| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: tears to wine 100min.
Image Male CG human fighter 6/horizon walker 4//champion 4
About Sorak, the Singer
Sorak slides the last crusader from his shoulders, taking as much care as possible. "Zerre, zerre, you vill be fine, uh?" The man had a wound on his neck, his hand keeping it pressured. Eyes seemed lost. "I'll get ze healerr, uh? Just hold bit longerr."
"Marcus is dead."
Sorak turns and frowns at the man who spoke. The wounded crusader's eyes pierce Sorak, letting a couple tears roll. He gurgles and coughs blood, his blood fingers stretching towards him for help. Sorak takes them between his hands and holds them until they go limp. Sorak closes the man's dead eyes, takes a flask from the man's hip and drinks from it. He coughs. It was strong. He takes another sip and takes the flask with him.
"Ye just dragged Marcus there. Ye knew he was dead."
"Trrue." He says as passes by the crusader, tossing him the flask. "But yourr frriend did not. Betterr to go vif peace in hearrt." Finding a canteen with water, he washes his hands, drinks from it, then throws the remaining over his face. His clothes were soaked with blood. Sorak had just washed them this very morning.
"We've thought ye're dead... long time since we've heard o' ye." The man says slowly, between sips. "Sorak o' Twinpeaks, right? The Singer?"
"Da. I'm ze singerr, I mean. Clearrly not dead" A small joke. "Vas behind enemy lines."
"We're behind enemy lines."
"Niet! Zis is home, frriend, zis is home." He can't help but laugh hard now, despite all the corpses around him. The situation was for sure not funny, but, deep inside the Worldwound, nothing really was. On the other hand, Sorak was born and raised in these cursed lands, never having even crossed the Sellen River, as if he was a demon himself kept away by the Wardstones. If he'd wait for a proper situation to laugh, he'd not have done so yet. "I vas behind. Ze Rrasping Rrifts."
"F#&~ off, this is b!~#+!$%." The gives a series of coughs, each one worse than the other.
"My storry is ze same you believing it orr not." Back to his feet, Sorak counted four horses. The rest were ether dead, dying, or gone. Too many corpses for just four horses. "Ve vill leave most of yourr company behind and ve have no time to burry zem. I'm sorry." That was true. It was like adding insult to injury to leave the dead without a proper sending or respect, as if they had not suffered enough fighting demons in the first place. Even if some of them were almost as bad as the demons. "Do you carre who?"
"Sir Balthus for sure or I'll never hear the end o' it. Father Marcus. Evgar, the fellow with the bushy beard. Allana and Hallena, the twins. Bill and..."
"Zat is it. Two on each horrse, and you von't go anyverre vif yourr leg, so you take ze last one." The man just nodded and stared at the dark and red sky.
Sorak started to go through the corpses, looking for anything too useful to leave behind like magic stuff. "Zey had me corrnerred nearr Iz in canyon. Krovavvy all arround me, bogomol above vif zeir drroning. Zey vould not jump me. Niet. Zey verre vaiting, uh?" Sorak as smiling as he turned to the crusader. It was a good story after all. "Zey verre vaiting. Did not know vat, but zen rrift opened and I do not vait to see vat vas coming out! Jumped rright trrough it. Surrprrise is alvays good, uh?"
The crusader chuckles. "That is just stupid... better die in there than crossing."
"Niet. Dying is. You get ze chance to live anoderr day." He shrugs. "You take it. Anoderr day anoderr battle and anoderr chance. You keep going. Not look back, just ahead." A magic ring here, a talisman there. A shield with the battle goddess sword, a dwarven axe, all being pilled in the middle of the carnage.
"How was it there?"
"Hot, choking. Verry high canyons vif forrest and svamp. Verrmin everryverre... verrmin vif too many legs, orr human eyes in zeirr backs, some huge, some ze size of grrains of sand and ze constant buzzing..." Sorak shakes his head, shuddering. "If not forr my loverr, I'd have gone mad."
"So that is true as well? 'Bout ye thinking Desna is yer lover?" He laughed. "Ye are mad as a bad o' rats as they say..."
"It is trrue." That was just disrespectful, specially after Sorak saved his life, yet he was used to the skepticism. No one ever believed him in this account anyways "She came to me in drream, I vas in small house in field of floverrs. She vas so velikolepnyy... vhat is vorrd for somefing zat is too much beautiful? Do not matterr, she vas it, magical and kind and lovely. I've said herr I loved herr, but she did not say it back... fink she vas not rready to say it." He shrugs, keeping his eyes on his task. "Ve kissed and ve laid togezerr, ze happyest moment in my life, my drreams coming trrue. Ze folloving morrning I left herr vhile she vas still sleeping. Did not vanted to vake herr, since I still had too much vorrk to do..."
The crusader was now laughing openly and loudly. "T'was a f#~~ing dream, you mad f+$@er!"
