Man in Battle

Slamron's page

Organized Play Member. 76 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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nightpanda2810 wrote:
First World Bard wrote:
wizzardman wrote:
Edit: Well, I'm not sure why my avatar suddenly became a grumpy smurf, but it seems appropriate.

You should be careful what you quote. :)

Edit: smurf'd (in the ninja'd way; i was expecting to get smurf'd the other way)
I think my job here is done :)

What the smurf is going on here?

Anyway, As others have stated, I really like that the orders provide a different vibe for druids starting right at level 1. My immediate thought after reading each one is that I want to play each one. I was worried that I'd get bored of PF2 for a while after its initial release because of it naturally being limited to the core book for character options in the beginning. I don't think that will be the case, however.

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I do have a question regarding the spinning pillar's stealth. I understand the +10 is there for rolling it's initiative, and to see the control panel the DC is 24. But what is the DC to notice the trap itself when you first enter the room? Is it 10?

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Roswynn wrote:
Slamron wrote:
Adding a size or bulk specification to the Pit Trap's Trigger would be helpful. Will the wizard's cat familiar trigger it? Probably not. What about a halfling that only weighs 45 lbs with gear? Probably.

Mmm, personal opinion, we (GMs) can decide for ourselves. Unless no ulterior details are given, the trap is probably meant for small and medium humanoids and other creatures of similar size/bulk/mass/weight.

What I see as more problematic is that we don't know how big an area the spinning blades can cover. But I think that too would be specified in the adventure.

Then there's the Orb. We really know very little about it. It could be any size, anywhere... maybe it's dangling from a chain around the villain's neck, maybe it's on a pedestal, maybe it's a tiny drop of blood hanging in the air at eye level, maybe it's a room-sized angry red gem floating 30ft in the air... I also am not a fan that even a legendary rogue can do what essentially should be a ritual (investing lockpicks with aspects of Asmodeus and Sarenrae, even temporarily) and then use, again, *lockpicks*, to disable what's essentially an utterly magical artefact.

I dunno man.

I do agree that the GM can figure the trap trigger weight thing out easily, but it would be an easy addition especially if the designer has something specific in mind. For example, perhaps some lizardfolk built the trap to catch swarms of rats for food, not as a defensive measure. Anyway, just a minor thought.

And I totally agree with your thoughts on the Orb. It sounds awesome, epic, etc. But I have more questions after reading it than I should.

The spinning trap range is described in it's actions, where it says it attacks adjacent creatures. So, 5' reach. I do wonder if attacks while it moves though, or if it spins, moves without spinning, then spins again. To me it makes sense for it to just be constantly spinning.

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Adding a size or bulk specification to the Pit Trap's Trigger would be helpful. Will the wizard's cat familiar trigger it? Probably not. What about a halfling that only weighs 45 lbs with gear? Probably. Specifically, something like "Trigger: a small or larger creature steps on the trap."

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Just to add my stance: I like the occasional goblin pc and have played them twice in games. Once as a true neutral sea singer bard who wanted to see the world (and wasn't scared of books), and once in an evil campaign. Not digging them as a core race, though. In the end, I don't run or play in Society games so this won't affect me too much.

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*goblin opens jar from his pack, removes and happily devours rancid, pickled cat ears and slugs*

Human party member: "Ah, isn't he just so cute?!!?"

Yeah... not really getting the flip on the CHA attribute.

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Haven't read through all of it yet, but from what I've seen so far the book is great! The first thing I'm using is the patron system. My PCs are currently on the elemental plane of air, and the patron system seems like it would work great in a floating djinni city.

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Jessica Price wrote:
Slamron wrote:
In one of the PaizoCon seminars that I listened to via KnowDirection, someone mentions that there will be a witch archetype with sand and elemental powers in this book. I for one will be happy to learn more about Pathfinder's official rules for sandwitches.
There is the ashiftah, or battle witch archetype.

Sandwitch jokes aside, "battle witch" just sounds awesome!

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In one of the PaizoCon seminars that I listened to via KnowDirection, someone mentions that there will be a witch archetype with sand and elemental powers in this book. I for one will be happy to learn more about Pathfinder's official rules for sandwitches.

