![]() About 'Stinky' Pete Darknugget[ Tracking Info | Party (Inventory, Matrix) | Name: Petrel Darknugget
Str 12 ( ), Dex 16 ( ), Con 17 ( ), Int 14 ( ), Wis 14 ( ), Cha 7 ( ) Looks:
46 years old, 4' tall, 162 lb's. This sinewy dwarf has a thick, greasy, black beard, mop of unkempt hair and potent body odor. It is hard to see if his skin is swarthy by nature or just from soot and grime. He has a big nose and big dark eyes. His voice rolls like gravel and his laugh that like gurgling slag. He wears tough overalls with oily, studded armor. His state-of-the-art dwarven boots have surprisingly quiet leather treads. He carries a tough miner's pick over one shoulder and tools on his belt. He has a sling bag over the other shoulder stuffed with gear. Senses dark vision 60-ft, Perception +8
Melee heavy pick +3 (1d6+2, ×4)
Dwarf Racial Traits:
Equipped/Worn: 25 lbs:
Magic Item Slots:
Non-Slotted Items:
Baldric/ Carried: 12 lbs:
Baldric: (1 lbs)
Belt Pouch (#1): 5 lbs:
Belt Pouch: (0.5 lbs empty)
SlingPack/Droppable: 51 lbs:
Masterwork Backpack: (4 lbs empty)
Small Chest: (25 lbs empty)
Petrel spent his youth living in the mining community of Tinshield in the Brazen Peaks near Katapesh. He comes from a family of miners and spent his childhood panning and collecting rocks and minerals in the mountain streams. He loves to polish stones and fashion artifacts with rare and interesting minerals.. Upon entering adulthood his was recruited as a Sapper in the local militia. He heard tales from veteran gold grubbers about huge and unusual deposits of skymetal to be found in a far off land called Arcadia, just waiting to be extracted. It would be a massive undertaking to go there ...but the potential rewards and glory stoked his imagination. Pete did plenty of research in the bazaars of Katapesh in an effort to start his out exploration business. Unfortunately nobody in Katapesh took Pete seriously...and so he wasted much of his own fortune financing this enterprise, spending the last of his remaining stock of gems and stones. Now his Katapeshi backer has pulled out of the running, leaving Pete in a lurch.
Now, after spending his fortune and even his rock horde equipping himself and buying his share on an expedition from Cassomir - everything unraveled for the enterprising Peety. Investors pulled out. Provisoners scuttled with the money. His backer locked up his gear as collateral Furthermore, that sycophantic pissant Dingle Diamond blade has taken over management of the local Precious Metals division at the bank and he is a long time rival. As they say in the business, the tailings heap on the top as the fine grains flush to the bed. Now all Pete has left of his inheritance is a meager kit, a few coppers and a worthless donkey. Down and out...Stinky Pete has hit the skids... "Donkey Piss! And they call it ale in this town. And they have the gall to water the brew down with tanning dregs in this pisshole. What a filthy den of beggars! That runt of a bawd said it was the finest hotel in the quarter. Damned idiot!." The surly miner grumbles and swears into his filthy tankard when through the gloom of the dingy tavern a stout figure approaches. It is a dwarf and a very affluent and successful dwarf to boot. He is dressed in the finest, and his beard is trimmed to perfection. By the expression on his chiseled face he doesn't think much of the establishment either, but Pete's sharp eyes can see the dwarf's hard hands and the mithril ring. He can tell right away that this dwarf is a high roller and a prospector. Despite appearances this fellow is no stranger to the grit and grime of this place.
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