
Starslayer57's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


Stupid wights and level drain. I doubt I'll make both saves; be lucky to make 1.

1000 gold for the sale of the dragon hide, as we all got 200gp from the sale of it.

And thusly did a small tribe of wild elves come into the possession of many items of war... to what end will they use the trove of weapons and armor sold to them by 5 wayward mercenaries who would walk/canoe towards what could be a watery grave? :)

The merchants of Brindol are going to hate us.....


Items sold from last session (Feel free to check my math)
2600 -- +1 Mithril Breastplate
1500 -- 12 Banded Mail
130 -- 13 Heavy Steel Shields
1890 -- 12 Mwk Longswords
315 -- 2 Mwk Scimitars
1175 -- 2 +1 Studded Leather
375 -- 2 Mwk Composite Shortbows (no rating)
3325 -- 13 Mwk Composite Longbows (+2 Str rating)
179 -- Mwk Morningstar
192.5 -- Mwk Bastard Sword
600 - 6 Pearls

Total mundane equipment: 12,281.5
Total gold accrued: 2,287
Total everything: 14,568.5

Per person: 2,913 gold and 7 silver

Harrowing first couple of encounters to say the least!

Notable Moments:

-- Battle Peacock! (Our Gnome-ling Beastmorph Alchemist)
-- Half the bad guys incapacitated by either Color Spray, Hypnotic Pattern or Glitterdust
-- Shutting down our Spellslingers lecherous ways

Looking forward to the next session!

Star Voter Season 7

ThatEvilGuy wrote:
Starslayer57 wrote:
ThatEvilGuy wrote:
Starslayer57 wrote:

Umbral Cord
[[Item description]]

Just as an aside, I was working through an item almost exactly like this in my brainstorming process, down to the possession. The main difference was that you became ethereal, instead of a shadow.


That, as you said, is eerie. But interesting. If you get the chance I'd like to see what you were working on, might give me some insight as to where I went wrong.

I'd love to throw the notes at you but, unfortunately, it was mentally developed, and rejected, while I was at work.

Basically to get my version-remove the dim light and shadow prerequisites. Your "spirit" comes forth as an ethereal version of you. You could travel the ethereal plane and attempt to possess folk (their soul gets held in the noose while you were riding). You got shunted back into your own body based on the same criteria, minus the exposure to bright sunlight, and add if your body is attacked/harmed to the conditions, and when you were shunted back into your body, you were just staggered.

My main issue, besides it being an item that only someone who is absolutely bug-nuts crazy would use (ever been strangled? It's very unpleasant), the cost would be stupidly high for something pretty niche since I used ethereal jaunt and magic jar as prerequisites.

Ah, no worries. Sounds interesting. Yes, there was a bit of dark flavoring going on with the item (strangulation isn't fun, for sure). I figured having your conscience potentially traveling a great distance from your body and then "rubber banding" back doing a bit more than just staggering you, but I confess that my penalties may have been a bit harsh.

Star Voter Season 7

ThatEvilGuy wrote:
Starslayer57 wrote:

Umbral Cord
[[Item description]]

Just as an aside, I was working through an item almost exactly like this in my brainstorming process, down to the possession. The main difference was that you became ethereal, instead of a shadow.


That, as you said, is eerie. But interesting. If you get the chance I'd like to see what you were working on, might give me some insight as to where I went wrong.

Star Voter Season 7

First time entrant, so be gentle :)

I'm going to figure that it was mechanics and potentially the penalties imposed that really doomed my item, because I know I worried about that after I posted it.

Umbral Cord
Aura faint necromancy and illusion; CL 4th
Slot Neck; Price 10,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This frayed and tattered black hemp rope is tied in the style of a hangman's noose. Once per day as a standard action in dim light, the noose can be placed around the neck and tightened, as if preparing the wearer for hanging. The wearer is then suspended, limp and comatose, his consciousness transferred into his shadow. This creates a sentient shade controlled by the wearer. In this form the shade loses access to any spells or supernatural abilities of its physical form and cannot physically handle or operate objects in any way.

The shade can travel in any shadow that exists, excluding magical darkness, for up to one hour. While traveling in the shadow of a creature with an Intelligence of 3 or greater, the shade can attempt to possess the owner as a standard action, granting it a Will save to resist (DC 16). This is a mind-affecting effect. If the save fails, the shade gains total control over the body for the remaining duration. Any attempt to place the possessed body in a hostile or dangerous environment results in an immediate Will save at a cumulative +2 bonus for each attempt.