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3D Animation = Illusionist maybe?

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Sounds interesting. I'll be sure to check it out!

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Nice. I'm digging the Jurassic Tiger. Don't let that thing get near you!

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And whoa, there is a lot of great art in this book. I'm happy to be a part of it!

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GM Lamplighter wrote:

Wow, what a great issue! Flipping through quickly to see my own (first ever) article, I had to stop half a dozen times to read the awesome stuff that caught me eye. I'm incredibly proud to have been able to contribute something amongst such illustrious colleagues.

(And my article got ART! SQUEE!)

Ahem. Yes. Well done, Wayfinder folks!

Hey GM Lamplighter, I'm John Bunger, the artist that did the illustration for your Tarn Thrice-Cursed article. Thanks for writing such a cool piece! I really enjoyed working with it.

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:( I usually try to name one of the city guards in any of my campaigns "Carrot" or "Vimes" or something.

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Hello, everyone!

Some friends and I have started an online Pathfinder campaign using Roll20. We are recording each session, editing it and then uploading it as a weekly podcast. I am sharing for those interested in such things, and also to invite feedback on how I do as a GM.

Episode 1 is here or on iTunes.

New episodes will drop on Sundays. Episode 1 is online now, and 2 and 3 are recorded.

The language is full of f-bombs and other adult language, so be forewarned. The audio quality is mediocre for now, but not too bad. I will need to get a dedicated microphone as do a couple of the other guys. First and foremost we are doing the game to have fun, though, so hopefully that comes through and makes the podcast fun to listen to anyway.

The campaign takes place in Magnimar. I'm using the Campaign Setting as a basis for the game, and building adventures off of the hooks that are in that book, as well as many from scratch. The idea is to keep it as open as possible, so the crew can decide what type of path they wish to follow.

Ideally, my style as a GM is to let the players have fun. If they want to do something that sounds cool, I'll try to come up with a way to make it happen as long as it's reasonable. My knowledge of the rules improves each week that I play in my friend's Wednesday game at my local comic shop, and each time we record the podcast. When a rules question comes up in game and I don't know the answer, I'll try to look it up quickly. Sometimes, however, I'll come up with something on the spot in the interest of keeping the game moving. Re-listening to the 1st episode I've already noticed plenty of things I've gotten wrong, and I'll try to fix that in the future.

The cast is made up a few people that I know exclusively through twitter. Doug, Sean, and Alan are all indie comic book creators. Jason has a podcast with his twin brother called The Wombmates, in which they cover indie comics. I am a professional 3D artist, but I do a lot of comic style art on the side. We are scattered through the US and Canada. These guys are pretty funny, and they've known each other for a while. Their chemistry is great. The whole idea to do this came about while Doug and I were discussing a recent episode of Nerd Poker. He said that the show made him want to play, even though he has never played D&D or Pathfinder before. The other guys jumped in immediately and said they would play with him, and I offered to DM. A few days later and we were already recording!

They are playing as a human wizard, half-elf druid, human fighter, and a half-elf monk. I've encouraged them all to come up with background stories that I can craft elements of the plot around. I'm taking it easy on them at first, but things are going to get rough for them as time goes on. Hopefully they'll be able to play intelligently and get through the more difficult challenges that await them.

Well, I hope some of you give us a chance and enjoy the show. I appreciate any feedback in regards to how I'm doing running the game, or the podcast in general. Happy rolling, everyone.


John Bunger

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I just started this last week with a party of 6 PCs. They got to the dark creepers and wiped em out easily, though I was giving the party hints that they should try to communicate and gain a little info. Tonight they're headed down to the Sunless Grove. I'm adding an extra couple ghouls to fight with the main baddie down there.

It seems that a lot of groups want to go to the asylum first. I plan on trying to steer them away from that with a couple of tricks. Only one of the keepers' bodies is left in the Sunless Grove, that of Keeper Baskerwell. When the PCs emerge from below and talk to the mayor again, he will get excited when he sees Myre's name. Myre has been under investigation for necromancy, and the mayor will ask the PCs to go there first. After dealing with that, they PCs will hear a report of another attack, this one near the church. When they arrive to investigate, they'll find the blood drained body of Keeper Marshan. Since they're near the church, hopefully they'll go there instead of the Asylum.

