
Stugbu's page

142 posts. Organized Play character for Greenclaw.

Full Name





Paladin (Redeemer) 6 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 21 | T: 11 | FF: 21 | CMD: 22 | Fort: +11 (+12 poison, immune disease) | Ref: +6| Will: +8 | Init: +2 | Perc: -1 | Sense Motive: -1 | Lay on Hands: 5/8 | Smite: 2/2










Common, Orc, Draconic

Homepage URL

Strength 20
Dexterity 11
Constitution 15
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Stugbu

Stugbu was born in violence and has lived in violence most of his life. Born to a poor merchant woman in Katapesh, he was abandoned to the streets as soon as he could fend for himself, taking up with the locals gangs as an enforcer and thug. Forced to grow up hard and fast, he developed quickly into a strapping young lad and before long was recruited into the arena business, forced to fight on a regular basis against fellow gladiators or horrible monsters.

After some time he built up a friendship with the resident cleric of Sarenrae who tended to the wounds of the arena's injured and performed rites for its dead. He began to realise not only his own capacity for good, but also that those considered 'monsters' were not always inherently evil by nature but were sometimes merely misunderstood, or products of circumstance or misfortune.

Becoming more and more devoted to the holy teachings he soon lost heart for the fight and was somewhat reluctantly released from the arena into the custody of the church to be trained as a paladin. He has since devoted his life to redeeming the misunderstood of the world, helping them see the light and turn away from their dark and evil ways, or simply standing up for them and the prejudices that society has built against them.

AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+10 armor, +0 shield, +1 Deflect, +0 Dex)
hp 58 (6d10 + 12 CON +6 FC)
Fort +11 (+12 poison, immune disease), Ref +6, Will +8
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 Cold Iron Falchion +13/+8 (2d4+8/18-20/x2) or Silver Dagger +11/+6 (1d4+4/19-20) or Flail +11/_6 (1d8+5/x20 or Sap +11/+6 (1d6+5/x2)
Ranged Masterwork Composite Longbow (STR 3) +7/+2 (1d8+3/20/x3) 100ft
1 - Bless Weapon, Lesser Restoration
Str 20, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB 11; CMD 22
Power Attack: Take -2 to melee attack rolls for +4 in melee damage bonus (+6 for 2HD or with natural weapons that do 1-1/2 Str mod, +1 for off-hand or secondary natural weapons). Lasts until next turn.
Weapon Focus (falchion): +1 bonus on all attack rolls using weapon.
Extra Lay On Hands: You can use lay on hands ability additional two times/day
Traits Benificient Touch: Once per day, when you cast a spell or use a class ability that heals hit point damage, reroll any 1s that appear on the dice and take the new roll (even if it is another 1), Reactionary: +2 INIT
Skills Acrobatics -6, Appraise -2, Bluff +3, Climb +0, Craft (alchemy, armor,bows,trapmaking ,weapons) -2, Diplomacy +11 (+13 influence monstrous creatures), Disguise +3, Escape Artist -6, Heal -1, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Religion) +2 (+4 daemons, devils, demons), Knowledge (Planes) -2 (+0 daemons, demons, devils), Perception -1, Perform (act) +3, Ride -5, Sense Motive -1, Stealth -5, Survival -1, Swim +0
Languages Common, Orc, Draconic
Combat Gear ; +1 Masterwork Cold Iron Falchion, Silver Dagger (in spring-loaded wrist sheath), Flail, Sap, Masterwork Composite Longbow (STR 3), Arrows, normal (14), Arrows,blunt (20), Arrow,cold iron (20)Other Gear Wand of CLW (41) in spring loaded wrist sheath, Wand of Endure Elements (50), Outfit, adventurer, Outfit Cold Weather, Full Plate +1, Antiplague, Antitoxin, backpack, belt of giant strength (+2), belt pouch, bedroll, chalk (10), cloak of resistance +1, earplugs, flint and steel, cheap holy text, iron pot, mess kit, potion of lesser restoration, potion of levitate, potion of protection from evil (2), ring of protection +1, rope, smelling salts, smoked goggles, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), vermin repellent, waterskin, Wayfinder (Shining), weapon blanch silver (2), wooden holy symbol, spring loaded wrist sheath (2), 936gp 9sp 4cp
Special Abilities
Weapon and armor proficiency Paladins are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor and with shields (except tower shields)
Darkvision You can see in the dark up to 60ft.
Intimidating Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks due to their fearsome nature.
Orc ferocityOnce per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points, but not killed, he can fight on for one more round as if disabled. At the end of its next turn, unless brought above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
Human blood count as human for any effect related to race.
Half-orc blood count as half-orc for any effect related to race.
Aura of courage Immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10' ganis a +4 morale bonus on saving throws vs. fear effects. This ability functions while paladin is conscious.
Aura of good The power of a paladin's aura of good is equal to 6.
Channel Energy Heal living or harm undead 3d6. 30' radius (DC16 for half). Cost 2 lay on hands.
Code of conduct May ally with an evil creature as long as you feel the creature is capable of redemption. May accept henchmen, followers or cohorts who are not lawful good provided they demonstrate they are willing to follow you and seek betterment under your tutelage.
Divine Bond Standard action 1/day. 6 min duration. +1 bonus or axiomatic, brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, flaming burst, holy, keen, merciful and speed.
Divine Grace You gain a +3 bonus to all saving throws.
Divine Health You gain immunity to all diseases, incl. supernatural and magical diseases.
Lay on Hands Heal 3d6 with a touch, or the same as damage undead. Swift action to heal self. Standard action to heal others. Touch attack to harm undead. 8 times per day.
Mercy When lay on hands the target is no longer shaken. Remove Disease.
Smite evil 2 time/day swift action to choose an evil target. Ignore DR, take +3 attack, +6 damage. If outsider, dragon or undead, damage bonus is +12, but only on first successful attack. Gain +3 deflection bonus to AC vs target while smite is in effect (until target dead or paladin rests).
Merciful smite At 1st level, when a redeemer chooses to smite a creature, she can have all of her attacks against the target deal nonlethal damage. She does not take the normal –4 attack roll penalty for using a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage. She cannot use this ability to deal nonlethal damage to outsiders with the evil subtype, evil-aligned dragons, or undead creatures (these creatures take lethal damage from her smite).
Monstrous rapport At 1st level, redeemers gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence creatures who are commonly considered monstrous. This includes but is not limited to “monstrous” races such as goblins and orcs, monstrous humanoids, and other intelligent non-humanoid monsters.
Shining Wayfinder A shining wayfinder is a polished silver compass favored by members of the Shining Crusade. In addition to the usual functions of a wayfinder (including the ability to create light), a shining wayfinder can be used to cast detect evil—when so used, its needle points not to the north but rather to the nearest source of evil within 60 feet. Once per day, a shining wayfinder can be used to cast protection from evil upon the wayfinder's bearer. A shining wayfinder functions only for a creature that is good-aligned. When held by an evil creature, the shining wayfinder's needle spins in a frantic circle. When held by any creature that is both nonevil and nongood, the needle simply hangs limply, not pointing to anything at all (not even to true north).

