
Smoke_Jaguar's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


What Pathfinder products have prices for hirelings and slaves and is that information in the PRD?



I was searching for map images to decide on which to purchase and found this product, but don't find a corresponding entry in's product section.


Which product is that on this site?



I've heard that there are rules for honor in the Jade Regent series and rules for a changeling race in Carrion Crown. However, looking at the product description pages for the various books I can't tell which ones hold these rules.

I was also looking for the relationship/romance rules presented in Jade Regent, but discovered they are in the player's guide for that path. Which turned out to be a double bonus, as that guide also presents rules for caravan statistics, encounters, and conflict resolution.

In contrast, Kingmaker's #32 clearly states in the product description that it contains the rules for building settlements.

Is there a source which lists all of the hidden features of the various adventure path books and where they are to be found? I suspect that the honor and changeling rules may not be the only ones of interest.

Thank you for your help.