A standard action within 5ft of the physical body ends the effect with no penalty. Exposure to direct light while not in shadow, a failed possession attempt, exceeding the time limit or damage dealt to the physical body forces the consciousness back into its physical form, ending the effect. This deals 2 points of Constitution damage and confers the staggered condition for 1d4+4 rounds.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shadow projection, shadow step; Cost 5,250 gp

Three registered and played for me.

Merrik Trilvar, Human Fighter 11
-- Merrik very much enjoys having two clerics in his usual party (They know who they are :))
Llianna Everseer, Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 4
-- Two modules and 4 sessions, but yet to really establish the character's personality
Cael Flynt, Human Pistolero 1/Chirugeon 1 (soon to be 3rd)
-- One module, one gm credit, one session. But this one I have the personality down pat.

I have another concept that's somewhat finalized, but won't see play time any time soon I don't think.

Hello all, sorry if this gets into something that's been asked/bandied about before, but I have a question. On the chronicle sheet for Scenario 26, Lost at Bitter End, there is an item on it, specifically

Gauntlets of Ogre Power
that isn't in the core rule book. I figure this is because this scenario was done during the 3.5 days, but I can't be 100% certain of that. The question I have is, since these are not in the core book but are on a chronicle, that should make them legal for purchase, but, do they function as a
Belt of Giant Strength +2
the only core item they resemble (at least from my recollection of 3.5 material), only in a different "item slot"? Trying to help a fellow Pathfinder who has also done this scenario with gear and some of her empty item slots.

Try to answer what I can

1) Not sure, would have to look at the event registration to check.

2) Never been to Gencon, but from what I've heard, the dealer hall at Origins isn't as large. Not to say it doesn't have its selection of stuff, but it might not have the breadth of items you're looking for. It always pays to at least take a walk-through of it, just to see if there isn't something there for you.

3) There are plenty of other things going on. You might want to head to the Origins website and download the master events list from the events tab on the left. I think there are over 4k events going on for the five days.

4) Not I, sorry.

There's always something with Origins registration. Not their system this year, but my friend gave me the wrong password for her account, so I couldn't put us down for the games we wanted at the same time. This caused us to miss out on four games in total, all full before 1pm this afternoon. Luckily, we did get both our PFS games that we wanted, Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Kor and Dalsine Affair (as Midnight Mauler was full for Sunday morning). And with some finagling, managed 13 events in total for the 5 days.

So, everybody else get what they wanted?

I shall be at Origins, will be my fourth year. Last year got in on City of Strangers Part 1, this year looking to play The Forgotten Furnace of Forgotten Kor with my fighter and my friends cleric, and potentially Midnight Mauler with my monk/inquisitor (if I can get one more xp, stupid uber monster in Cult of the Ebon Destroyers and triple criting) and her witch. We tend to try to get into all sorts of RPGs that neither of us get much chance to play, so PFS games we only look to do one or two sessions for the con. But I can say we had a good time with it last year, and look forward to another good time this year.

Andrew Besso wrote:
Starslayer57 wrote:
I tend to like Reactionary as a trait, the bonus to initiative is nice if you're planning on acting before anyone else. However, since you already took anatomist, you can't take reactionary, as they are both Combat traits. Which faction are you going with for PFS? There may be something in there. If you have the APG, look at Veteran of Battle, a religion trait for those who worship Gorum; you get a +1 to initiative, and if you can act during a surprise round you can draw a weapon for free, if you're interested in the initiative bonus. Otherwise, pick something that flavors your character a bit. It's what I did taking Vagabond Child for Disable Device.
I like Reactionary, too. I may take it instead of Anatomist. Anatomist is really a vestige from my original build, a Hungry Ghost monk. I had a great background story, but I really would rather play the Weapon Adept. I think I'll take Wisdom in the Flesh as a second trait. My monk will be Osirion, and Irori seems to be a good fit both for the faction and for a monk. The trait allows me to use my WIS bonus on any one skill instead of STR, DEX or CON. Combining good Escape Artist (in case a grapple goes wrong) with good Acrobatics (get around without provoking) should make him a formidable foe, both armed (temple sword) and unarmed (strike or grapple). All I need now is a chance to play...

Ah yes, I saw that trait when I was perusing for my own. Had I not been attached to the character's concept of worshiping Sarenrae and multiclassing into Cleric, I may have done that as well. I've played Osirion with my Fighter, which can be a bit interesting at times as I almost never have the skills for one of the faction missions. But it works. Hopefully you get a chance to play soon, I get my first chance with my monk this Sunday.

