others talk. Content to leave the others to talk she makes plans in the back of her head and reaches out to gently pet Seph from time to time.

Real life still being a mess but now have the time to check in at least!

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Having been entranced by the desire to bat at the skittering crystal herself Swift had missed most of the conversation around her until she heard Merle's confession.

Scratching Seph behind the ears she looks up at the catfolk with a small supportive smile.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3
Merle Barer wrote:

Merle nods at Swift as she answers the questions. It wasn't a lot to go on but it was better than nothing.


** spoiler omitted **

Swift gives a small sad sigh and a nod.


::The problem with that is how do we find out if she is in immediate danger? I can only ever see her when she washes in the walled garden of their kip::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift looks thoughtful at Merle's questions.


::Mr Sage may be a mage, he definately socialises with them. Emelia meanwhile possibly has gifts, she is definately of divine planar blood however, it's easy to see in her, she just.. glows.. As for knowing about me, Sage knows cats visit Emelia, it depends how suspicious he is I guess::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

"Merle's right, I can stay here or I have several personal errands I could deal with whilst I wait for you guys" Swift adds in agreement to the other feline woman's words, a small smile on her lips as she starts thinking through things she could do.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift quietly watches Merle and Seph for a while with a tiny smile. Waiting for a while she lets Merle finish before speaking up in a small, quiet purr.


::Alright, we'll work together. Maybe we can find a way for you to meet Emelia some time so you can see why I'm so concerned..::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift gives a sigh at Merle's words and stares up at the ceiling.


::And this is why I decide not to think too far forward, it only ends in uncertainty. I want Emelia to be alright, that's all I am concerned about right now::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift looks slightly ashamed of herself and looks away.


::Actually my plan was to free Emelia and find somewhere else to be.. to break her free as stealthily as possible. So you probably don't want to help, it may be considered by some as kidnapping..::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3
Merle Barer wrote:
Nope was waiting for Swift to respond to Merle's question.

Gah! Which I had totally missed, so sorry!

Swift sits in deep thought for a long moment at Merle's question, thinking of possible responses before finally speaking up.


::I have a young friend who occasionally cares for me in my cat form, she is of planar blood and is kept by a guardian I really do not trust. I saw him, her guardian, at the ball Skrint and I were at.. it was my spying on him and someone else when I got Skrint and I into trouble..

..but whilst listening in to him he heard about his wanting to acquire the codex thing.. I worry that he plans to do something vile to my friend. She's just a child, and one that knows how to treat cats, she deserves better::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift gives a small shrug at Merle's enquiry. "Not really but anything would be better than this right?"

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift looks back and forth between Merle and Isaac before giving a little sigh, looking a little bored. "Why all the quiet moody contemplation? Could we not do something fun whilst we wait?"

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Frowning slightly Swift sits herself beside Merle and briefly and gently strokes behind the other young woman's ears. Quietly she speaks in a series of meowing sounds.


::You do know that if we find a way to turn him back he likely won't be in your mind any more right? Maybe things were meant to be this way with you too.. or maybe you just need to start to learn to get used to this, you are both seperate beings afterall::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

"He wasn't always there Merle, I'm sure you'll be fine if you stop dwelling" swift replies with a lazy stretch "besides, I'm sure they'll all be back soon and Karrin would never let anything bad happen to a cute kitty" She adds with a grin.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift scampers off and puts the flowers in her room, practically dancing the whole way there before putting them somnewhere where they'll get the most light and look pretiest. She's not gone long before she returns, grinning at the little faerie dragon before spotting Merle's pacing and finally coming down off of her little happy cloud.

"Merle? Are you okay?"

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift grins playfully and inhales the scent of the flowers once more with a purr.

"An admirer" She replies with a hint of mischief in her tone as she lightly scratches Mercutio under the chin.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift grins a little as she reads the card, silently wondering about the true motives of the sender before with a shrug and a smile she pockets the card and sniffs the flowers, deciding she really didn't care. More people should send her pretty things like this, questioning it would be silly and ungrateful. Scooping up the bouquet she grins at Mercutio.