Hopefully this all works, but at the same time I hope that they PCs don't feel railroaded.


AC 16 Init +3 passive perception 15

About Istiel Jadanas

Wood Elf
Druid 1
Guild Artisan

Strength 10 0
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 11 0
Intelligence 12 +1/+3
Wisdom 17 +3/+5
Charisma 14 +2


Tools-Herbalism Kit, Alchemist's Supplies
Skills-Insight, Persuasion, Perception, Survival
Languages-Common, Elven, Druidic, Sylvan


Leather Armor+Wooden Shield (AC 16)
Scimitar (+5, 1d6+3)
Mistletoe (druidic focus)
Herbalism kit (bought with cash from Background)
Alchemist's supplies
Letter of Introduction (alchemist's guild)
Traveller's Clothes
Explorer's pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, waterskin, tinderbox, 50' rope, 10 torches, 10 days rations)


Produce Flame - light 10' + dim light 10' for 10 minutes, ranged spell attack 30', 1d8 damage, ends spell.
Guidance - touch, concentration, add 1d4 to one ability check.

Spells (default):

Detect Magic
Detect Poison and Disease
Cure Wounds

Personality: I always want to know how things work and what makes people tick.
Ideal: My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world.
Bond: I will get revenge on the evil forces that destroyed my place of business and ruined my livelihood.
Flaw: Now that I've returned to the world, I enjoy its delights a little too much (borrowed from Hermit - makes sense with backstory)
Feature: Guild Membership: alchemist's guild.

People rarely think of alchemists in the wilderness, but so many of the exotic substances required come from rare plants and animals, or minerals that are found only in remote locations. Istiel grew up in a tiny elven settlement deep in the Vesve Forest. The settlement had no formal ruler, but the effective leader was an alchemist named Ardainn, who kept close ties to the alchemist's guild, and provided many rare and exotic supplies to his brethren in the great cities of the Flaneass. The caravans he sent out returned with useful tools and trinkets that the elves themselves did not wish to manufacture.

Istiel grew up hunting and tending the forest, but also searching for the herbs that would fetch such high prices, and she caught Ardainn's attention because of her skill with herbs and her devotion to the forest itself. In many ways, he saw her as a mirror of himself, and he began to teach her his craft.

As part of her apprenticeship, she went deeper into the forest in search of the rare ingredients, and in doing so, she came in contact with some of the area's fae denizens. It was from them that her devotion to the forest became mystical, and as she learned the science of alchemy from Ardainn, she learned the mystic rites of druidism from the fae.

In fact, she was with the fae when orcs (or more campaign-suitable bad guys) came upon the village and sacked it. She returned with a parcel of supplies for Ardainn to find the buildings that had been lovingly grown from living trees over centuries burned to the ground, the inhabitants slain or enslaved, and the sacred groves defiled. Though the raiders took everything of value they could find, they did not find Ardainn's laboratory. Istiel went there to mourn, and discovered a letter Ardainn had written, introducing Istiel to the alchemist's guild as a journeywoman who had completed her apprenticeship. It was dated three days previous to the raid.

After a few days, she returned to the fae who had taught her so much, and they commiserated with her, but it was not in their nature to care deeply about the problems even of elves. Soon, she realized that to stay among them, she must adopt their carefree, uncaring life, and she knew that she could not. She told them she must seek revenge on those who had defiled her home, and she set out to do so.

A few weeks after leaving the ruins of home, Istiel first heard the name of Kagan the Blooddrunk, the orc warchief who boasted of the deed. The trail was old, but all indications were that Kagan was headed south, towards Greatwall, so Istiel followed.

After arriving, she made contact with Banwom Jamu, the alchemist-in-residence at Greatwall. Given the hostility, he was happy to take on a journeywoman as an assistant. In the last month, they have become good friends. When her work allows her time, she has used it to seek word of Kagan, and during her forays in search of materials, she has come into her own as a druid.