Steven Hume's page

Organized Play Member. 210 posts (763 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Sovereign Court

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Male Perc +8, Acrobat +8, Bluff +1, Disable Device +10, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +10, Spellcraft +7, Craft(Alchemy) +12, Know(Arcana +7),Know (Dungeoneening,Engineering, Planes, Nature, Nobles, Local) +7, Know(Reg) +7 Linguistics +7 Swim +6 Climb +5 Male C-G Tiefling Investigator/monk, Level 2/1, Init +3, HP 18/18, Speed 30 AC 18, T 16, FF 14, +1 AC vs single foe CMD 20, F +2, R +8, W +7, CMB +4, BAB 1

Well i could play my new Monk who will turn Inquisitor Ruin instead of Sark if you have another trap finder.

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James Risner wrote:

Second, you are the DM. Rule Zero is in effect, you could take the stance "well regardless of how it really works, at my table it works this way" and the player will either respect that or not. If he doesn't respect that, he will find another GM and your problem is fixed.

i find it funny when someone states the obvious, Yes he is the DM and yes he can rule 0 it, if he wanted to do that then he wouldn't bother posting asking you all, so stating something like that(and the comment about kicking out the player in the case me) is counter protective. He wants your options on this then he will decide what he will do. i will abide on whatever ruling he gives.