I tend to like Reactionary as a trait, the bonus to initiative is nice if you're planning on acting before anyone else. However, since you already took anatomist, you can't take reactionary, as they are both Combat traits. Which faction are you going with for PFS? There may be something in there. If you have the APG, look at Veteran of Battle, a religion trait for those who worship Gorum; you get a +1 to initiative, and if you can act during a surprise round you can draw a weapon for free, if you're interested in the initiative bonus. Otherwise, pick something that flavors your character a bit. It's what I did taking Vagabond Child for Disable Device.

Yeah, that was the one reason for the shuriken, the ability to flurry with them. It might do very little damage in the long run, but at first level and such it's probably not a bad idea.

So, I think now I may take my racial bonus and put it into Str, which makes it a wash between Str and Dex in terms of bonus, so I'll free up my feat choice that I would have used for Weapon Finesse. Now to figure out what to take instead.

RE: Weapon Focus. Duh, knew that. Don't know what I was thinking posting that as an option.

Point Blank is probably not a bad idea, in the grand scheme of things. It would mitigate the loss of the extra point on the attack roll from lowering Dex, and since shuriken are only good within 10ft without a penalty, means I'd always be getting it. Although that's a good question, do thrown ranged weapons use Dex instead of Str to add to the attack roll?

I must sound new-ish to all this, though I'm really not. Just too used to Fighters and Rangers, and never used thrown weapons with either archetype. Branching out with this character a bit, which means going oddball and multiclassing into Cleric. If it doesn't survive, it's a valuable learning experience at the end of it all.

ciretose wrote:
Starslayer57 wrote:

So here's what I ended up with for my Half Elven Monk of the Four Winds/Cleric of Sarenrae (Fire/Sun) combo, at level 1, for PFS.

Str: 13
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 15
Cha: 10

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Deflect Arrows
Specials: Flurry, Elemental Fist(Fire)

HP: 10 (favored class bonus to skill at 1st, HP thereafter)
AC: 15

Skils: Acrobatics
Disable Device (from Vagabond Child)
Profession (I like the extra bit of gold from Day Job)
Sense Motive

Traits: Elven Reflexes
Vagabond Child

At 2nd I'll take Dodge, 3rd, I'm debating between Quick Draw and Deadly Aim (for the shuriken). 5 may be Toughness, and at 9 I'll probably take Wind Stance, but I'm unsure what I might take at 7 and 11 to try to round her out. Possibly Extra Channeling at 7, though without Selective Channeling I won't be using my channels in combat except to harm undead, or if I'm still on the outer reaches. Once I get into Cleric levels and get some of the self-buffing spells, I can be a force in melee combat, but before I'll probably stick more to the edges of combat.

I would lighten up on the Dex and bump Strength and Wisdom. You get AC from Wisdom, so that breaks even and would raise the save DC of your stunning fist. Strength you need for attack and damage, and if you do that you can dump weapon finesse for something else.

Monk Dex is over rated.

Hmm, I can take out the racial +2 I put into Dex and put it into Wisdom, though I'll still lose out on any more points in strength as I don't want to lower anything else. This would give the ability to bump Wisdom to 18 at 4, meaning saves against my cleric spells would be higher as well as my AC, though I plan mostly on buff spells save for the domain ones. At that point it's kind of a wash between Dex and Str to help my attack bonus, so if I were to do it, what feat other than say weapon focus would be beneficial to have at 1st?

So here's what I ended up with for my Half Elven Monk of the Four Winds/Cleric of Sarenrae (Fire/Sun) combo, at level 1, for PFS.

Str: 13
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 15
Cha: 10

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Deflect Arrows
Specials: Flurry, Elemental Fist(Fire)

HP: 10 (favored class bonus to skill at 1st, HP thereafter)
AC: 15

Skils: Acrobatics
Disable Device (from Vagabond Child)
Profession (I like the extra bit of gold from Day Job)
Sense Motive

Traits: Elven Reflexes
Vagabond Child

At 2nd I'll take Dodge, 3rd, I'm debating between Quick Draw and Deadly Aim (for the shuriken). 5 may be Toughness, and at 9 I'll probably take Wind Stance, but I'm unsure what I might take at 7 and 11 to try to round her out. Possibly Extra Channeling at 7, though without Selective Channeling I won't be using my channels in combat except to harm undead, or if I'm still on the outer reaches. Once I get into Cleric levels and get some of the self-buffing spells, I can be a force in melee combat, but before I'll probably stick more to the edges of combat.