::Thanks for letting me know about these! They're lovely::

She practically purrs before starting towards her room, bumping into Merle en route and smiling a little at the other feline woman.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

With an excitable giggle Swift bounds after the faeriedragon, her expression one of kittenlike playfulness as she follows Mercutio. Usually content to put across the notion she's a (mostly) mature adult, the tibbit takes the opportunity to not worry and indulge her young side and play along with her little draconic friend.


::Do you know who sent me pretties?::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift brightens even more as she listens to Mercutio, a dazzling grin on her face as she stroked the little dragon.


::Really? Show me!::

Her response is oddly chirpy and excitable, an odd tone for the draconic lanuage but she clearly doesn't care as she converses happily with the faerie dragon.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Sorry for the quiet, I've been in a lot of pain off and on (not only have I got a wisdom tooth coming in, it's decide to get infested so I'm on a load of painkillers and anti-biotics)

Swift follows Isaac's lead with the occasional shake of her head at the lack of sitting around and chatting or breaking in somewhere to get clues, she could have stayed in her room and catnapped, the halfelf seemed to have it all in hand. Still, she keeps her opinions to herself and follows along, taking in the everchanging sights and sounds around her as the group travel.

Grinning brightly as they return to the Cauldron she bounds over to Mercutio and gently pets the top of his head.


::Hello little dragony friend::

She greets him in a series of reptilian hisses with an enthusiastic grin before sitting herself on the arm of Merle's chair and watching her closely as she seems to meditate.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift gives a small sigh at the all-business approach of Isaac and Merle, eyeing a comfy looking seat before giving up on the notion of taking things at a more open and leisurely pace.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift gives a small purr at Isaac's offer before looking over the bar curiously, taking a moment before shrugging. "I'm easy, a drink is a drink" She declares brightly before looking out and over the other patrons of the bar, her expression lazily halfinterested.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift gives a grin and a purr and whispers in response to Merle's question.


::I didn't slaughter anyone, I just defended myself and found some shiny things::

A bright grin settles on her features before looking at Eir. "To be fair none of us here started that fight" She declares before bounding after Isaac and looking up at him with an oddly longsuffering expression as he speaks. 'We couldn't have had a drink first?'

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift gives a small unimpressed sound in Justin's direction, and mouths the word 'kid' her expression quizzical, sure she was short but she didn't think she looked that young. Instead of arguing however she smiles reassuringly at Merle and scratches Seph under the chin before looking to Renkar.

"I think I'd be of most use on the first or second job. I like the outlands.. and then there's the fact I excel at finding interesting things, I'm sure I could extend that to interesting people" She declares, silently adding 'especially if they're worth a lot of money'

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift shrugs slightly "I suppose I just see things differently. The cage is a scary place so rather than cling to stability I enjoy things as they come, each day could be your last so live it" She replies with a smile "My comments aren't there to be 'not nice', just me speaking my mind and being friendly. I like the name Bessie.. if not Bessie can I call you Bethy?"

She asks looking to Lady Bethany once more with a small grin "I like short names, they work well until I can find a fitting deedname.. it's just the way I was raised"

With another shrug the stretches lazily looking over everyone in the room again.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift gives a small laugh at Isaac's words and looks him over again, this time with a warmer expression and more approving eyes.

She pauses however at Merle's words, thinking deeply on it for a moment before looking over the others with a grin.

"I go by many names, but most call me Swift" She purrs softly. Leaving her introduction at just that.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift laughs a little as she observes 'Bessie', playfully braiding her hair as she does so.

"But I think Bessie suits you, besides do you never feel the impulse to be a little less uptight? You may be of noble baring but right now you're away from that, why cling to all the airs and graces? Right now most of the people in this room really don't care"

She finishes with a shrug before looking to Merle. Despite still harbouring ill-will towards the wizard she easily slips into being catty with her fellow adventurer of feline descent. Quickly she replies in the same rowling tongue.


::Well Bessie needs the rod removed from her rear for a start, but we can work on that, we'll have her relaxed in no time I'm sure..

..that or she'll have a nervous breakdown, which in itself would be fun to watch!

The scout seems delightfully down to earth, in fact I'm sure he and Skrint would get on.

