Stratton Liberty's page

13 posts. Organized Play character for Reckless.


Grand Lodge

Stratton nods at Zaidel's comment. "I can see why, if Angelica is anywhere near as nice as Mia. What should I be doing now? is there someone I should be talking to about wishes, or some thing I should do to claim my classes or whatnot? I really don't have a clue as to how this is supposed to work."

Grand Lodge

After some contemplation, Stratton decides "I believe, given the option of Gestalt and especially if Path of War is available, I should go for the Bushi Warder/Hidden Blade Unchained Rogue that's a pretty cool combo. Should give lots of options in and out of the questing."

Grand Lodge

Stratton nods. "I see. Well, I guess I should ponder the class choice a bit then, and by the way, thank you for being so welcoming. Glad to see some tropes never die. Meet in a bar, become instant friends, go adventuring together. Seems like it was meant to be."

Grand Lodge

"Ha, fair enough. Of course I'll pick something as I choose, but part of that choice, at least for me, is knowing what's needed." he sips the drink. "I like to feel useful, and if I'm joining a team, finding my place within that team is part of the journey for me. Aeria Gloris- is that the name given to Cayden's Familia, or just your particular branch?"

Grand Lodge

Stratton allows Jock to sniff his hand before petting him and scratching him behind the ears.

"Never been much of a drinker, but then I haven't lived in a world where magic can cure hangovers." Stratton smiles at Mia. "The rest of that sounds fantastic, too. I mean, if you're going to live in a whole new world, why not live a whole new life and help people as best you can along the way, right?"

When Zaidel offers him a drink, he turns towards him, saying "Pretty sure it's terrible luck to refuse a drink from a Cleric of Cayden, double so when in his presence. Sure thing, mix me up something fruity and fun, my good man."

Circling back to Mia "Choose my, class, or classes, you say? So is this like a Gestalt situation then, or multiclassing or something of a mix. I heard a lot of clerics and paladins there in your group description. Need a trap-finder/frontliner? Or would you prefer something a bit more arcane in the mix? I'd have to give it serious thought either way." he gives an awkward smile, not 100% sure he's making sense.

Grand Lodge

"Wish. Hmn. Yes, let's definitely circle back to that. What is it your group does?" Stratton tries his best to keep his voice steady and calm while wrapping his head around the though of being in Cayden's bar.

Wife is calling to be, will pick up in the morning. Thank you for the warm welcome and please post some stuff I can respond to in the morning :)

Grand Lodge

Cool, maybe like Tenpenny after all.

Stratton catches the pouch as best he can.

"That's great news, Mia. I was hoping to hear something exactly like that. Are these magical coins to buy powers with, or just regular coin to buy the magic of food, drink, and shelter?"

Grand Lodge

"Thank you." he looks at the mirror, seeing a familiar face with a slight tinge of disappointment. "Cayden.... Oh, I'm Stratton, Stratton Liberty. I guess I'm one of the New Faces, despite wearing this same old one. Quests eh? So like some kind of unlimited level dungeon? Could you help me get the lay of the land, Mia? I'm really not sure what's going on here, but I'm pretty sure I better get my head wrapped around it before doing anything dangerous, other than drinking whatever that was."

Sorry for deleting the telepath post, I think we were cross-editing.

Grand Lodge

"Maybe I do, I just woke up. Haven't tested anything yet. Hope you don't mind me asking, when and where are we?"

He stands up, looking for a mirror or reflective surface to check for physical changes.

Body feels the same, but a bit woozy still. Hopefully there's a chance to fix that. Maybe this will do, like the fruit on Shah or the drink at Tenpenny.

"Thanks." he swigs down the drink.

Grand Lodge

Stratton wakes up in an unfamiliar place. He looks around, seeing a Satyr and a Dragon. He pinches himself. Not dreaming.

He smiles "When do I get my super powers?" he asks, recalling his catchphrase from a game of Jumpers at a certain Gen Con.

Grand Lodge *


Grand Lodge

This is a recruitment thread for Lords of Gossamer and Shadow Diceless RPG

A free preview of the game's setting is available HERE

The Shadow War

You've only recently been exposed to your true potential as a Lord or Lady of Gossamer, the truth behind the worlds you were born into revealed and the true potential of the Eidolon or the Umbra glimpsed at as you peaked behind the curtains of reality.

Your exposure came from an unusual Patron. This man, Reevard (that's him fighting some undead on the upper right picture in the Gallery), spoke of ancient Great Lords and Ladies, often mockingly referring to them as The Grand Terrace Council. Even with his ironic sense of detachment to their affairs, he spoke with a sense of reverence when describing how these Lords and Ladies defeated the Dwimmerlaik and drove them to the Shadows Between Worlds.

Reevard wasn't the greatest Patron, certainly not all you could have wished for. Between his sarcasm and his wandering ways, you might not have been taught all you could have been. Stuff that might have come in real handy, now, for instance, when a strange calling has transported you all to a dark and desolate corner of the Grand Stair overlooking a tear in the Stair's Reality, a breach, an imposition of Shadow upon the Grand Stair, a gaping hole of pure Nothingness and Unreality.

You might feel the need to question Reevard's method of teaching. Unfortunatly, it appears at least half of him was swallowed by that Great Nothingness. The other half still clings to an odd device, a metallic thing that holds Icons of each of you. Perhaps this device is what your former mentor used to call you all here.


The campaign will be run using the Lords of Gossamer and Shadow Diceless Ruleset by Jason Durall and published by Rite Publishing.

