
Smudger's page

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Just a curiousity of mine as a DM. I was just wondering how other DM's handle PC's animal companions?
Do you let them just use them as an extension of the character or do you step in to 'play' the role of the companion.

The animal companion in my campaign is a Riding Dog called Bono and currently has the highest AC (due to it gaining/being taught Light Armour Proficiency and having Masterwork Hide Shirt) probably has the most impressive kill tally so far by killing most of the Thistletop Goblins by itself... It's now referred to amongst the goblins around Sandpoint as 'The Devil Dog'.

Anyway... Digressed there. I usually have a lot of ambushes being signalled by the dog barking or growling as it scents something. Do other DM's have the companions work like that?