Ice Seer

SteelaiRizel's page

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Well getting the pdf from the bundle worked but it doesn't give a serial number for foundry at all. It remains blank in digital content. (Will delete this once fixed)

So basically i want to be able to make a character that is as full on gambling as i can. I mean absolutely embrace the RNG like a madman. What options do i have to pull this off? I do want to be at least somewhat viable (something Pathfinder 2e seems to allow easily which i like) and very thematic.

Spells, feats, abilities , magic items and so on. How hard can i embrace RNG to make this gambler a reality?

As far as level this will either be a level 5 or level 7 character. Other than that go nuts. Oh and free archetype is allowed, no other variant rules though.

Now while i don't really care too much about being super efficient, i still want to be mechanically sound as in to not have the DM trying to rule things in my favor homebrew style or anything.I rather keep it to the rules as written.

So here is the scenario. I want to get a commission done of a dhampir wizard using two staves. I intend to go staff nexus of course and then have the other staff be one i buy or craft , though it will be just a staff of striking(the spell staff will also have a rune of striking). As i understand that you can only prepare one staff a day regardless. Or i don't go staff nexus and just pick a good staff i jive with. Either way i want to wield two.

I fully understand that with spells with a material cost, one way or another one of my hands will have to be free and that is easy enough. Just stab one staff into the ground and get casting. No biggie. (I do get ill have to use a interact action to pick it up again as compared to putting it down/dropping it)

My particular questions pertain to having said staves in my hands and casting the staff's spells. So here are the questions in order:

- 1. If casting from a staff, do you require a free hand for the somatic part? Or does waving the staff take care of this condition? 'Eschew Materials' has this wording "Unlike when providing somatic components, you still must have a hand completely free." So could i infer that moving the staff in a gesture would take care of the somatic?

- 2. If the staff does count, then could i have a staff in each hand and cast fine with the one that has spells?

- 3. Does the cantrip still scale like it normally does with cantrips if attached to a staff?

I intend to build myself well enough and grab the dual-weapon warrior archetype for fun. At least that way i can slug it out a bit if i need to. Remember i am not worrying about being super optimal, just fun.

Thank you for any answers in advance.

I apologize if the answers to these questions and all is obvious to others but even after doing a fair bit of searching I feel like I still do not understand the concept and want to confirm everything as much as possible before proposing my idea to the DM.

This upcoming battle will be huge and there is a dam good chance of ripperoni coming my way. Especially given my health rolls and my frontline position. So i want my alternate ready to go if need be. So i will state what I intend to do, feel free to pick it apart if you will. He will be starting at lvl 10.

So what I intend to do is take 2 levels of Titan Mauler for the Jotungrip and then 8 levels of pure brawler(would be leveling only it from then on). The weapon I would be using is the fighting fan but large size. Two of them. So here is the clarifications I need.

1. From what I have read since they are large sized aka two handed originally for a medium sized character they would be considered my size right? So would work with Jotungrip correctly? What I had found was this :

Light = 2 sizes grade smaller
One Handed = 1 size grade greater
Two Handed = even size

So was my thinking correct on this?

2. Now that they are being used one in each hand and once again are applied as one handed weapons would they regain their light property? The original weapon is in the light weapon category. I don't mind either way as ill have the strength to deal with it if not. But It's important to know for TWF.

3. Now for the final question that I am really curious about. Since these are large weapons, not medium , would they scale off the medium brawler unarmed damage like other close weapons would off of Close Weapon Mastery or would they scale off the large brawler unarmed damage category? My character is medium sized but the weapons are large sized. To me it seems like it could be either way though i don't mind either.

Also to me it would make more sense if they scaled off the large brawler category due to size rather than medium. If not im fine with it as I care more about the theme than I ever do about being crazy optimal.

My character will have fun feats like Rhabdomancy and Acupuncture Specialist so yeah, theme is important, I just want to have a solid grasp of what I am doing before I make the proposition. Me and the DM have been best friends for 9 years so it will be an easy talk but I just like to do the research and have things ready so he doesn't have to do a lot of work himself.

Thank you in advance for any answers on this subject.