Kevin Willis wrote:
Flutter wrote:
Svonar Djaeldsen wrote:
Flutter wrote:
Although I'm happy to say that every critter i saw at gencon had Druids local 704 approved barding on
Just as a curiosity, what is the approved barding, if I may ask?
Something heavy enough to protect the animal companion, mithral chain shirt and plate armor
(not being made of another animal is just a bonus)
It's important to note that this is "Appoved by Druids Local 704" which means it is part of a long-standing role-playing/opinion meme on the boards.
There is NO rules requirement that these guidelines be followed.
But Druids Local 704 will be much happier with you if you do.
I do realize this, but being a hunter, I should try to keep my companion from wearing others to protect herself.