
Someoneknocking's page

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My DM and I were looking through the Advanced Rogue Talents to see what kind of things my Slayer could take, and I noticed that Improved Evasion does not have Evasion listed as a prerequisite. So my question is, can a Slayer take the Improved Evasion Advanced Rouge Talent at 10th level despite never receiving Evasion?

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I despise feat trees that remove the use of prereq feats.

For example:

Great Cleave (once obtained makes Cleave useless; however unless you're playing a 2-hand ranger you have to take Cleave first)

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Yes, because even with the area being far less it is still better than a 2nd level spell being quickened... it just seems rather unbalanced to me; however that is for a different thread... I just wanted to know what I'd missed, thanks everyone for your answers...

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Ya, I get the logic behind it so I figured it would be a free action, but not everything in Pathfinder makes sense, being a fantasy game and all, so I usually don't assume anything. So I ask, but once I can find it in the book or have people tell me it's a stupid question then I know what's up.