
Strangler McGee's page

69 posts. Alias of hogarth.

Full Name

Strangler McGee




Druid 9










Common, Druidic

Strength 20
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 14
Charisma 7

About Strangler McGee

Strangler McGee
male human druid 9

Alignment: neutral good
Age: 31 (adult)

STR..20 ( 10 pts, +2 racial, +2 level)
DEX..15 ( 3 pts, +2 enh)
CON..14 ( 5 pts)
INT..11 ( 1 pts)
WIS..16 ( 5 pts, +2 enh)
CHA...7 (-4 pts)

Hit Points: 71 [8 + 7*4.5 + 1*5.5 + 18 con + 8 favored class]
AC 23 [+1 dex, +9 armor, +1 deflection, +2 shield], Touch 12, Flat 22
Initiative: +2
BAB: +6
CMB: +11/+13
Speed: 20 ft (30 ft unarmored)
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +10

unarmed strike (1d3+1d6+10 nonlethal, x2), +12/+6 [+6 bab, +5 str, +1 gmf]
longbow (1d8+5, x3), +9/+4 [+6 bab, +2 dex, +1 mwk]

Medium earth elemental form
-->Str 24, Dex 15, Con 14, AC 26, atk punch +14/punch +9/slam +9 (1d3+1d6+12/1d3+1d6+12/1d8+1d6+3 nonlethal)
Giant octopus form
-->Str 24, Dex 13, Con 14, AC 24, atk 8 tentacles +13 (1d4+1d6+8 nonlethal)
T. rex form
-->Str 26, Dex 11, Con 14, AC 24, atk kick +13/kick +8/bite +8 (1d6+1d6+13/1d3+1d6+13/3d6+1d6+4)

Armor: wild dragonhide full plate +1 (19150 gp)

Improved Unarmed Strike [1st]
Improved Grapple [human]
WP: Longbow [human]
Heavy Armor Proficiency [3rd]
Natural Spell [5th]
Craft Wondrous Item [7th]
Greater Grapple [9th]

Racial and Class Abilities:
Plant domain
--> +4 damage on unarmed attacks
--> Bramble armor, 9 rounds/day
Wild shape 3/day (beast shape III, elemental body II, plant shape I)
Immunity to poison
Trackless step
+4 vs. faerie crap
Wild empathy (+7)

Spells Readied
Level 0 x4 [DC 13] Light, Guidance, Detect Magic, Stabilize
Level 1 x5 [DC 14] Speak with Animals, Longstrider, Faerie Fire, Cure Light Wounds, Obscuring Mist, EntangleD (x4)
Level 2 x5 [DC 15] Cat's Grace, Flaming Sphere, Soften Earth & Stone, Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, BarkskinD
Level 3 x4 [DC 16] Greater Magic Fang (x2), Protection from Energy, Sleet Storm
Level 4 x2 [DC 17] Flame Strike, Air Walk
Level 5 x1 [DC 18] Animal Growth

Skills (45 druid)
Armor Check Penalty: -7
Acrobatics -4 [1 rank, +2 dex, -7 acp]
Fly -1 [1 rank, +3 class, +2 dex, -7 acp]
Heal +15 [9 ranks, +3 class, +3 wis]
Knowledge (nature) +12 [7 ranks, +3 class, +2 druid]
Spellcraft +12 [9 ranks, +3 class]
Perception +20 [9 ranks, +3 class, +3 wis, +5 item]
Survival +17 [9 ranks, +3 class, +3 wis, +2 druid]

Items [46,000 gp total]: wild dragonhide full plate +1 [19150 gp], ring of protection +1 [2000 gp], belt of dex +2 [4000 gp], headband of wis +2 [4000 gp], merciful amulet of mighty fists +0 [5000 gp], evil outsider bane amulet of mighty fists +0 [5000 gp], eyes of the eagle [2500 gp], large wooden shield [7 gp], wand of CLW [750 gp], cloak of resistance +1 [1000 gp], masterwork mighty (+5) composite longbow [900 gp], lots of cold iron arrows, lots of silver arrows [100 gp worth of various non-magical arrows], 3 healers' kits [150 gp], 2 potions of invisibility [600 gp], 1 potion of silence [300 gp], two potions of protection from evil [100 gp]