"She is ze Goddess of Drreams! Of courrse she vould come in a drream! If she vas ze goddess of horrses, she vould come rriding a horrse! It is commons sense! It is known by ze folk!" He was shaking his head as he heaved the last corpse on a horse. A@~!!%*s. Why couldn't they believe him? Let him have this. "I vas changed on ze next morrning. Fasterr, strongerr. I vas clearrly blessed... and you should be tankful, ozervise you'd be dead now."
Sorak wasn't gentle when he helped the man on the last horse. His left leg was mangled and bent in two strange angles, all made worse because he drank a healing potion and caused the wounds to close before the bones were put in the right places. By the time they'd reach Kenabres, Sorak was sure the bone shards would have ripped through the crusader's leg again.
Sorak frowned and spat when they reached the watchtowar closest to Kenabres. The place was in ruins. "Vhat happened herre? Vherre is ze Vardstone?"
"There was a huge attack... the Wardstones are gone. Everything is going to s#+#. Some heroes went up to Drezen, trying a last effort."
Sorak was cursing and that was something rare. "Couple monfs I'm avay and you f&+& it. Unbelievable..." he looks into the night skies over Kenabres, since it showed the stars. "Oh, my love... zerre is still so much vorrk to do... you vill have to vait a little longerr. So much vorrk..." He turns northeast, singing mostly to himself.
Appearance and Personality:
Personality Profile
Primary Motivations: Liberation (free Sarkoris from the demons), Love (marry Desna), Play (enjoy the most of life)
Emotional Disposition: Joyful (pretends everything will be fine)
Moodiness: Phlegmatic (not prone to mood swings)
Outlook: Optimistic (idealistic, upbeat)
Integrity: Conscientious (responsible)
Impulsiveness: Spontaneous (capricious, hyperactive)
Boldness: Intrepid (daring, audacious)
Agreeableness: Agreeable (warm, empathic, open-minded)
Interactivity: Engaging (candid, entertaining)
Conformity: Heterodox (rebellious, freethinking, exotic)
Quirks, Habits, and Oddities: daydreaming, constant grooming, foot tapping, singing
Hobbies and Enjoyments: music appreciation, singing, philosophising
Sorak, the Singer
Male human (kellid) fighter 6/Horizon Walker 4//Champion 4
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Initiative +10✴️; Senses Perception +15✴️✳️
AC 27, touch 18, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +1 deflection, +6 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural)
hp 156 (10d10+36+20+13)
Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +8; +5 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +3, hard to kill
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+1 kukri +21✳️⚛️ (1d4+15/15-20/x3)✳️
Melee cold iron dagger +20✳️⚛️ (1d4+14/17-20/x3)✳️ or
Ranged mw composite shortbow +17✳️⚛️ (1d6+6/x3, 70 ft)✳️ or
Ranged cold iron dagger +20✳️⚛️ (1d4+11/17-20/x3, 10 ft)✳️
Special Attacks clean blade, fleet charge, mythic power (11/day), surge +1d8, terrain dominance (Abyss)
Str 20 [22] (+6), Dex 20 [22] (+6), Con 16 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 13 [15] (+2), Cha 12 (+1)
Base Atk +10; CMB +16 (+2 vs. demons); CMD 32 (+7 vs. disarm and sunder)
Feats Advanced Weapon Training, Blind-Fight(B), Dodge, Double Slice, Endurance, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical, Mythic Improved Critical, Mythic Power Attack, Planar Hunter (Abyss), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (light blades), Weapon Specialization
Skills (68 ranks; 20 background)
Climb +10 (1 rank, 3 class, 6 Str)
Bluff +1 (1 Cha)✳️
Diplomacy +14 (10 ranks, 3 class, 1 Cha)
K. Dungeoneering +14 (10 ranks, 3 class, 1 Int)
K. Geography +10 (6 ranks, 3 class, 1 Int)✴️
K. Nature +14 (10 ranks, 3 class, 1 Int)
K. Planes +14 (10 ranks, 3 class, 1 Int)✳️
Lore (Desna) +8 (4 ranks, 3 class, 1 Int)
Perception +15 (10 ranks, 3 class, 2 Wis)✴️✳️
Perform (sing) +11 (10 ranks, 1 Cha)
Sense Motive +2 (2 Wis)✳️
Stealth +19 (10 ranks, 3 class, 6 Dex)✴️
Survival +11 (6 ranks, 3 class, 2 Wis)✴️✳️
Swim +10 (1 rank, 3 class, 6 Str)
Traits Chance Encounter, Stoic Optimism
Languages Abyssal, Common, Kellid
SQ always a chance, amazing initiative, armor training 2, favored terrain (Abyss +8, desert +2, underground +2), fleet warrior, precision, recuperation, skilled, terrain mastery (Abyss, underground), weapon training (light blades +3)
Favored Class Fighter (+6hp)
Retraining +13hp (2280gp)
Weapons cold iron dagger (x4), +1 kukri (x2), mw composite shortbow (Str+6)
Worn+2 mithral breastplate Slottedamulet of natural armor +1, belt of physical might +2, boots of friendly terrain (Abyss), cape of free will +2/+3, gloves of dueling, headband of wisdom +2, ring of protection +1, sash of the war champion Wands, Rods, Etc Backpack
-Consumables: cold iron arrows [x40]
Belt Pouch 659gp
Always a Chance (Ex) Sorak don't automatically miss when he rolls a 1 on an attack roll.
