
Sulayman Hain's page

18 posts. Alias of Simeon.


Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman wrinkles his nose and says, ”I agree with the celebration, bu can we get out of this cave? The smell is killing me.”

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman runs at one of the gnolls and attacks.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman slashes at the hyena closest to him.
Gladius: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman sits by the fire and says, "I must agree. I quite enjoy sleeping out under the stars. Besides, it's always good to share drinks with others."

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman tails along with the group, buying a cup of coffee when he has the chance. He says to Perpireen, "Coffee my small friend, is the best thing the Turks ever did for this world." He takes a drink and smiles.

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman chuckles heartily before saying, ”Well, unlike my companions I do not concern myself with any sort of devotion. I choose to place my faith in myself and my blade, not the whims of some uncaring deity. In any case, I’ve come to find my fortune, nothing more and nothing less.”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman grabs one of the crab legs and cracks the shell with the blunt handle of his gladius. He then picks out the meat with a small knife at his belt. Asked about tales, Sulayman says, "I can't say I have too many tales, but I have one that might catch some interest. I spent some time in Rome, as a pit fighter. Well, one night I was assigned to fight someone named Ulvar the Crusher. Now I'd heard names like this plenty before, so I figured it couln't be too bad. I was dead wrong. This...thing was nine feet tall, at least. Seemed like some half-giant monstrosity. It had a club at least as long as I was. The fight was tough, almost got smashed a few times. I managed to get around the back and get him in the leg. It was downhill from there for him." That evening, when offered, he tries the wine and smiles widely. He says to Lord Perpireen, "Given your taste in alcohol, I'd say we'll make fast friends little man." As night falls, Sulayman finds a spare hammock and strings it up abovedecks, wanting to sleep under the stars. He spends that next day playing cards with whoever wants to.

Sulayman will also be on the quarterdeck portside.

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman runs toward the other crab and lunges at it, trying to pierce it's plating.

Gladius: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman smiles a vicious smile and tries to stab the crab once more, "Take that you chitinous cretin!"

Gladius: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman gets a set of dice and puts forth an offer to play some dice.

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman walks onto the ship with the others, admiring his newly balanced and wickedly sharpened gladius. Adjusting the straps on his new armour he says to Altin, ”Well, I’m not sure about the others, but I’ve gotten myself new armour. My sword’s been rebalanced and sharpened as well, along with a better hilt. Better for stabbing and slicing.”

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman mostly keeps to himself, soaking quietly in the water. He is tall, with dark hair and a small goatee. He has a few scars, war wounds and battle scars mostly. Once the conversation turns to religion, Sulayman perks up a bit and he says, ”Ha, gods. Mostly meaningless I find. I believe I was Christian as a young man, though I’ve mostly forgotten those times. The Ottomans were brutal in their conversion of the recruits. A few of my scars came from that. I realised though, if one is going to the extremes of beating a child to make them follow your beliefs, is belief all that worth it?”

I’ll make my gladius and studded leather masterwork.

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman nods genially at Wulfgar’s proposition.

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

At the feast
Feeling satisfied with his performance Sulayman relaxes a bit. He enjoys more ale and some finely roasted boar.
At the ship
Sulayman admires the ship, although his knowledge of seafairing is rather limited. Once the captain is free, Sulayman walks over and sticks out a hand, ”Asalam, good Captain. I would hope you are as fine of a captain as the Prince claims. I’m not in too much of a mood to drown.”

Travelling back
Sulayman smiles at Mwikali’s question, ”Ha, what an idea. While I’m not fond of most of the Ottoman empire, they certainly knew how to keep a bath house.”

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Can I keep my previous grapple roll?

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman smiles widely and nods at the prince. He runs towards the goblin and leaps on it, trying to grab it.

Grapple Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

Sulayman smiles at Wulfgar, "Friend, I am not an Arab. I do speak Turkish, so if you know that I'd be more than happy to entertain you with my wit." At the mention of the Sultan, Sulayman scowls, "Luck? I can't say I was all that lucky to be wrenched from my homeland. Glad there's at least another Janissary who decided to desert. Well, I think I was born in Armenia, but I couldn't be too sure. Wulfgar seems fine enough, should be dependable in a fight at least."

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

A man with vaguely Turkish features walks into the feast hall, flipping a coin as he walks and whistling an old Turkish tune. A short, straight sword sits at his hip, along with a small shield. Tall and lanky, he wears simple studded leather armour. He smiles at the finery and says in a deep voice, punctuated by the lightly rolled R's of the near East, "Apologies for my lateness, I had other business to attend to. So, you say you wish to fight the Arabs? Count me in then, I have no love of them, despite my appearances. I cannot say I am an especially virtuous man, nor a crusader. I can say I am a good fighter though." He nods his head at the others and grabs a flagon of ale, draining it quickly and saying, "Well Allah be damned, this is some good ale. Better by far than that cheap swill I got at the inns on the way here. The riches of a king can buy quite a bit I suppose."