Aldern Foxglove

Spudster's page

Organized Play Member. 49 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


when my PC's discarded the Stag Lord's ring for sale (N's hair turned into metal), it ended up in the markets of Restov for sale, and ended up on the hand of a minor (but "up-and-coming") Councilman of Restov. He has now been snared by N after taking a fancy to the ring and buying it, then having dreams. He has a sudden appreciation for Fey (the Gnomes of Restov like that) and a keen interest in keeping the Stolen lands wild and supressing any "adventuring parties". Soon, the Mayor will lose a vote of no confidence (over funding the charter groups instead of more troops) and new rules put into effect "banning adventuring" - the biggest effect of this will be no more selling of loot at Restov (there will be a 90% tax applied). The PC's have been invited to the Grand Ball of Restov in a few months (along with the other Charter Groups). Here they will meet this councilman, and possibly (hopefully) spot the ring on his finger (or perhaps on a chain around his neck). Some playful but serious banter about the charter groups draining the treasury when troops are needed will occur, etc. I fully expect if (when) the PC's spot the ring, they will follow/study this councilman....

What would a newly snared Councilman of Restov do to prepare for such encounters? The Party level will be 6 by then...possibly 7. I made him a Aristocrat8 (my Lord Mayor is lvl 10). He has Leadership, and I gave him a lvl6 Wizard (advisor) and a bunch of Fighter followers (bodyguards). I assume he is fairly wealthy.

He certainly is aware of the PC's (they are a Ranger(guide), Fighter, Cleric, Druid) and is privy to the reports they send each month plus has met them personally twice now (with all the other council members). From him, N knows the PC's are not "adventurer's, but settlers from he just hates them because N wants the stolen lands kept unsettled...he does not suspect them (yet). But, any suggestions for things such a person might do to prepare for the "foreshadowed" adventurer's?

starting a new Kingmaker campaign...leveraging much of Dudemeister's material (as well as smatterings of other GM's that have posted here - much thanks to the giants before me!)

PC's are;

Human Witch
Elf Druid (Eristal)
Aasimar Cleric-Archon (Iomedae)
Half-Orc Fighter-Unbreakable
Sylph Ranger-Archer (also the party "face")

25 pt build with 2 traits, plus hero points (previous campaigns were 15pt with 1 trait...I want this to be epic, since the party will become rulers of this land)

I plan to start with the PC's in a hostel (being foreigners and all, with the regular Inns full-up with festival goers, it being a festival week in Restov, and wanna-be mercenaries hoping for employment in the Lord Mayor's forces in the rumored upcoming civil war). The Lord Mayor is in a pickle, as the 4rth group of agents he recently hired to explore the stolen lands managed to get themselves killed in a steet brawl with Crown Loyalists. He sends his "Hand" to locate a group of strange foreigners newly arrived in the city (all mounted on Elks in a dream)...and since the Elk is the official "city mascot", the Lord Mayor took that as a sign from the gods (plus he is a bit hungover from all the festivizing).

The PC's will be advised to follow along the road to Oleg's escorting a merchant who is taking a load of goods there (merchant goes once each month or two delivering orders for Oleg and a few other farmhouses in the region). No aid or horses are available, as the Restov military is rapidly expanding. The PC's will also be advised that the normal patrols are being stopped (since the fort is being closed) and that they will "be on their own for some time". No mention is made of Oleg's request for troops.

They should arrive around noon on the 3rd day of travel...after they arrive, the Bandits will show up (on horses that the PC's will hopefully liberate). That night, a late spring snowstorm hits lasting till dawn (and making tracking difficult).

The next day the weather warms, and turns to a light rain. After that it improves for a few weeks (I have pre-rolled the weather for 3 months), then settles into summer. The following winter, however.....

from here, it is up to the PC's to decide!