◇Amazing Initiative (Ex) Sorak gains a bonus on initiative checks equal to his mythic tier. In addition, once per round as a free action on his turn, Sorak can expend one use of mythic power to take an additional standard action during that turn.
Armor Training (Ex) Whenever Sorak is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 2 and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 2. In addition, he can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor.
Blind-Fight (feat) In melee, every time Sorak miss because of concealment, he can reroll his miss chance percentile roll one time to see if he actually hits. An invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting Sorak in melee. The invisible attacker's bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however. Sorak does not need to make Acrobatics skill checks to move at full speed while blinded.
Bravery (Ex) Sorak gains a +3 bonus on Will saves against fear.
⟳Chance Encounter (trait) Once per day, if Sorak fails an Acrobatics, Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth check, he may immediately reroll that check as a free action. He must take the second result, even if it is worse.
◇Clean Blade (Ex) Whenever Sorak scores a critical hit, as a free action he can make a ranged touch attack to fling the blood and gore at another opponent within 30 feet. If the touch attack hits, the foe is sickened for a number of rounds equal to his tier. If the touch attack is a critical hit, the foe is also blinded for the same duration. A blinded foe can spend a full-round action to remove the gore and end the blindness.
Endurance (feat) Sorak gains a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold your breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. He may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
✴️Favored Terrain (Ex) Sorak gains a bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain and he leaves no trail and cannot be tracked on them.
◆Fleet Charge (Ex) As a swift action, Sorak can expend one use of mythic power to move up to his speed. At any point during this movement, he can make a single melee or ranged attack at his highest attack bonus, adding his tier to the attack roll. Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction.
Fleet Warrior (Ex) When making a full attack, Sorak can move up to his speed either before or after his attacks. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Whenever Sorak is below 0 hit points, he automatically stabilizes without needing to attempt a Constitution check. Bleed damage still causes him to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, Sorak doesn’t die until his total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double his Constitution score.
Mythic Power (Su) Sorak can draw upon a wellspring of power to accomplish amazing deeds and cheat fate. Each day, he can expend an amount of mythic power equal to 3 plus double his mythic tier.
Mythic Power Attack (feat) When Sorak uses Power Attack, he gain a +3 bonus on melee damage rolls instead of +2. In addition, this bonus damage is doubled on a critical hit, before it’s multiplied by the weapon’s critical multiplier. Sorak can expend one use of mythic power when he activates Power Attack to ignore the penalties on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks for 1 minute.
⚛️Planar Hunter (feat) When Sorak is on the Abyss, he gains a +2 bonus on weapon attack rolls against outsiders native to it. He also ignores up to 5 points of damage reduction when making weapon attacks against outsiders native to it, except for damage reduction without a type. In addition, Sorak gains this bonus against extraplanar creatures he encounters and identifies as being from the Abyss, regardless of what plane he or they are on.
Precision (Ex) Whenever Sorak makes a full attack, his attack bonus on the additional attacks he gains by having a high base attack bonus is 5 higher. This ability can't give any of these attacks a higher attack bonus than his base attack bonus.
Recuperation (Ex) Sorak is restored to full hit points after 8 hours of rest so long as he isn’t dead. In addition, by expending one use of mythic power and resting for 1 hour, he regains a number of hit points equal to half his full hit points and regain the use of any class features that are limited to a certain number of uses per day.
⟳Surge (Su) Sorak can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 rolls he just made by rolling 1d8 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed.
✳️Terrain Dominance (Ex) When dealing with creatures native to this terrain, Sorak treats his favored terrain bonus for that terrain as a favored enemy bonus against those creatures, gaining a bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against them. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures. His weapons are considered Good to bypass damage resistance.
⟳Terrain Mastery (Ex) When within his terrain Sorak may, as a move action, grant a +2 bonus on Climb, Stealth, Perception and Survival checks made by all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Sorak may choose to detect as chaotic evil (fooling all forms of magic divination) as an immediate action; this benefit lasts until he dismisses it as a free action.
Trained Grace (Ex) When Sorak uses Weapon Finesse to make a melee attack with a weapon, using his Dexterity modifier on attack rolls and his Strength modifier on damage rolls, he doubles his weapon training bonus on damage rolls.
Weapon Training (Ex) Whenever Sorak attacks with a light blade, he gains a +3 bonus on attack and damage rolls. Sorak also adds this bonus to any combat maneuver checks made with light blades. This bonus also applies to his Combat Maneuver Defense when defending against disarm and sunder attempts made against light blades.
Attack Macros:
Single Attacks
[dice=Attack (kukri)]1d20+21[/dice]
[dice=Extra Damage]2d4+30[/dice]