PCs will be built with 110 points.

We will not have an Attribute Auction; rather you will PM me your Character Sheets, and post a Background, description, and personality summary here. The option on Page 10/11 of the Preview will be used for the Attribute Ladder. I highly recommend keeping your character sheets secret.

You may earn an extra 10 points by maintaining a Campaign Journal Thread of the game from your character's point of view. Embellishment with flashbacks, etc. is strongly encouraged for this. I expect one post a week minimum in this type of Journal.

If you are of an artistic bend, I would also consider original artwork related to the campaign as a contribution. This would also be expected at a 1-a-week rate. (10 points)

Lastly, the Fiction or Poetry contribution will also be allowed. (10 points.)

Players may only commit to one campaign contribution to start with. When we get to the point of Advancements, you may choose to spend 10 points of your Advancement to discontinue a contribution. You may earn an extra 10 points on your Advancement by picking up a (first or second)contribution (this means someone who has consistently contributed a Journal, for example, could pick up an extra 10 points by also doing a Fiction Contribution, or someone with no contribution could pick on up.)

If a player falls behind on a committed contribution, his or her PC will gain 1 point of Bad Stuff each week, to a maximum of 10 points of Bad Stuff. These will decrease at the same rate. So, if, for example, you commit to a Journal and miss three of writing the journal, you would have 3 points of Bad Stuff and it would take 3 weeks of faithfully writing the Journal to get back into balance(each week decreasing the amount of your Bad Stuff by 1.)

So who's ready to fight the Shadow War?

Recruitment will close Saturday Sept 17th

Grand Lodge


Map Notes:

DT= Difficult Terrain

Ceiling is 30' high from lowest point, 10' high from cliffsides.

Area marked with white in front of howling caves from 10' high to ceiling is whirling gale force winds. Treat as Tornado winds. Area in 10' under funnel treated as windstorm winds.

Anywhere within 30' of Howling Caves DC 40 Fort Save each round or be Deafened for 1 minute.
35-60' DC is 30 and duration 1/2 minute.
Blindsense range diminished by half within 60' of howling cave due to noise.
DC of sound-based perception checks within 60' of howling cave is +30.

Winds Rules:

The wind can create a stinging spray of sand or dust, fan a large fire, keel over a small boat, and blow gases or vapors away. If powerful enough, it can even knock characters down (see Table: Wind Effects), interfere with ranged attacks, or impose penalties on some skill checks.

Table: Wind Effects

Wind Force

Wind Speed

Ranged Attacks Normal/Siege Weapons1

Checked Size2

Blown Away Size

Fly Penalty

Light 0–10 mph —/— — — —
Moderate 11–20 mph —/— — — —
Strong 21–30 mph –2/— Tiny — –2
Severe 31–50 mph –4/— Small Tiny –4
Windstorm 51–74 mph Impossible/–4 Medium Small –8
Hurricane 75–174 mph Impossible/–8 Large Medium –12
Tornado 175–300 mph Impossible/impossible Huge Large –16

1 The siege weapon category includes ballista and catapult attacks as well as boulders tossed by giants.
2 Checked Size: Creatures of this size or smaller are unable to move forward against the force of the wind unless they succeed on a DC 10 Strength check (if on the ground) or a DC 20 Fly skill check if airborne.
3 Blown Away Size: Creatures on the ground are knocked prone and rolled 1d4 × 10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet, unless they make a DC 15 Strength check. Flying creatures are blown back 2d6 × 10 feet and take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and buffeting, unless they succeed on a DC 25 Fly skill check.

Light Wind: A gentle breeze, having little or no game effect.

Moderate Wind: A steady wind with a 50% chance of extinguishing small, unprotected flames, such as candles.

Strong Wind: Gusts that automatically extinguish unprotected flames (candles, torches, and the like). Such gusts impose a –2 penalty on ranged attack rolls and on Perception checks.

Severe Wind: In addition to automatically extinguishing any unprotected flames, winds of this magnitude cause protected flames (such as those of lanterns) to dance wildly and have a 50% chance of extinguishing these lights. Ranged weapon attacks and Perception checks are at a –4 penalty. This is the velocity of wind produced by a gust of wind spell.

Windstorm: Powerful enough to bring down branches if not whole trees, windstorms automatically extinguish unprotected flames and have a 75% chance of blowing out protected flames, such as those of lanterns. Ranged weapon attacks are impossible, and even siege weapons have a –4 penalty on attack rolls. Perception checks that rely on sound are at a –8 penalty due to the howling of the wind.

Hurricane-Force Wind: All flames are extinguished. Ranged attacks are impossible (except with siege weapons, which have a –8 penalty on attack rolls). Perception checks based on sound are impossible: all characters can hear is the roaring of the wind. Hurricane-force winds often fell trees.

Tornado (CR 10): All flames are extinguished. All ranged attacks are impossible (even with siege weapons), as are sound-based Perception checks. Instead of being blown away (see Table: Wind Effects), characters in close proximity to a tornado who fail their Fortitude saves are sucked toward the tornado. Those who come in contact with the actual funnel cloud are picked up and whirled around for 1d10 rounds, taking 6d6 points of damage per round, before being violently expelled (falling damage might apply). While a tornado's rotational speed can be as great as 300 mph, the funnel itself moves forward at an average of 30 mph (roughly 250 feet per round). A tornado uproots trees, destroys buildings, and causes similar forms of major destruction.