
Somos's page

31 posts. Alias of fray.

Full Name

Somos Racemeis


human half-minotaur


fighter 3




L - 12' 9" tall






Folgrit, Kurgess, Cayden Cailean




common, dwarven, halfling



About Somos

Somos Racemeis


Alea Racemeis loved her son despite being a product of his father's attack. His father was killed during Alea's rescue from his father and his gang. Her plight was noticed by Cayden Calean, he was touched by her bravery. He rewarded her, making sure her son would be healthy.
Alea spent as much time as she could with her son, she even turned down some treasure hunting trips with her friends. When Somos was 9 Alea didn't return from a trip. Somos went and stayed with his uncle, Dorn Racemeis, a retired wizard. Uncle Dorn took good care of Somos. Even though he didn't show it he cared for his nephew.
When Somos was nearing manhood, his body went through drastic changes. Over the next 2 years he almost doubled in size. Uncle Dorn knew that this could be hard emotionally for Somos unless he had some focus in his life. Uncle Dorn enrolled him in the Fortine War College. Even though he was a bit young, uncle Dorn pulled in a few favors and got him enrolled.
Somos grew into a man with a good nature who had a sense of self and his famliy and friends.
Kimmel and Somos were best freinds. They learned to help each other through all of the training they had. Kimmel's father was a priest of Folgrit and had a postive influence on Somos.
Somos joined the Nightwatch and Kimmel is still attending the war college. He is excited about being a member of the Nightwatch and thinks he can help people by doing so.

At first glance:
Somos is big. And he has horns. Then you notice he's big. He will stop a bully from picking on someone smaller than themselves. Half the time he will join in a barfight. His grin is almost as wide as his horns. He is often shy around women and especially so when a woman flirts with him.

With a careful look:
When Somos is listening to, or watching, a performer he gives them his full attention. He also enjoys storytellers and sharing tales with others. Telling or hearing a story reminds him of his mother. Cleaning his gear is a form of meditation for him. He uses this time for self-reflection.

Stat block
chaotic good large humanoid
human half-minotaur Fighter 3
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft, scent, Perception +8
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18
(armor 5, shield 2, dex, 1, natural 2, size -1 )
hp 42
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +4

Speed 40 ft
Melee longsword +8 (2d6+6, 19-20/x2)
dagger +8 (1d6+6, 19-20/x2)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d6+6, 19-20/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Gore +8 (1d8+6, x2), trip
Special Qualities darkvision, minotaur cunning, scent
CMB +10 (+12 with/vs trip)

Str 22 (+6), Dex 12 (+1), Con 18 (+4), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 13 (+1)
Base Atk +3

combat reflexes - h
war college fighter variant - f1
shall not pass - 1
combat expertise - f2
improved trip - 3

Climb 3 ranks +12
Craft (weaponsmith) 3 ranks +8
Diplomacy 3 ranks +7
Perception 3 ranks +8
Perform (oratory/storyteller) 3 ranks +4
Sense Motive 3 ranks +9
Survival 3 ranks +9
Swim 3 ranks +12

Languages common, halfling, dwarf
Favored class: fighter

Class abilities
bravery, armor training: 1

The rest
Height: 12' 9"
Weight: 853 lb.
Skin: light tan
Eyes: brown
Hair: dark brown
Body: athletic, hairy
Age: 16

dagger (4) 16 gp 8 lb
master work chain shirt 200 gp 50 lb
Shield, heavy wooden 14 gp 20 lb

Magic Items
+1 longsword (large) 1,827 gp 8 lb

Weight: ??? lb

Light load: 173 lb. or less
Medium load: 174-346 lb.
Heavy load: 347-520 lb.
Lift over head: 520 lb.
Lift off ground: 1040 lb.
Push or drag: 2600 lb.

half-minotaur is from Dragon 313