Dwarven Rager

Sledge Hammer's page

12 posts. Organized Play character for Sledgehammer.


Silver Crusade

derpdidruid wrote:
Your right as far as I can tell on the restrictions for having your hands tied and being gaged. Less they have silent spell, still spell and eschew materials you arnt going to be able to cast the spell. No concentration check. You simply can't cast less you meet all the criteria.

Agreed. But if they do have a mental only spell eg Silent Dimension Door what is the concentration check?

Silver Crusade

Developing grapple monk and wanted to know rules regarding casting while tied up/helpless. Concentration checks and restriction clear for grapple and pinned but not for tied up/helpless.

For Tied up I would assume that casting restrictions(no material or somatic plus no vocal if gagged) and concentration checks (10 + CMB + spell level as per pinned)would probably apply but not sure if specifically stated in rules.

Silver Crusade

No, they're both regarded as armor and fill he armor slot. You can only wear one at a time.

Silver Crusade

Seems most recommendation above involve taking a dip in monk rather than actually building a monk to kick ass which has been requested. Here's my attempt.

I would recommend the Bonk.

Race:the tielfing/Oni give +2str/+2wis and -2Cha(dump start anyway.
Additionally take fiendish sprinter (synergises well with dragon style -because it add +10ft to charge/run/withdrw and dragon style allows you to igniore difficult terrain and other PCs when charge/run/withdraw));
Spell Ability = alter self allows another way to add +2str(or+2dex).
Prehensile handy way to grab potion etc when needed.

Barbarian of the society (+3 round rage)
Quain martial artist (+1 dam UA)

1st level take Barbarian (urban - controlled rage seems more compatible with zen-like focus concept). Also no AC loss.
PLUS crowd control gives +1att/AC if >1 opponent near.
and the additional hp helpful at low level.

alternatively take level in bloodrager celestial - normal rage/bloodrage but now UA/melee treated as good aligned and do +1d6 versus evil outsiders - virtually holy UA at 1st level - overcomes major problem for monk vs outsider DR - too good - maybe nerfed when Advanced classes finalised?

Next we go into Martial artist (can be any alignment). By 6th level - barb1/monk5 the character if immune to fatigue meaning he can rage from round to round as needed. also he has Exploit Weakness a mean to overcome Dr but also importantly add +2Att.

1st focus UA
3rd Dragon style
5th Dragon Ferocity
7th specialised UA
9th Power attack
11th touch Serenity
13th Greater specialisation

monk feats imp grapple/trip/medusa - note increased str adds to CMB as does Exploit weakness.

now looking at the character at 6th level with +2str belt and +1 str level (based on OP character stats) means str 22 (26 raging) and AMOF +1.
when raging
ATT +14/+14/+9 or +16/+16/+11 if exploit weakness and ignores all DR

(also alter self can add +2str if required for 6mins/day)

Dam 1d8+18/1d8+14/1d6+14 not bad for 6th leveller without PA.

Next level with see his damage increase by another +2dam/attack for specilasation and at 9th PA will add +6dam/attack.

Plus 6/day stun attack.

Silver Crusade

Its seems the players have built characters optimised for combat and to be useless out of combat, which unfortunately seems typical of most threads on the message boards which narrowly equate "optimised" with "max DPR".

Low int/cha character builds combined with no social skill means that if role played correctly (true to stats and skill) you will be crap in non-combat situations so role playing option not really applicable.

I'm against giving non standard class upgrades such extra special skill points etc or alternatively reducing DC of non combat activitives because that undermines the efforts of the other PCs who have made choices/sacrifices to make their characters more versatile.

I would get the players to re-evaluate their characters in light of how they want to play them and then allow them to modify/change their character(with your guidance/input) to suit this.
There a multitude or classes with varied archetype; trait and feats galore; and stats can be arranged to suit.

Silver Crusade

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It's no coincidence that synth summoners are banned in PFS. totally broken.

Silver Crusade

Actually you can. Immadiate actions use up the swift action on the following round; it doesn't use up the swift action of the round you're still in.

Actually you can't
See core rules below

"Using an immediate action on your turn is the same as using a swift action and counts as your swift action for that turn. You cannot use another immediate action or a swift action until after your next turn if you have used an immediate action when it is not currently your turn (effectively, using an immediate action before your turn is equivalent to using your swift action for the coming turn). You also cannot use an immediate action if you are flat-footed."

Silver Crusade

Yeah that's my understanding - you use Crane wing to dodge an attack and if success crane riposte gives you an AOO against your opponent.
Actually if you were the typical crane style character with a very high AC then the old crane riposte rarely took effect but now crane riposte should trigger significantly more often..

Silver Crusade

yeah I looked for it too, but I suspect they thought it so obvious it wasn't worth the effort. It's amazing how people twist the written word and confuse what is obvious. When you read what is written the intention is clear. Purity of body is exchangeable. End of story.

Silver Crusade

If you look at the list of monk abilities that the qinggong monk can swap it includes all the monk abilities at level 4+ except Purity of body - why exclude this ability - it makes no sense and seems more an mistake of omission instead than intended.(RAI)

But that doesn't matter because in the next paragraph the writer reiterates the qinggongs monks capacity to "learn additional ki powers, which replace a non-ki monk ability" and give an example - "such as purity of body" (RAW). So "purity of body" is specifically mentioned as a ability that a monk can swapped out for another ki power.

The alternative interpretation makes no sense. Why would the designers use the line "such as purity of body" if as some above have stated it is in fact the ONLY ability they can't trade out.

So RAI and RAW both indicate purity of body should be included in abilities that can be swapped out.

Silver Crusade

Thanks, good to hear keeps my crane style monk viable.

Silver Crusade

According to the description the feat allows you to deflect "one melee weapon attack".
Does that mean it doesn't deflect natural attacks?