
Skyfall-69's page

30 posts. Alias of Evindyl.


"Wow, this is perfect! I am seriously starving now, but this is perfect.

So next steps: find food. I can no longer drink, but I appreciate that you joined me earlier. I also cannot eat normally now, really need sugar and protein, like a pepper-merlot glazed steak, even chicken, something. I need a bunch of calories.

Next next step: prepare lodging for all of you. Although I had thought perhaps of staying somewhere public, I now feel that House Thuranni hosting Nelview, Perryn & Roole in my own apartment makes much much greater sense. If we create a cover document, I can have it placed by House Thuranni so that it is essentially unassailable legally as House correspondence. A combination of flight, invisibility, and teleportation will get us to & from the location without any of you being seen to enter ... and allowing for my new 'porter' to be answering the door once that becomes cinematically appropriate.

3rd next step: find Big's Shop. In the morning, with all of your covers established, we will be able to fan out and move about the city as we please, while I will continue to enter and exit invisibly as I always have providing messenger service.

How does that sound for everyone?"

Lambda-42 wrote:
Agent Goldeneye takes the glass. "Poison is not generally my modus operandi. I tend to be more direct. But I may find a use for it." the warforged says, looking down at the liquid in the glass.

Ceneth smiles as he hands the glass

"It's actually just an expression ... most of us don't drink poison on missions either, like at all. But the principle of it, as Moonraker implied, is that alcohol is technically a poison to organics. We tend to take it in smaller amounts so that we can interact better."

He looks over at Spectre

"See how much more fun Spectre is now? I almost feel like the little dragon should have a drink too."

Opi wrote:
"Food would be good," Opi agreed. "If I can find a galley I can make us something. Is it a galley on a train?"

"There actually is usually a dining car on the Lightning Rail, let's go take a look ..."

"If we're allowed to have another drink, that would be great.
We probably have 10-12 hours to kill before we are even in the city.
We should eat also ..."

Skyfall shakes the first cocktail

"Spectre, can you reproduce a couple copies of the symbol outside Big's shop? Finding it and learning what it's called and where it's located is key. Can someone work up a solicitation? I am better versed in the 'other' art of soliciting: but once we know WHERE to send a message, we need to one to send there. We need to be able to present the opportunity for him to hire a team of barristers. I am happy to take care of the messaging: it has been my priamry role and cover in Sharn for years, and there will actually be any number of people who are glad I am back. I can work on producing some fairly unassailable dispatches from the House to add to my satchel ..."

Hands cocktail to Golden, begins another

"and of course, you all need lodging, somewhere I am likely to spend time without being conspicuous"

"You might imagine, I basically drink professionally, I think I'll be okay with one more. Codename notwithstanding, it is unlikely I will fall from the sky just yet ..."

and a LOT sexier than wearing sunglasses at a cocktail party ...
Cue the MI-1 music

Prosperity Jann wrote:
Opi wrote:
"Do any of us have the legal knowledge and skills for that?"

Spectre grins. "Ohhh yes. I am, shall we say, intimately familiar with the particularities of Breland law, and specifically how it can be manipulated to preserve an illicit smuggling operation. 'It takes a thief' and so on." They stow their supplies from the scrying as they speak.

"Accounting for all five of us is another challenge. Perhaps three partners and two bodyguards would be believable, but even that might raise suspicion since we weren't asked for and can't claim to be from the guild. Thoughts on splitting up?" Spectre frowns. "I suppose it depends what our endgame is. Do we start snooping around his home and shop once we get access? Do we jump him and extract the information we need? Do we wait for him to show us the items and then jump him?"

By the way, GM, did we find the magic rings that Q mentioned would be in the coach? I'm curious what sort of magic they've got.

"Given that I can fly, and make myself invisible if we need, I could be hovering at quite a distance, and teleport in with our telescope. No one would see that coming.

Ceneth smiles
" ... and I'm a lot better at hovering than I am at lying."

Cari Delmire wrote:
"If we pose as buyers, we might find ourselves fighting off the other buyers. But if we pose as a barrister, there's a better chance of getting Mr. Big alone."

"Smart thinking. As buyers, we present ourselves as targets & competitors. As barristers, we might even get access to him and the stone early."

EltonJ wrote:
There is a bar for Skyfall to raid on the coach. Not the finest booze, but enough to get drunk.

Proof that Breland has a wise & benevolent ruler ;)

Cari Delmire wrote:
"Well, I plan to enjoy the luxuries of a private cabin. But let's avoid splitting up until Spectre is done gathering information."

"Right? Like is it time for a drink yet?

Looking at Opi ...

"and yes, absolutely I can be faster than the train, and without stops, I could make it to the city well ahead of the rail. But let's hang out, look at our toys, and maybe all talk about Sharn a little. My reputation as the Assassin of Skyway was well earned, and it's probably my favorite place in the world."

"There's more ground to cover already from what we know: in a horizontal city, "this" Dura and "that" Dura would be next to each other, and in principle, that is true in Sharn as well. But Sharn isn't horizontal like everywhere else, and even on top of each other, Middle Dura and Upper Dura leave a lot of ground to cover. If we choose to allow this plot to move forward until Mr. Big's auction, that may be in a higher, or lower, location as well."