AdAstraGames wrote:
Starslayer57 wrote:

I took the Magical Knack Trait(Cleric)--I believe this is ok?-- so that my cleric spells will function at a higher level as soon as I get them. Open to opinions still if anyone has any more.

Magical Knack is specifically excluded from PFS play, per the latest version of the PFS rules. Gifted Adept and Magical Lineage are NOT excluded, both are both tied to a specific spell. Magical knack is much more powerful than either of those two.

While relatively minor, be aware that you are giving up a BAB because of when you make the transition from Monk to Cleric.

Aha, should have read the guide a bit more, thanks for pointing that out. And yes, I know that I lose a BAB when I transition to Cleric. In the long run, I think that will be ok, as I can get that back with a buff or two from my spell list.

Well, after looking things over (and consulting the carrying capacity chart), I decided to go with this stat block instead. It cuts out my ability for bonus channeling due to charisma, but it gives me some extra damage with my attacks and helps attack bonus with the temple sword I picked up.

Str: 13
Dex: 16 (+2 Racial)
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 15
Cha: 10

Again, this will be for a Half Elven Monk of the Four Winds 5/Cleric of Sarenrae(Fire, Sun) 7 for PFS. I think this will work out pretty well, as the focus will be on self-buffs and ranged attacks to start out combat and then working enemies on the outside. Channels will be for harming undead or healing the group outside of combat. I took the Magical Knack Trait(Cleric)--I believe this is ok?-- so that my cleric spells will function at a higher level as soon as I get them. Open to opinions still if anyone has any more.

Andrew Besso wrote:
Starslayer57 wrote:

I am also considering a monk for PFS (which will only be my second PFS character), only I'm going slightly crazy, and considering making it a Half-Elven Monk of the Four Winds 5/Cleric of Sarenrae 7. The stats of said character at level 1 (no stat dumping)

Str: 10
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 15
Cha: 13

I plan on taking Monk for the first two levels, alternating until Monk 5, and then 4 straight levels of Cleric. Domains would be Fire and Sun. I kind of imagine this character staying more towards the edge of battle rather than wading into the thick of it, but still not opposed to barreling straight in.

Anyone have any suggestions for feats? Would I be silly to stick with Unarmed Strike as my main attack for the life of the character? I may be slightly crazy, but I think my overall idea from 1-12 could work and am open to constructive help (please no flat out "Pfft, stupid", etc.). I can post my whole idea if need be.

That sounds like a potent combination. The way the monk is designed, unarmed strike should be your primary melee weapon at high levels, but at low levels you might prefer something with better crit stats. It's unfortunate that you need to go with such a low STR, but I can't really think of a good way to boost it, other than dropping INT, which I don't like to do. It might be worth it, though. You would lose a skill rank per level, and take some penalties on some skill checks, but you would gain combat and weight bonuses. Your WIS and DEX bonuses, combined with some of the cleric's shield spells, would protect you adequately, at least at low levels. I highly recommend Deflect Arrows for a monk bonus feat, since staying at the fringe of combat makes you more likely to get shot. I would also recommend Dodge as a monk bonus feat at 2nd level.

Thanks. I could drop my Charisma to 10 to up Strength to 13, though I'm hesitant to do so, for losing out on the bonus channeling and the ability to heal only my allies in combat through it (Selective Channeling, even though it would only be 1 enemy). I did plan on a majority of self-buffing spells once I got into Cleric, and the Fire Domain has some nice offensive ranged spells in its repertoire. Dodge and Deflect Arrows was my one-two combo of monk feats, though I had Dodge coming first, and I figured on Weapon Finesse as the base level one feat to help my flurry. Ranged weapon would probably be shuriken so it can be flurried as well, though I'm not opposed to having something better. Though I might be getting ahead of myself, this character has to survive The Godsmouth Heresy first.

I am also considering a monk for PFS (which will only be my second PFS character), only I'm going slightly crazy, and considering making it a Half-Elven Monk of the Four Winds 5/Cleric of Sarenrae 7. The stats of said character at level 1 (no stat dumping)

Str: 10
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 15
Cha: 13

I plan on taking Monk for the first two levels, alternating until Monk 5, and then 4 straight levels of Cleric. Domains would be Fire and Sun. I kind of imagine this character staying more towards the edge of battle rather than wading into the thick of it, but still not opposed to barreling straight in.

Anyone have any suggestions for feats? Would I be silly to stick with Unarmed Strike as my main attack for the life of the character? I may be slightly crazy, but I think my overall idea from 1-12 could work and am open to constructive help (please no flat out "Pfft, stupid", etc.). I can post my whole idea if need be.