Chuffy Lickwound

Stabby Facecutter's page

13 posts. Alias of Enchanter Tim.

Full Name

Jack the Chosen of Besmara

About Jack the Chosen of Besmara

Jack the Chosen of Besmara:

Jack the Chosen of Besmara
Male Aasimar Cleric of Besmara 1
CN Medium outsider (native)
Initiative +0; Senses darkvision; Perception +8
AC 12/13, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+0 Dex, +2 armor)
Hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +7
Defensive Abilities -
Speed 30ft
Melee rapier -2 (1d6-2/18-20)
Ranged -
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +6)
1/day daylight, 8/day icicle, 8/day storm burst
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +6)
0 ( at will ) — Create Water, Detect Magic, Stabilize
1 (4/day) — Bless, Divine Favor, Obscuring Mist, Shield Faith
Strength 7 (-2), Dexterity 11 (+0), Constitution 12 (+1), Intelligence 12 (+1), Wisdom 20 (+5), Charisma 17 (+3)
Base +0; CMB -2; CMD 8
Feats Selective Channeling
Skills Acrobatics 0+0=0, Appraise 0+1=1, Bluff 0+3=3, Climb 0-2=-2, Craft 0+1=1, Diplomacy 1+9=10, Disguise 0+3=3, Escape Artist 0+0=0, Heal 0+6=6, Intimidate 0+3=3, Knowledge Geography 1+4=5, Knowledge Religion 1+4=5, Perception 0+8=8, Perform 0+3=3, Profession Sailor 1+9=10, Ride 0+0=0, Sense Motive 1+8=9, Spellcraft 1+4=5, Stealth 0+0=0, Survival 0+5=5, Swim 0-2=-2
Traits Besmara’s Blessing, Trustworthy
Languages Aquan, Celestial, Common
SQ Aura, Channel Energy 6/day
Armor buckler, leather, traveler's outfit
Backpack bedroll, trail rations (5 days)
Belt Pouch spell component pouch, gp sp cp
Slotted Items holy symbol, silver
Weapons rapier
Carrying 40lb
Carrying Capacity 23lb/46lb/70lb
Favored Class Bonuses
1st — skill point


Jack was born 19 years ago to this day. His mother, a whore working in the Siren’s Lash, a brothel in Port Peril. His father, an unknown John Doe. That he wasn’t wanted was a understatement, his mother drank, smoked and tried all different things to get rid of him but to no avail.
His mother, Elsa, died while giving birth, cursing him with her dying breath. There he was a newborn, hours old, mother dead, no father around.
Had it not been for Mira he would have been thrown out with the day’s trash. Old woman Mira, as she was called, and her husband Paul couldn’t have children. So, in a brothel, a cleaning lady out the goodness of her heart and an unrequited need for child of her own, picked up the baby boy with the golden eyes, held him close and vowed to raise him as her own.
His childhood was rough. His foster-parents, although financially challenged, tried to give him what he needed while at the same time instilling upon him the right values concerning right and wrong. To no avail, in a city like Port Peril the weak didn’t come out unscathed. He was a small, unimposing boy, he didn’t make friends easy. He was bullied a lot.
The only time he felt truly happy when he went with his father to work at the only library in Port Peril Mystic’s Redoubt. Alfred’s mind was sharp, unlike his body. He would read books all day while his father, a clerk, worked. Reading about famous pirates, treasure and sea monsters made Jack yearn for adventure.
And at the age of 12 he wanted nothing more in life than to sail. He pleaded with his parents but they wouldn’t let him go. Even so no captain would take him, a sad physical specimen, as part of his crew.
So he did what an adventurous young boy would do, he ran away and stowed away on a merchant vessel heading for Port Peril.
After just 2 days he was found and brought before the captain. He pleaded with the captain to let him be part of the crew, to let him be a sailor.
The captain was not a harsh man and made the young boy part of his crew. The captain, a priest of Besmara taught to boy about Besmara, life and sailing. In the next 4 ½ years Jack served on his crew, first as his cabin boy then as the ships surgeon to eventually his first mate.
But Jack wanted more, and he resigned a month ago and went back to his roots, to Port Peril.
But when he returned all was not well, his mother had gotten ill and had died a year after he left and his father couldn’t take the loss of his wife and he drank himself to death.
Now he finds himself in the Formidable Maid where he has been drinking his money and sorrows away for the last couple of weeks.
The next day he wakes up with an enormous headache………


A young man, about 19 years old, standing 6 feet, 1 inches tall. Frail build. Short black hair and eyes radiating a golden hue. Wearing a travelers outfit underneath a leather armor, buckler and rapier at his side and bow on his back. Commanding presence besides the obvious lack of physical attributes.