Solitare's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

Ok just got finished reading the APG and really want to play both a Two handed weapon fighter (love overhand chop) and an barbarian raging

Would like you input regarding feats and stat builds using living pathfinder rules.

basically big sword and dealing a high amount of damage and intimidating.

Think Norse Viking ulfen type

Liberty's Edge

Could somebody check my math regarding this Ex Power

I have a 3 level fighter with strength 20

At 3rd level, when a two-handed fighter makes a single attack (with the attack action or a charge) with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls.

I have a 3 level fighter with strength 20

So the damaage with a Two handed great sword would be

2d6 + 5 (str) + 5 (Double) +5 (x1.5 two handed weapon) = 2d6+15?

OR is it 2d6 + 5 (str) + 5 (Double) +2 (x1.5 two handed weapon from the natural str bonus) = 2d6 +12

Liberty's Edge

Hi there,
I'm situated in Upminster near Romford, London.

I'm looking to start playing Pathfinder Society i have one adventure under my belt and fully enjoyed it. I wish to continue and wanted to know if there are any gamers in the local area will to take me on. I have gamed for a number of years in varoius systems.

I am happy to travel but i'm currently on shift work so every other weekend i'm working.

I'm looking to get a couple of adventures done to level up so that when i'm at Conception 2012 i can get in to a few more games.

Liberty's Edge


I have a quick question it maybe stupid but i will ask anyway.

I am building a Character for the Living game and i would like to know if the following is possible.

I understand that i can buy mundane equipment and certain magic items at anytime start and end of a adventures. I can also buy with my gold any items which i have found on the cronicle sheet for teired level.

So the question is how would i go about buying a Set of Golden Eagle Epualets costing 3000gp.

The items in on the list for purchase Chap 13. Does this mean if i am in an city/town/settlement ican buy this item or do i have to wait until it arrives on a sheet.

Any Response would be helpful


Liberty's Edge

Are the season 0 mods still active for play now that the rule set has changed. I am wanting to play and run all back history mods with my gaming group. Before we start to attend Cons this year.