Stake From Jate Farm's page

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I searched top to bottom and the only mentions of Virtual items I can find are in relation to feats used to craft them. It's a bit hard to judge the value of said feats when there aren't any items to judge it against.

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Far as I can tell, Tech Crafting is the only 'X Crafting' feat in both PF2e and SF2e that doesn't give access to crafting X. Alchemical Crafting gives access to crafting alchemical items, Pharmaceutical Craft gives access to crafting medical items, but you can craft Tech items without Tech Crafting. It kinda makes it bad in comparison, because you only get some formulas with the feat.

However, I don't think this should change to be more in-line with the other 'X Crafting' feats cause that would make medpatches and hypopens require two feats to craft (Pharmaceutical AND Tech Crafting), which is a steep price to pay for what is effectively a space healing potion. I think the feat needs to be reworked entirely in order for it to work and not be bad.