"Team, we are all of an undersanding that we need to go to Sharn, correct? It want to start the process of attaching our coach to the Lightning Rail line, headed in that direction."

Ceneth pauses for just a moment ...

"and if no one objects, I am happy to fly ahead and make some arrangements for our arrival: it would be great to go to my apartment, and I would also be happy to arrange lodging for everyone. Sharn is, well, there is nothing like Sharn. I want you to enjoy it as much as enjoying the takedown of Mr. Big. This will certainly be different than an assault on his winery ..."

Did Q gives us an indication of the process to have our coach added to a standing Orien LR route? We're going to Sharn ...

Prosperity Jann wrote:

"I can do sophisticated," Spectre agrees, gesturing at their own suit. "Took a while, but the Citadel eventually hammered some class into me."

As soon as they enter the coach, Zoa slithers out of Spectre's satchel and begins to explore the space, sniffing around every nook and cranny. Meanwhile Spectre passes by the clothes and weapons without a second glance and starts inspecting the other accessories. They give an appreciative nod when they find the crystal ball, adding it into their bag. Recalling Q's mention of magic rings, they keep looking. Scanning the contents of the coach with detect magic. Do they find the promised rings or any other magic items? If so, what are their properties?

Hearing Null start to explain her skill set, Spectre turns their attention back to the rest of the group. "Is this the part where we share our capabilities and limitations? I must say, I'm ever so curious." They look between the others expectantly.

"You're both off to a great start ... let's hear it!"

Cari Delmire wrote:
Moonwaker steps in and begins looking through the clothes. "How do we want to do this? Shall we be thieves, Con men, thugs? We should look the part. I'd prefer con men style, we can switch to violent thievery later."

"Def a little more sophisticated look would be a good start, I agree. We can look like thugs in the dark maybe ..."

Skyfall smiles as he looks around ...

Hope there's somewhere to sleep

Skyfall was pleased to wear the Hang Gliding Cloak on their way to the lightning rail coach, looking forward to some field testing with it. Arriving at the coach, he looks it over trying to decide if he would rather fly alongside ...

Any sign of movement within? Current occupants?

"Q my friend, it occurs, you're coming to the Lightning Rail station with us, yes? Surely you have secured our coach in some way that you might want to show us."

Prosperity Jann wrote:

Perfect, thanks! I expect we'll share things like the telescope pretty freely among ourselves as tactics require — Cenneth's right that his flight greatly extends its viable range, at least until Prosperity invests in boots of the cat.

Spectre peers through the telescope experimentally then stows it away, giving a quick nod to the others as they set off toward the coach.

BUT that just made me think what you said is also a tactic: Skyfall can fly anyone up to higher ground to have a better vantage point, and that person can then teleport. Best infiltration ever (unless someone has tinted windows or something)

I feel like maybe the telescope was for them ... since their odds of needing a parachute aren't nearly what Skyfall's are.

Just my thought though ;)

(and as special as I think Cenneth is, I do NOT think 2 items were allocated for his special needs)

"Well there we are, we should leave then"

"So before we go, is there a word to activate the telescope, or is it keyed to the user's use & thoughts?"

EltonJ wrote:

Q turns to Cenneth and offers him a cloak. "This will turn into a hang glider," Q explains. "It will allow you to gently fall to the earth."

"That is probably as ominous as it is thoughtful, thank you Q!

Ready :)

EltonJ wrote:
Hi guys. My dad passed away during the night. So I won't be able to do much for the campaign for a while. Sorry everyone, but Real Life has happened. I'll try and pick up things next week.

Will be thinking of you - let us know if you need anything.

"OMG I want to teleport somewhere now. This telescope thing is almost better than flying, I mean, for me, they're like a slam dunk together: I can look miles into the sky above where I really want to be, teleport, and fly the rest of the way. This is genius. But I guess it would work the same way with recon too: look into the bedroom window, teleport in, take care of business, teleport out. Brilliant!"

EltonJ wrote:

Q is in a large room stacked with swords, daggers, other weapons, and magic items. He's distinct that he looks a bit younger, with dark hair and glasses. He's wearing a white lab coat over khaki pants and greets you with a hi!

"Q!!! You have to call me Skyfall now ... GQ's orders!"
The elf winks at the young man
"Just so that we are clear, the glasses are like the single most amazing thing ever created, and I love you eternally for them. Your invitation to Stormreach is standing and I do hope you take me up on it ... having fun takes practice too, maybe it's time?"

Let's go see Q

and we do NOT all need to make codename profiles: I just found myself with a minute and thought it would be kinda cheeky

I will flesh it out with Ceneth's updated crunch and all that

Cari Delmire wrote:
"That's risky without a sample of his voice." Moonraker speaks with some experience."Worth trying, I suppose."

"VERY true, and my apologies, I am also not an expert at divination: Prosperity, is it possible to divine a voice sample, like now that we have his blood? Really just wondering: looking like him could be good, sounding like him could be amazing."

"Wait ... is there a good image in our dossier? I am better at morphic changes than illusion, but couldn't we practice impersonating this gnome also? I am willing to try at least. It might come in handy at the vineyard while we are being clandestine."