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Setting - Khorani Empire. 600 year old empire that is in the process of collapsing under it's own weight.

The Khorani Empire is divided up into 23 different Satraps. You are in the Garada' Satrap which is mostly made up of several large islands and a western coastal area known by the locals as the Michelvian Kingdom. Less than 400 years ago, the region was ruled by the Michelvian dynasty before becoming consumed into the Khorani Empire under Emporer Sartos VI. While it's been several generations since the conquest the people of the former Michelvian kingdom's independant spirit runs high. Unlike the Khorani most Michelvians come from temparate, heavily forested areas. Towns in the area are connected by old imperial roads that pre-date the Khorani by several centuries. Also unlike most of the Khorani empire, the Garada' Satrap is not the most productive. Towns are further apart and not geared towards creating large surpluses. After several hundered years, the Michelvians are still fairly surly when it comes to giving up their goods to what is essentially a absent if benign Imperial presence. In the last 20 years the Imperial presence has dwindled considerably. Most of the Imperial troops present serve more as a cadre than a real military force. There have been rumors that the Khorani are involved in a civil war back home and that they have little time for maintaining their frontier Satraps. Despite this, the Imperial city of Delos is alive and well. It is a coastal city and is part of the Delosian Trade League. Delos features an Imperial Seat which is currently held by the weak and miserly Satrap Ikaros. Ikaros is an elector though and because of this hereditary title he has political power back home. Delos features a university and an Imperial Military academy and is widely regarded as a respected city with a great, though mixed cultural heritage. Your characters come from Delos and if you are human you are of Michelvian stock (like most of the city).

Here is the set up...

Many years ago five street waifs were adopted by a man named Douven Staul. Douven was a professor for a local university and ostensibly needed help tending his farm while he performed his studies. Life on the farm wasn't easy but it was better than the orphanage. Douven was a thoughtful man but he was forever preoccupied with his work and not always attentive to the needs of five boys. You are one of these grown and on your own pursuing a career amaziingly different from your four "brothers."

When you were twelve Douven met a woman named Katherine. Katherine brought Douven to life...he became enegized and the bond between him and the five boys became truly one of father and sons. You have missed him, Katherine and your brothers greatly. A month ago you received a letter from Katherine asking for your help. Douven was late returning from one of his trips. He had travelled to a town on the fringes of the frontier named Winterhaven. He was looking for the ruins of a dragon's tomb. As of today he has now not been heard from for three months. You promised Katherine that you'd find him and return him to her. You and your four brothers are now nearing Winterhaven. You are travelling the ruined remnants of the king's road wondering how someone could live out here let alone have a whole town out here....


Welcome adventurers - What follows are the adventures and misadventures of five brothers without shared blood but shared heart. The five foster sons of Douven Stahl of Delos had all gone their separate ways when they received a letter from their accepted mother. Douven had not checked in within the last three months while chasing after another of his fantastic finds. This time it was a dragon graveyard on the island of Idiora near the walled town of Winterhaven. This letter brought them together again in the search for their father. Their search was fruitful but it wasn't without peril.