Goblin Plush

Subject V115.04-B "Barry"'s page

28 posts. Alias of FriendlyNeighborhoodMadScientis.


+5, +2 vs. death, disease, necromancy, poison, fatigued, sickened | Perc: +3, darkvision, Stealth: +5 | Speed: 25 ft | [ooc]Hero Points:


1/3[/ooc] | Unmanifested | Melee: +7/+2/-3 1d8+4 B, +7/+3/+1 1d6+4 | Exploration: Scout | Active Conditions: None


Construct (warrior) Eidolon | HP 20/20 | AC 17 | F: +8 R: +5 W:

About Subject V115.04-B "Barry"

Subject V115.04-B "Barry"
Construct eidolon (warrior construct)
Medium, Astral, Construct, Eidolon
Perception +3; darkvision
Languages Common, Common, Fey, Skald
Skills Arcana +4, Crafting +4, Diplomacy +2, Intimidation +2, Nature +3, Performance +2, Stealth +5, Survival +3
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha -1
AC 17; Fort +8; Ref +5; Will +5; +2 circumstance bonus vs. death effects, disease, necromancy, poison, and effects causing the fatigued or sickened conditions
HP 20; Resistances fire 1
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] fire lash +7 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6+4 F
Melee [1] paws +7 (trip), Damage 1d8+4 B

Subject: V115.04-B "Barry"
Type: CN.023-B.A-OR.115 [Construct, Doll/puppet; Bonded, Arcane; Outer Rifts, Firnadir Forest Corruption (see incident V115)]
Security Class: Agent
Phsyical Description: 2'5", stuffed bear. Does not seem to have an internal skeletal structure or organs; insides largely composed of stuffing. Head is detatched while not manifested (see Connection to V115.04-A). Brown fur, looks cohesive but closer inspection reveals it to be patchwork of various animals, dyed and treated to have similar color/texture. It has been speculated that the animals used in creating V115.04-B's fur are the same ones used in creating V115.04-A's skeletal structure, possibly going partway to explain the connection, but no solid evidence has been found either way. No discernable mouth, buttons for eyes that seem to provide actual sight.
History: See V115.04-A History. No former owner of V115.04-B has been located.
Connection to V115.04-A: See V115.04-A Connection to V115.04-B.
Personality: Not quite as personable as V115.04-A, but still pleasant. While manifested, gets restless if not active, even if V115.04-A is. Does not speak independently, nor seem to require independent sustenance. Accepts any of the following names:
- V115.04
- V115
- Vee
- Barry (for V115.04-B)
- Bear (for V115.04-B)
Currently, they operate as an agent with V115.04-A.