Strangler McGee
male human druid 15
Alignment: neutral good
Age: 31 (adult)

STR..22 ( 10 pts, +2 racial, +2 level, +2 enh [alter self])
DEX..17 ( 3 pts, +4 enh)
CON..16 ( 5 pts, +2 enh)
INT..11 ( 1 pts)
WIS..19 ( 5 pts, +4 enh, +1 level)
CHA...7 (-4 pts)

Hit Points: 131 [8 + 14*4.5 + 45 con + 15 favored class]
AC 31 [+1 dex, +12 armor, +1 deflection, +1 insight, +6 shield], Touch 13, Flat 30
Initiative: +3
BAB: +11
CMB: +16/+18
Speed: 20 ft (30 ft unarmored) ==> +10 ft with Longstrider
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +17

unarmed strike (1d3+1d6+7+6+4 nonlethal, x2), +21/+16/+11 [+11 bab, +6 str, +4 gmf]
longbow (1d8+5, x3), +14/+9/+4 [+11 bab, +2 dex, +1 mwk]

Huge earth elemental form
-->Str 28, Dex 15, Con 16, AC 35, atk punch +22/punch +17/slam +17/slam +17 (1d6+7+9+4/1d6+7+9+4/2d10+4+4/2d10+4+4), CMB +22/+24 ==> +2, +2d6 vs. evil
Huge air elemental form
-->Str 24, Dex 23, Con 16, AC 33, atk punch +20/punch +15/slam +15/slam +15 (1d6+7+7+4/1d6+7+7+4/2d8+3+4/2d8+3+4), CMB +20/+22 ==> +2, +2d6 vs. evil

Armor: wild dragonhide full plate +1 (19150 gp)

Improved Unarmed Strike [1st]
Improved Grapple [human]
WP: Longbow [human]
Heavy Armor Proficiency [3rd]
Natural Spell [5th]
Craft Wondrous Item [7th]
Greater Grapple [9th]
Quicken Spell [11th]
Spell Focus (Conjuration) [13th]
Augment Summoning [15th]

Racial and Class Abilities:
Plant domain
--> +7 damage on unarmed attacks
--> Bramble armor, 15 rounds/day
Wild shape 6/day (beast shape III, elemental body IV, plant shape III)
Immunity to poison
Trackless step
+4 vs. faerie crap
Wild empathy (+13)
Thousand faces
Timeless body

Spells Readied
Level 0 x4 [DC 14] Light, Guidance, Detect Magic, Stabilize
Level 1 x5 [DC 15] Speak with Animals, Longstrider, Faerie Fire, Pass without Trace, Obscuring Mist, EntangleD (x7)
Level 2 x5 [DC 16] Cat's Grace, Resist Energy (x2), Align Fang (x2), BarkskinD
Level 3 x5 [DC 17] Greater Magic Fang (x2), Stone Shape, Sleet Storm, 1 used to recharge staff
Level 4 x5 [DC 18] Flame Strike, Air Walk, Freedom of Movement, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic
Level 5 x4 [DC 19] Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, Death Ward (x2), Wall of ThornsD
Level 6 x3 [DC 20] Antilife Shell, Quickened Barkskin, Quickened Gust of Wind
Level 7 x2 [DC 21] Heal (x2)
Level 8 x1 [DC 22] Reverse Gravity

Skills (75 druid)
Armor Check Penalty: -7
Acrobatics -3 [1 rank, +3 dex, -7 acp]
Fly +0 [1 rank, +3 class, +3 dex, -7 acp]
Heal +22 [15 ranks, +3 class, +4 wis]
Knowledge (nature) +14 [9 ranks, +3 class, +2 druid]
Spellcraft +18 [15 ranks, +3 class]
Perception +27 [15 ranks, +3 class, +4 wis, +5 item]
Survival +24 [15 ranks, +3 class, +4 wis, +2 druid]
Linguistics +4 (aquan, auran, terran, ignan) [4 ranks]