Then there's the man who looks like a shadow and then the elf who looks like she wishes to become one with the shadows, to disappear. Whilst Bessie needs taking down a few notches I thonk our newfound elf needs lifting a few.::

The young woman smiles brightly, a twinkle in her eye seemingly hinting that she's plotting something and it won't be good news. After a moment and a brief purring chuckle her bright curious eyes fall on Drazek before adding something in a whisper to Merle.


::Although that one is quite striking, oddly beguiling. Like pretty gems that probably have curses on them but you feel the need to take them any way::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift looks over at Merle with a tiny smirk of a smile as the new arrivals settle and start introducing themselves. The young humanoid makes a small noise akin to a purr before scanning the room again.


::This may be 'interesting'::

Slowly her eyes fall to Lady Bathany's equipment, silently aprraising the items before lifting her gaze to the harpy's face with a mischeivous grin.

"Well that was a mouthful, I'm going to call you Bessie" She decides aloud.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

The small darkhaired young woman straightens her hair a little as she observes the new arrivals with interest, her big amber eyes scanning them all from head to toe. She soon reaches her conclusion but what it is remains to be seen as she silently settles back once more, chosing to make herself comfortable rather than introduce herself.

With a small feline yawn she stretches after a moment and looks at the small dragon as though remembering something. Without a word she fishes a small apple out of her backpack and balances it on the perch beside the slumbering form before flopping back into her comfy spot with a smile.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift scampers to get to the meeting early, not because she's the prompt sort but more because she wishes to claim the seat she deems most comfortable. After trying several perching spots she eventually finds the chair she likes most and happily sprawls in it, easily draping herself over the piece of furniture and relaxing as she waits for the others to show up, praying that Zigel and his mangy mutt haven't somehow resurfaced.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
OK Swift/Merle you guys set to go back? Or is there anything else you wish to do?

Swift can take time over her potential kidnapping plans, she's asked all she needs of Edwin and I'm sure he'd like time and less cats around to think on Seph's problem. I think I'm pretty good to leave things in attempt to get in sync with others.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift smiles slightly

"Please don't worry yourself Edwin. It's probably best if I don't explain further. I'll need to do a little more looking into things but if things get bad I may do something impulsive"

With her words Swift falls silent quickly, obviously planning something in the back of he mind.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift gives a defeated sigh and a nod.

"Alright" She starts "I apologise in advance to all of you for anything stupid and impulsive I may do relating to this"

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift gently scratches Mystery behind the ears.

::I'm sorry to hear that, and am glad you're well::

She purrs softly before looking thoughtful and turning her attention to Edwin.

"I don't suppose you know what a ''Codex Sanguinus Militarus' is and what it could be used for do you?" She questions hopefully.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift watches the two cats for a moment before shaking her head a little, amazed at how lacking in confidence Seph is for a mature feline.

::Mystery, please don't toy with him too much, if he's interested he will let you know in time, he's a cautious cat::

She warns the calico with a faint smile, clearly endeared by both her actions and Seph's.

Slowly she looks back to Edwin "Actually Merle's 'familiar' is one of the reasons I'm here. We'd like to talk to you about polymorphings gone awry and the potential to reverse the accident.." She starts before looking to Merle pointedly to get her to fill in the blanks.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Carefully Swift pulls out the last of her own cream she'd carelessly thrown in her backpack before leaving and opens it for Mystery before smiling a little at Edwin.

"This is Merle and Seph" She introduces the other two easily before looking back and forht between the wizard and Mystery, not sure who she wants to ask what first.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

::That would be good, thank you Mystery. I have a little cream in my bag I'll get it out for when you return with Edwin::

Swift replies gently with a small smile although her eyes show a little concern at the news mystery has 'seen some things' with Emelia.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

With a grin Swift kneels down and scratches under Mystery's chin and replies in a quiet purr.

::I needed to check up on how the watching of Emelia was going and to ask Edwin a few questions, is he busy today?::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift simply shrugs at Merle's apology before giving a smile at spotting Edwin's place. Picking up speed she bounds over and knocks on the door before letting herself in, looking forward to the distraction of seeing her frends again.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift quickly finishes getting ready before bounding towards the door and onwards towards Edwin's, leaving it to Merle and Seph to make attempts to plug the silence between them all.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift looks thoughtful before scratching Seph behind the ears with a smile.


