
Stefen Styrsky's page

40 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I'm creating an intelligent weapon and want to put it in the official format used in the PF AP books.

Does anyone know where I can find an intelligent item entry in one of the APs?

Hey everybody,

Can someone help me figure out how much it costs to make a construct? You know, your basic golem. The amounts listed in the Bestiary don't make sense to me.


- Stefen

Hello Everyone!

From Tuesday the 23th of November to the 30th of November the price of all of our products except the Monster Update Subscription have been slashed to just $1.00. I hope that if you are participating in the Black Friday-Cyber Monday RPG sales you will add us to your shopping cart.

Due to the nature of the Monster Update Subscription, we are not able to bring it to you at a reduced cost. However, we have 19 subscribers who have selected more than 80 OGL monsters for us to convert to Pathfinder. This is going to be a huge project by the time it is complete. Hopefully it will rival our recent monster book Forgotten Foes (Tricky Owlbear Publishing) in size and quality with your support and feedback.

Please check us out at the following link.



Hello Paizo crew,

Do you think you might be able to offer a PDF version of Dungeon #70? I'd love to have the "Kingdom of the Ghouls" adventure, seeing as how its considered one of the ten best from the magazine.




First thank you for being one of the best customer service centers in the world. You guys are top-notch.

Now that I've buttered you up can you please resend Dungeon 148 to me? I have not received it yet and would love to get a copy.

