
Stormlord506's page

24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Asethskyr wrote:
It seems that Tengu ancestry feats were not included in the flight rebalancing? Is that intentional?

I'm pretty sure Tengu are normally flightless, in-lore.

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OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
Ashram Tyrilit wrote:
Frankly, my one hope is that Gorum goes out, y'know, FIGHTING, rather than just getting cosmically-ganked by Achaekek. I'm definitely sad that the "fight for the fight god" is gone, but looking back was there ever really a lot done with him?
Apparently you don't know what you've got...till it's gone. I'm looking forward to playing adherents of Gorum who just won't stop fighting for the fight god. Cause nothing says fervour like fighting for something you've already lost...

Great, now you've got me wanting to play a gorumite bloodrager.

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ornathopter wrote:
So there'd be a First World destiny, or an elemental planes one, or Bindyard? Sounds fun!

There's nine of them, so my guess is one for each outer plane, or for each square on the old alignment chart.

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Sanityfaerie wrote:
The Thing From Another World wrote:

I’m hoping both Torag and Gorum survive as they are not by far though one of my two favored gods.

Okay. Help me out. Why do you like Gorum? What is there to like about him?

What's not to like about a (formerly CN) god of honorable combat? He doesn't care about what you fight for or what principles or ideals you hold. As long as you practice honorable combat Gorum will give you the strength to fight any battle.

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Not sure about the rest of you, but I've always known Torag as the dwarven god. With his heavy focus on creation, duty, honor, etc., he does hit most of the traditional RPG dwarven tropes (except hatred for elves, haven't really seen that here), and that's what a lot of people like in an RPG diety. I think Pathfinder 2nd Edition would lose a lot of character potential if there wasn't decent dwarf representation in the core 20.

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The Raven Black wrote:
Stormlord506 wrote:


She's basically the default ideal good-aligned goddess, she doesn't really have anything unique, she isn't (from my understanding, don't @me) extremely integral to the setting, and any followers she has probably could jump ship to Sarenrae or another god with a similar disposition...

Iomedae is the Paladin goddess.

Cayden Cailean is much more generic IMO as he is basically the adventurer made god.

Nah, none of the other core 20 are anything like him in terms of personally. Cayden Cailean is the fun uncle of the core 20 and I wouldn't have it any other way. No way in hell Paizo would try to pull something off on him

(please mr john paizo i beg)

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Pronate11 wrote:
I feel like primal for the rhythm connection is really really weird. Almost none of the sound, music, or dance related spells are on the primal list, while I think all of them are on the occult list. The occult list can heal, so why can't we have occult mystics? The occult list is all about connections between people, just like the mystic, and has so much potential for things like entropy or aberrations. Primal works for some connections no doubt, but rhythm? Is rhythm supposed to be throwing out fireballs and turning into a bear, but not making people clap or dance? If you don't want the mystic to be an occult caster for whatever reason, at least make it divine. Music and rhythm seemed to be connected to the spiritual essence, and while that best fits the occult tradition, it does fit the divine tradition as well, and the divine tradition has way more thematic spells then the divine, although still not as many as occult.

I feel this too. I like the idea of choosing between divine and primal spellcasting depending on your choice of connection, but rhythm just doesn't fit with my idea of primal. And if they're doing variable spell traditions for Mystic, why not include Occult as an option? I get that the designers want to differentiate the Starfinder spellcasters by giving them different spell traditions, but I don't think this is the best way to do it.

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11/10, give us the evil ghost clowns.

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Is there a new version of this? Several nations on this map don't exist anymore, so I think it's been long enough to warrant a new version.