Items [46,000 gp total]: wild dragonhide full plate +1 [19150 gp], ring of protection +1 [2000 gp], belt of dex +2 [4000 gp], headband of wis +2 [4000 gp], merciful amulet of mighty fists +0 [5000 gp], evil outsider bane amulet of mighty fists +0 [5000 gp], eyes of the eagle [2500 gp], large wooden shield [7 gp], wand of CLW [750 gp], cloak of resistance +1 [1000 gp], masterwork mighty (+5) composite longbow [900 gp], lots of cold iron arrows, lots of silver arrows [100 gp worth of various non-magical arrows], 3 healers' kits [150 gp], 2 potions of invisibility [600 gp], 1 potion of silence [300 gp], two potions of protection from evil [100 gp]

Other Items [194,000 gp total]: improve belt to dex +4 [12,000 gp], improve headband to wis +4 [12,000 gp], wild large wooden shield +1 [16,157 gp], improve cloak of resistance to +4 [15,000 gp], holy amulet of mighty fists +0 (worn) [20,000 gp], strand of prayer beads (missing bead of smiting) [29,000 gp], dusty rose ioun stone [5,000 gp], metamagic rod of extend [3,000 gp], ioun stone of con +2 [8,000 gp]

intelligent Staff of Holy Armor (CL 16)
-Magic Vestment [1 charge]
-Protection from Energy [1 charge]
AL NG, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10, speech, 120' senses, blindsense, can cast Detect Magic at will, ego 8
[72,200 gp]

Strangler McGee
male human druid 20
Alignment: neutral good
Age: 31 (adult)
STR..16 ( 5 pts, +2 enh [alter self])
DEX..17 ( 3 pts, +4 enh)
CON..20 ( 5 pts, +2 enh, +4 tome)
INT..13 ( 1 pts, +2 enh)
WIS..34 ( 10 pts, +2 racial, +5 level, +6 enh, +5 tome)
CHA...7 (-4 pts)

Hit Points: 213 [8 + 19*4.5 + 100 con + 20 favored class]
AC 40 [+1 dex, +12 armor, +5 deflection, +1 insight, +6 shield, +5 natural armor], Touch 17, Flat 39
Initiative: +3
BAB: +15
CMB: +18
Speed: 20 ft (30 ft unarmored) ==> +10 ft with Longstrider
Fort +24 [12 druid, +5 con, +5 cloak, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]
Ref +16 [6 druid, +3 dex, +5 cloak, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]
Will +31 [12 druid, +12 wis, +5 cloak, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]

Huge earth elemental form
-->Str 22, Dex 15, Con 22, AC 40, HP 233, push, earth glide, DR 5/--, immune to crits
-->Str 20, Dex 15, Con 20, AC 41, roar, pounce, attack: claw/claw/rake/rake +19

Armor: wild dragonhide full plate +1 (19150 gp)

Heavy Armor Proficiency [1st]
Spell Focus (Transformation) [human]
WP: Longbow [human]
Craft Wondrous Item [3rd]
Natural Spell [5th]
Spell Focus (Conjuration) [7th]
Greater Spell Focus (Transformation) [9th]
Quicken Spell [11th]
Greater Spell Focus (Conjuration) [13th]
Augment Summoning [15th]
Spell Penetration [17th]
Greater Spell Penetration [19th]

Racial and Class Abilities:
Animal domain
--> Summon animal (SNA V)
--> Animal shape, 20 rounds/day
Wild shape at will (beast shape III, elemental body IV, plant shape III)
Immunity to poison
Trackless step
+4 vs. faerie crap
Wild empathy (+13)
Thousand faces
Timeless body

