SpontaneousLightning's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Perpdepog wrote:
I feel like looking at the Starlight Sentinel archetype from Tian Xia Character Guide would also be useful. As far as I'm aware it's the first instance of a ranged attack that uses your melee attack bonus to Strike, and also has a longer range than the solar shot, though I don't believe it has increments.

Solar Shot doesn't have range increments either. Graviton attunement has a maximum range of 15 feet (just 5 feet more than what you would have if your solar weapon has the reach trait!) while photon attunement has a maximum range of 30 feet.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
WatersLethe wrote:
It doesn't seem like anything stops you from have 4x Wands of Shardstorm rolling.

The rules of wielding items states

"Player Core pg. 267 wrote:
Some abilities require you to wield an item, typically a weapon. You’re wielding an item any time you’re holding it in the number of hands needed to use it effectively. When wielding an item, you’re not just carrying it around—you’re ready to use it. Other abilities might require you to be wearing the item, to be holding it, or simply to have it.

You can still get 2x wands of shardstorm online. Once you switch hands you are no longer wielding two of your wands and you no longer benefit from their free missiles.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Ever since the kineticist playtest was released I have been thinking of a goblin fire kineticist with the oracle archetype to get incendiary aura at level 4.

After watching Nonat1s kineticist preview, this idea seems like it will be even better, since kineticists now use con to hit with elemental blast (so they are less MAD then the playtest), and when they create their elemental aura, they can also use a one action elemental blast for free.

Burn It! would also increase the persistent fire damage (but sadly not the fire impulse damage) dealt by my arsonist goblin.