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![]() There's a little information on the tavern/inn called the Blue Bunyip in the Magnimar source book, but I was hoping for a bit more. Is it discussed anywhere else? I was just curious of basic things, such as who officially owns it, where in the Naos district it should be located, etc. Anyway, any help would be appreciated ![]()
![]() Just curious, if someone analyzes a mythic spell with Detect Magic or similar divination, what spell level should it register as? I realize that a mythic spell uses the same level spell slot as the non-mythic version. But it seems like the mythic powered spell should register as a more powerful form of magic. ![]()
![]() Normally, weapon enhancement bonuses, etc. don't apply to bull rush attempts. However, I'm wondering if the Foehammer's Piledriver class feature might be an exception to that rule. For example, I don't see how to read the Piledriver description without concluding that the hammer was an integral part of that bull rush or trip attempt, but the class feature doesn't explicitly say so. In this case, those combat maneuvers seem to be more along the lines of knockback or awesome blow rather than traditional bull rush or trip attempts. Piledriver:
Piledriver (Ex): At 11th level, as a standard action, a foehammer may make a single melee attack with a weapon from the hammer weapon training group. If the attack hits, he may make a bull rush or trip combat maneuver against the target of his attack as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This ability replaces armor training 3. Is this an unreasonable interpretation? ![]()
![]() Normally for bull rush maneuvers, if you succeed, you have the option to follow your target. But how does that work with Quick Bull Rush? (And I suppose with Bull Rush Strike as well.) If a character with Quick Bull Rush uses it at the beginning of his full attack sequence and succeeds, is he able to follow his target, even if his target is pushed back more than 5'? If he can follow his target more than 5', can he continue the full attack sequence with the rest of his iterative attacks? Could he still take a 5' step sometime during his full attack after following his target? ![]()
![]() Hi! I'm running a Runelords PbP game and was looking for some GM advice on potentially transitioning to Crimson Throne, Jade Regent or Shattered Star. I apologize ahead of time for the rambling post... Potential RotRL, CotCT, JR, and ShS spoilers: The party has completed Burnt Offerings, and we've all enjoyed it very much. It's an excellent adventure, and Sandpoint is a great base for new characters. Looking ahead, Skinsaw Murders looks like it should be interesting and fun as well, but I'm increasingly dubious about the rest of the Runelords AP. HMM and onwards, the Runelords story just doesn't seem quite as interesting to me, and I'm a little concerned how much time will be spent on later dungeon locations and that there isn't a clear plot line to keep the players on target.
It seems to me that PbP games work best with more bite-sized adventures, mainly due to posting rates. Even simple adventures can take considerable time. In Burnt Offerings, for example, so much real world time passed between clearing out the tunnels under the Glassworks and cleansing Thistletop of Nualia and the goblins, I don't think the players have really made much connection between what happened 5 years ago and current events, despite all the hints I've tried to provide. (Other than they feel Nualia wasn't treated as well as she should have been as a child and teenager, which is certainly true.) I'm concerned that the next couple chapters will seem equally disjointed and lacking a coherent plot. So I've been wondering if another AP might work a bit better, and at this point there seem like 3 possibilities: Crimson Throne, Jade Regent, or Shattered Star. 1) Given that we've completed Burnt Offerings and the characters have latched onto Ameiko, it would certainly be easy enough to transition to Jade Regent. Have an abbreviated version of Brinewall Legacy and then go from there. I'm not particularly thrilled with the story, though I could live with it, and I'm not sure how well the players would accept the whole caravan trek across the north pole schtick. I also think the players might get a little annoyed with the unteleportable artifact from a metagaming perspective. 2) Another possibility (and this is what I'm currently leaning towards) is to go ahead with Skinsaw Murders basically as written, but play up Vorel's Phage. Instead of a minor red herring, make it a central plot point. 2 of the characters already have family and friend ties to Korvosa, so party motivation shouldn't be a problem if it seems like disaster is going to strike the city. Personally, I think Korvosa is an interesting setting with plenty of support, and I like how the Crimson Throne story develops, for both DM and players. Especially if there's more of an emphasis on putting together and leading the eventual rebellion in the back half of the AP. The party will be well into 6th level by the end of Skinsaw, so obviously that transition will take the most work on my part to adapt, but I'm willing to do so if it seems worth the effort. (And I'll admit, I've been wanting to run CotCT for a while, but I don't have time to start a new game. So, 2 birds, 1 stone...) 3) Shattered Star is the most closely related AP (thematically) to Runelords, but moving from one large dungeon to another just doesn't seem PbP-friendly, and the plot doesn't excite me. (Though I'm strongly tempted to reuse Lady's Light somewhere in the second half of Crimson Throne.) Another thing to consider: Nualia and Tsuto are currently still alive in this campaign, though the party hasn't found that out yet. I originally was going to have them make a "surprise" appearance at the Seven's Sawmill, but they could just as easily work as the agents Xanesha tasks with delivering the Phage to the Red Mantis in Korvosa. (I also think Nualia and Tsuto could make excellent recurring villains, especially in Jade Regent or Shattered Star. But they're probably not needed for Crimson Throne.) So my question (finally!) is: Does detouring into Crimson Throne like this even make sense? I really don't want to screw up the game. If anyone has done something like this, I'd love to hear how it went and what advice you might have. Thanks for reading! |