Spells Readied (Caster level 21)
Level 0 x4 [DC 22] Light, Guidance, Detect Magic, Stabilize
Level 1 x7 [DC 23] Entangle (x2), Longstrider, Faerie Fire (x2), Pass without Trace, Obscuring Mist, Speak with AnimalD (x10)
Level 2 x7 [DC 24] Cat's Grace, Resist Energy, Gust of Wind , Align Fang (x2), Barkskin (x2), Hold AnimalD
Level 3 x7 [DC 25] Greater Magic Fang, Stone Shape, Sleet Storm (x2), 1 used to recharge staff, Neutralize Poison, Daylight
Level 4 x7 [DC 26] Flame Strike (x2), Air Walk (x2), Freedom of Movement, Spike Stones, Giant Vermin
Level 5 x6 [DC 27] Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns (x2), Death Ward (x2), Control Winds, Commune With NatureD
Level 6 x6 [DC 28] Quickened Barkskin, Mass Owl's Wisdom, Find the Path, Stone Tell, Greater Dispel Magic (x2), Antilife ShellD (x3)
Level 7 x6 [DC 29] Heal (x2), Quickened Sleet Storm, True Seeing, Fire Storm, Wind Walk
Level 8 x6 [DC 30] Reverse Gravity, Sunburst, Quickened Flame Strike, Finger of Death, Quickened Giant Vermin, Whirlwind
Level 9 x5 [DC 31] Foresight, Shapechange, Quickened Wall of Thorns, Quickened Baleful Polymorph (x2), ShapechangeD

Skills (100 druid)
Armor Check Penalty: -7
Acrobatics -1 [1 rank, +3 dex, -7 acp, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]
Fly +21 [20 ranks (ioun stone -- 1 rank spent), +3 class, +3 dex, -7 acp, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]
Heal +37 [20 ranks, +3 class, +12 wis, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]
Knowledge (nature) +16 [9 ranks, +3 class, +2 druid, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]
Spellcraft +25 [20 ranks, +3 class, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]
Perception +41 [20 ranks, +3 class, +12 wis, +5 item, +1 luckstone]
Survival +39 [20 ranks, +3 class, +12 wis, +2 druid, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]
Linguistics +7 (aquan, auran, terran, ignan, sylvan) [4 ranks, +1 int, +1 ioun stone, +1 luckstone]

Items [880,000 gp total]: wild dragonhide full plate of etherealness +1 [68150 gp], ring of protection +5 [50000 gp], belt of dex +4 [16000 gp], headband of wis +6 [36000 gp], evil outsider bane amulet of mighty fists +0 [5000 gp], eyes of the eagle [2500 gp], wand of CLW [750 gp], cloak of resistance +5 [25000 gp], masterwork mighty (+3) composite longbow [700 gp], lots of cold iron arrows, lots of silver arrows [100 gp worth of various non-magical arrows], 3 healers' kits [150 gp], 2 potions of invisibility [600 gp], 1 potion of silence [300 gp], two potions of protection from evil [100 gp], wild heavy fortification large wooden shield +1 [81,157 gp], strand of prayer beads (missing bead of smiting) [29,000 gp], dusty rose ioun stone [5,000 gp], metamagic rod of extend [3,000 gp], ioun stone of con +2 [8,000 gp], ioun stone of int +2 [8,000 gp], tome of understanding +5 [137,500 gp], 2 pearl of power III [18,000 gp], ring of freedom of movement [40,000 gp], pale green ioun stone [30,000 gp], orange ioun stone [30,000 gp], boots of teleportation [49,000 gp], tome of con +4 [110,000 gp], portable hole [20,000 gp], handy haversack [2000 gp], stone of good luck [20,000 gp], focus for shapechange, material components for true seeing, various scorpions + centipedes + spiders in small jars for giant vermin

intelligent Staff of Holy Armor (CL 16)
-Magic Vestment [1 charge]
-Protection from Energy [1 charge]
AL NG, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10, speech, 120' senses, blindsense, can cast Detect Magic at will, ego 8
[72,200 gp]