Sewer Goblin

Skreechak's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Talon Zorch.

Grand Lodge


I am writing you regarding Order 36777210 in my account.

The Order was from Jan. 24th and is still pending. I tried to actualize my payment details to force a new withdrawal, but it seems not to work.

Please take a look into this issue and fix it for me. It would be greatly appreciated by my Society group, as I should run a game from this Download on Wednesday ;-)


Christian Brüggen

Grand Lodge


When I have gained a Skill Feat with my selected Background, and my class would lateron gift me the exact same Skill Feat - is this feat lost? What is the RAW for this case?


Grand Lodge


I need your help on a rules question.

When a Creature has Lesser Cover.

1) Can the Creature use "Take Cover" to increase it's Cover to Standard Cover?

Why do I think, that the Creature Can use Take Cover in this situation:
In the Action "Take Cover" the requirement states " You are benefiting from cover". As I have Lesser Cover I do gain a benefit from cover, as my AC is being increased by +1. Therefore I qualify for this use of this action and get the benefits of Standard Cover after using "Take Cover"

Please tell me, how you do rule it, and how you do interpret the rules as written on this case.

Rules Reference:

Take Cover

GM Guide Cover

Grand Lodge ***


I have got a question regarding the Leshy Ancestry in Society play.

I ran the Scenario yesterday, in which...















... in wich the players can gain access to the Finadar Leshy Background. But the Leshy Ancestry seems still to be uncommon, and not obtainable. Is there a way to gain access to this Ancestry at this point, or is this boon at the moment kind of useless?

1-15 - The Blooming Catastrophe

Please send help ;)

Christian "TalonZorch"