Steve Roe's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court 1/5

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Factions work for me by giving me a personal stake in the session.

Without a faction mission I can go on autopilot until the next combat - leaving the society mission to my tablemates. But, with a faction mission, that no one else at the table is looking out for I have a motivation to pay attention. When I pay attention I am a contributing and interacting player at the table.

So, I think faction missions tend to improve player engagement and thus the play environment overall for PFS.

In my recent experience my fellow players with different factions have been willing to help each other out. I don't have to pay attention to your mission, but when you need a wing man to cover a gap in your skills then I'm happy to help - and contribute to the fun.

I think a zero sum faction war dampens the cooperative instinct at the table - and as a consequence dampens the fun.