Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 230 lb
Ability Scores: +2 INT +2 CHA
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 Endurance +2 one other
Telepathy: You can communicate telepathically with any creature within 5 squares of you that has a language.
Crystalline Mind: You have resist 5 psychic. The resistance increases to 10 at 11 th level and 15 at 21 st level.
Living Construct: You are a living construct. You don't need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. You never have to make Endurance checks to resist the effects of starvation, thirst, or suffocation.
Immortal Origin: You are native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
Shard Swarm: You have the shard swarm power.
Class Features - Feats:
Role: Striker
Power: Arcane
Key: Charisma, Intelligence
Armor: Cloth, Leather, hide, Chainmail
Weapons: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged
Implement: Rods, Wands
Defense: +1 FORT +1 WILL
Eldritch Bolt: Gain Eldritch Bolt At-will attack.
Star Pact Reward: Gain bonus to damage rolls of Warlock and Warlock Paragon Path powers equal to INT mod.
At 5th level, bonus becomes 2+INT mod.
At 9th level, bonus applies to damage rolls of creature summoned by Summon Warlock's Ally.
At 15th level, bonus becomes 4+INT mod.
At 25th level, bonus becomes 6+INT mod.
Pact Boon: Gain Dire Fate Warlock Utility.
Pact Weapon: Gain Starshadow Blade Warlock Item, Resplendent Blade Warlock Attack, Wield the Warp Warlock Attack.
FEATS Rod Expertise: +1 AC, Reflex, and attack
Starfire Womb: When you deal damage with a power that has the radiant or fear keywork, immediately roll a saving throw to relieve a condition of your choice from which you are suffering.
Acrobatics = 1 + 0 DEX
Arcana = 1 + 3 INT +5 +2R
Athletics = 1 - 1 STR
Bluff = 1 + 0 CHA +5
Diplomacy = 1 + 0 CHA
Dungeoneering = 1 + 0 WIS
Endurance = 1 + 5 CON +2R
Heal = 1 + 0 WIS
History = 1 + 3 INT
Insight = 1 + 0 WIS +5
Intimidate = 1 + 0 CHA +5
Nature = 1 + 0 WIS
Perception = 1 + 0 WIS
Religion = 1 + 3 INT
Stealth = 1 + 0 DEX
Streetwise = 1 + 0 CHA
Thievery = 1 + 0 DEX
At Will:
Dire Fate At-Will Arcane Warlock Utility
Free Action (Special) Personal
Trigger: Reduce enemy to 0 HP or adjacent enemy is reduced to 0 HP.
Effect: You gain +1 bonus to attack rolls until end of next turn.
Special: Can only be used once per round.
Eldritch Bolt Warlock Attack
At-Will Arcane Force Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: CHA vs Reflex
Hit: 1d10+CHA mod force damage
Lv21: 2d10+CHA mod force damage
Special: you can use this as a ranged basic attack.
Resplendent Blade Warlock Attack At-Will Arcane Implement Radiant Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: You must use this with your Starshadow Blade
Target: One Creature
Attack: CHA vs AC
Hit: 1[w]+CHA mod radiant damage, and one enemy adjacent to target takes radiant damage equal to INT mod.
Lv 21: 2[w]+CHA mod radiant damage
Special: you can use this as a melee basic attack
Shard Swarm Shardmind Racial Power
Encounter Teleportation
Move Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Effect: Each target grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn. You then teleport half your speed.
Wield the Warp Warlock Attack
Encounter Arcane Implement Psychic Radiant Teleportation Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: You must use this with your Starshadow Blade
Target: One creature
Attack: CHA vs Fortitude
Hit: 2[w]+CHA mod psychic and radiant damage, and you teleport to a square adjacent to you.
Lv13: 3[w]+CHA mod psychic and radiant damage
Lv23: 4[w]+CHA mod psychic and radiant damage
Wrathful Aspect Warlock Utility 2
Encounter Arcane, Fear, Fire
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +5 power bonus to Intimidate checks,
and any creature that hits you with a melee attack takes 5 fire damage.
Star Shackles Warlock Attack 1
Invisible force lifts your foes from the ground and squeezes
the life from them.
Daily Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is grabbed. If the target attempts to escape, use your Fortitude or Reflex.
Sustain Standard: Those this power still has grabbed take 1d6 + Charisma modifier damage when you sustain this power. After you sustain this power, you can use a minor action to use this power’s attack on one target the power doesn’t have grabbed within 2 squares of a target the power does have grabbed.
Items - Wealth:
Starshadow Blade, one-handed military melee weapon, heavy blade, proficiency +3, damage 1d10