
Solin Outlander's page

17 posts (88 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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I'm considering running a campaign somewhere down the line (time allowing) and one of the first thoughts I had was that I wanted this perspective campaign to have an Indiana Jones / Tomb Raider feel to it: more about the dungeons with the elaborate booby traps and puzzles to reveal the ways to bypass my devices cleverly engineered to jam a pointy stick up the rear-ends of any foolish enough to enter these bastions of a long dead civilisation.

I particularly want to do this because my usual group tends to be in more combat orientated campaigns; so a campaign more about the lost city of Atlantis-ripoff and playing with brains more than brawn seems like a nice change of pace. And when I mentioned this idea, my usual GM expressed an interest in such a campaign, so once we have our schedules clear, I would like to run this campaign.

However, I know my limitations. I could probably get in a couple of good locales, I could probably even get away with recreating a couple of stages from the Tomb Raider or Uncharted series, (the Lost Valley from Tomb Raider 1 would be a joy to recreate), but I'm not that creative at making elaborate puzzles. Much as I enjoy working at them.

So I'm here looking to you good people for interesting ideas. And don't hold back on the cruelness of them. I plan to make it clear to the prospective Archaeologists / Tomb Raiders that if they wander into the trap from the Last Crusade that decapitates anyone not on their knees, failing a reflex save will leave them a head shorter. I want to drill it into them that brains are their best weapon here. Well, that and their wits.

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I play for role-playing, but most of the core-races just don't impress me, leaving me with human more often than not, because at least I know I can manage well enough with human, whereas Elves... I can't stand them as a person, something I attribute to a friend who loved elves giving me an unwanted overdose of the pointy eared buggers.

What I enjoy playing the most is non-core races, Gnolls and Lizardfolk. Adds in huge RP potential, especially since both tend to not be liked by the so-called 'civilised races'. Alas, my usual GM rarely allows non-core races, leaving me as a human more often than not.