::Alright then, that sounds good, I think you'll really get on with Edwin and Mystery and it may be easier for him to help if he can see you::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift looks a little suprised before giving a defeated sigh and replying.


::I suppose, but I really am busy. I need to talk to Edwin about the codex and polymorphy so make it quick::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift, as always, keeps herself busy with personal errands, studiously avoiding Merle until her fur becomes less ruffled. A few of her days are spent as 'Blacky', making sure Karrin's cat is seen about the place and she also makes sure one day to take a trip to pick up her stashed trapped box.

Other than that some research into the 'Codex Sanguinus Militarus' and the mysterious Mr. Sage is done, but that soon bores the tibbit as she's sure she'll need to read a lot of books to find out about the Codex thingy. Finally she decides it's best to just go ask Edwin and Mystery to see what they know.

It's whilst preparing to head out to see her old wizardly friend that she hears the knock on the door and sighs. Flinging the door open she takes one look at Merle before greeting her a little flatly.


::Oh, hello. I'd love to talk but I'm a little busy::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

With a tiny sigh Swift scampers off to her room and closes the door firmly behind her before finally taking the timne to sit and try to work out everything that just happened. Utterly lost in her slightly drunken state she twirls Nye's card between her fingers before giving up on the notion of thinking straight and curling up into a small ball and falling asleep.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3


::There you go again with the poor instincts, he's feline Merle, if he disliked you he'd have left by now. He clearly loves you and if you carry on with this 'I ruined his life' nonesense then you really don't deserve him in your life. Don't make me take him in Merle, because if you're going to keep insisting you're a bad influence in his life people may start to believe you and have to step in and find a better life for him::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3


::Perhaps I got so close to Nye because I've given up all hope of Skrint seeing me as anything more than an impulsive kitten that's nothing but trouble, and seeing him hug you after we freed him only cemented that::

Swift mews, suddenly sounding a lot younger than usual before composing herself again and fixing her hair.


::Not that it matters, I'm sure everything will work out in the end, one way or another. But please, let me get to bed before the temptation to claw you becomes too strong. Go see to Seph, he's missed you::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3


::For a catfolk you really do have dire instincts::

Swift rowls angrily


::Stop trying to make me out to be the bad guy so you can feel better about hurting the feelings of both me and your brother so you could go home with Skrint.::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3


::Pawing? Please! I was being friendly. Nye is fun, but my real concern was for Skrint, why do you think I told him it would be alright if he went home? I was worried about him, he needed rest!::

With a sad mew she looks away.


::Besides, stop being so defensive on his behalf, I've messed up providing a golden opportunity for you, you should be pleased::

She snaps in addition chosing anger over upset.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swift shrugs Merle off with a low growl.


::That was not a conscious decision.. and leave me alone, go look after your brother, he was so distressed when you left him behind with no warning::

Female Tibbit Rogue 3
Merle Barer wrote:
Merle sighs a little as Seph passes out. She gently lays Seph on a chair before turning to Swift looking somewhat uncomfortable.

Swift looks a little unimpressed at Merle before replying in a quiet chain of rowling and hissing.


::It went well, but not so well that I lied to a new friend about my intentions and entirely forgot my own brother::

She reprimands, her happy air disappearing as she looks over the other feline woman, her mood flipping as quickly as to be expected of a teenage, slightly drunken, cat.


::Goodnight Merle, I hope it was worth it::

She adds pointedly before turning on heel and heading for her room.

Female Tibbit Rogue 3

Swept up in the events of the night Swift almost also forgets Seph but just remembers as she and Nye move to leave, helpin the black cat climb onto her shoulders once more and promising him she'll get him back to Merle soon.

Settling into the carriage she lets Seph get comfortable wherever he wants before lightly cuddling up to Nye with a low purr.

"I've had a wonderful time too" She replies before giving a nod at his words "Getting back to my kip would be good now, but I really do think we'll need to do this again some time"

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