Slandor's page

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We were a bit unsure how to handle location closing on a roll of 4.

When you encounter the Ogrekin, roll 1d4:
1. The difficulty to defeat the Ogrekin is increased by 2; damage dealt by the Ogrekin is reduced by 2.
2. Damage dealt by the Ogrekin is increased by 2.
3. The Ogrekin may not be evaded.
4. After the encounter, put the Ogrekin on the bottom of the location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

We decided since the Ogrekin is put on the bottom of the location deck, the location cannot be closed since "after the Encounter" happens before "resolve the Encounter" and since he isn't around anymore during the resolve step the "if defeated"-text is gone and cannot be applied anymore.

But we were unsure if this is the correct interpretation or if the location can be closed, effectively banishing the henchman with the rest of the deck if successful.

When I set up Garrison for Battle at the dam I realized it says:
"If you encounter a monster other than a villain or henchman, each character at this location must summon and encounter this monster."

It neither says "instead", nor does it say "other character". So I think I played it wrong before.

With my new insight, it seems to me that garrison works like this:
1) encounter a monster
1a) summon and encounter it for each character, including the one who just explored.
2) resolve the original encounter

So does the exploring player have to fight twice (and only the second fight counts for defeated/undefeated encounter purposes)?

As I understand the rules and faq, you could replay an already won scenario as often as you want to improve your characters' decks.
Quote faq:
" Can I keep replaying scenarios to get lots and lots of rewards?

You can replay scenarios in the hopes of acquiring better boons through exploration, but a character can't gain the reward for a given scenario more than once."

Such a timesink does make sense in a mmo-game, but it seems to be very strange rule for a cardgame.
I mean, who would set up a scenario, play through a certain location looking for a specific card, and then flip over the blessing deck 20 more times to lose and do it all over again? I'd rather save a few hours of my life not doing this utterly unfun task and just add any attainable card I want to my deck.

I really think there should be some rule to either forbid this kind of replaying or to allow some shortcut, because "farming" in a solo boardgame makes no sense at all.