Combat Armor (Soak +12, 6 hrs life support, 18 kg)
Assault Rifle [30/30 shots remaining] (4 kg)
-- Attack options: Single, Burst, Auto, Sweep
-- Damage: single +0 (6D+8) :: Burst -3 (8D+8) :: Auto: -6 (9D+8)
-- Range: short 33 / medium 116 / long 166 / very long 250
Auto-Shotgun [17/32 shots remaining] (5 kg)
-- Attack options: Single, Burst, always Cone-shaped AoE
-- Damage: single +0 (5D+8); Burst -3 (7D+8)
-- Range: short 4 / medium 6 / long 8
Snub Pistol [6/6 shots remaining] (0 kg)
-- Attack options: Single, SIngle as Multi, Zero-G
-- Damage: Single +0 (3D+6)
-- Range: short 10 / medium 33 / long 117
Add'l Clips:
-- Assault Rifle x5
-- Auto-Shotgun x5
-- Snub Pistol x4
Frag Grenades x3 (1.5 kg @.5 kg each)
-- Damage: Explosion 7D (3m) / 5D (6m) / 3D (9m)
Smoke Grenade x2 (1 kg @.5 kg each)
-- Effect: Creates smoke in 6 meter spread
Combat Knife (0 kg)
-- Damage: +1D+1
LEGEND Burst fire: expends 5 rounds
Auto fire: expends 20 rounds
Single as Multi (hit -3/shot; damage +1D/shot): Firing a single shot weapon multiple times—double tap.
Sweep (-2D to hit; -3D to damage): Spray fire in up to 4 adjacent hexes. Compare single die roll vs. all defender Dodges. Damages stack with Burst or Auto.
Aiming (+1D/turn): Action to aim, stacks up to 3 turns, bonus applies to first shot fired.
Explosion: Deals damage based on distance from point of origin.
Cone-shape AoE: Cone-shaped burst that deals damage out to 8 meters.
(X) Unharmed (32 BPs): No effect
(_) Stunned (24 BPs): -1D to actions this round and next
(_) Wounded (19 BPs): -1D to actions until healed
(_) Severely Wounded (16 BPs): -2D to actions until healed
(_) Incapacitated (8 BPs): If conscious, -3D to actions until healed
(_) Mortally Wounded (3 BPs): Unconscious and Dying
(_) DEAD (0 BPs): Fertilizer
Astrogation 3D
> Turrets
Navigation (Planet)
Pick Locks
> Capital Ships
> Military Tactics
> Naval Tactics