Beacon of Good The Shining Crusade gives you a shining wayfinder emblazoned with the emblem of a silver dragon. If you lose your shining wayfinder, you can purchase a new one for an additional 2 PP. Members of the Silver Crusade who are caught selling shining wayfinders for their own profit are exiled, and must switch factions.
Resisting the Gossamer King +1 bonus to saves against poisons and diseases.
Heroes of Magnimar While displaying medal received for actions in Ravenmoor receive a +2 bonus to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate checks in Magnimar and in the cities and towns allied with it.
Harvestman's Bane +2 bonus on Intimidate checks against worshippers of Zyphus.
Scholar of the The Gates Ajar +2 Competence bonus on knowledge (planes or religion) checks regarding daemons, demons, and devils.
Former Crusader +3 bonus on saving throws made to resist the spells, spell-like abilities, and special abilities of demons. Additionally, you either become specialised in Knowledge (planes) or [-]learn the Abyssal language for free.[/-]
Back to the Grave Swift action. Gain +1 insight bonus on attack rolls v. undead creatures. Each time successfully hit an undead creature, this bonus increases by 1 (max +3). Lasts for 5 rounds. Once used, cross off sheet.
Light of Redemption Whenever received more than one Will save to overcome enchantment (compulsion) effect, gain +1 bonus on the extra Will save against the effect. You can cross off to reduce Prestige Point cost of atonement spell by 2.
Mendevian Commendation Received medal for service to Fifth Crusade and Mendev. +1 bonus on charisma based skill and ability checks to influence crusaders of Mendev (max +3).
Smine's Best Apply to any one weapon made primarily out of metal when you purchase it. Alternatively, spend 2 PP to apply to pre-existing weapon. When wielding weapon, you gain +1 on performance combat checks as well as +1 on Intimidate checks against creatures proficient with that weapon. In addition, increase weapon's hp by 5.
Gift of the Ghaele Use one of following as spell-like ability once, using character level as caster level. After using boon, cross of chronicle sheet. Continual Flame, Dispel Magic, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Restoration
Djinni's Admiration You have won the admiration of the captive djinni Jairo. He may be able to repay your kindness in the future.
Force of Good As free action when casting a spell with the good descriptor that deals damage, you can cross off this boon to increase the spell's caster level by 2; however, half of the damage dealt to creatures other than undead and outsiders with the evil subtype is nonlethal damage. Alternatively, may cross off CS to grant a weapon you wield the holy weapon enhancement for 3 rnds, but half of all the weapon's damage dealt to creatures other undead and evil outsiders for 3 rnds is nonlethal damage.
Gnoll tactics So long as you possess this boon, all your PFS characters have accessto the following feats and archetypes from Monster Codex: Coordinated Reposition, Disarm Partner, Improved Disarm Partner, Snapping Flank, the pack rager barbarian archetype, and the flindbar.
Frozen Fortitude: Even the coldest wilderness could not fell you. Now you are prepared to endure freezing attacks or even draw strength from the snow. As a swift action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to gain cold resistance equal to 5 + your character level for 1 minute. You can activate this boon as an immediate action, but doing so grants you only cold resistance equal to your character level. Alternatively, if you have cold resistance as a result of a racial trait or class feature, you can check this box as a swift action to regain a number of hit points equal to your cold resistance; if you are immune to cold, you regain 30 hit points.
Martyr’s Shard 2: If you are a paladin or lawful good character capable of casting divine spells, as a free action you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant one weapon you wield a +1 enhancement bonus that stacks with the weapon’s existing enhancement bonus, if any (but not with similar additional enhancements, such as that granted by a paladin’s divine bond ability), and grant it the ability to overcome damage reduction and regeneration as per a cold iron, good-aligned weapon for 1 minute. Furthermore, you can check the box that precedes this boon to instead cast dispel magic as a spell-like ability using your character level as the spell’s caster level.
Otherwise, as a free action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant one weapon you wield a +1 enhancement bonus (which does not stack with other enhancement bonuses) and the ability to overcome damage reduction and regeneration as per a cold iron, good-aligned weapon for 1 minute.
Future Martyr’s Shard boons may unlock additional benefits.
Triumph Over Scales: [-]You can spend 2 Prestige Points to learn Draconic as a bonus language.[/-] In addition, you can check the box that precedes this boon when you threaten a critical hit against a dragon or humanoid with the reptilian subtype to gain a +10 insight bonus on the attack roll to confirm the critical hit. Alternatively, you can check the box when a dragon or humanoid with the reptilian subtype would confirm a critical hit against you in order to gain the benefits of the heavy fortification armor special ability against that attack.
Available for purchase:
Lesser Pugwampi Braid (300gp) Immediate action, unravel the braid (which destroys it) to force a target within 5' to roll twice and take a d20 roll. This is mind-affecting effect that does not work on humanoids with gnoll subtype, animals or gremlins. A creature under the effect of a luck bonus is immune to this effect.
Avenging dagger (120,604 gp); functions as a holy avenger but is a dagger rather than a longsword) as though her effective Fame score were 10 higher. If this character has earned two, three, or all four Martyr’s Shard boons, reduce the cost of an avenging dagger to 110,604 gp, 100,604 gp, or 90,604 gp respectively. If you purchase an avenging dagger and later gain additional Martyr’s Shard boons that would reduce the price further, you gain additional gp equal to the difference between the two costs (as though you had purchased the dagger at the lower cost).