Kaleb Hesse

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Did a conversion for one of my favorite prestige classes, I guess it'd be fair to do one for another.

Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks Spellcraft 5 ranks
Feats:Any Metamagic Feat
Spellcasting: Able to spontaneously cast 1st level spells and prepare and cast 2nd level spells from a spellbook (or familiar if playing a witch)

Level--BAB--Fort--Ref--Will--Class Abilities
01----- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 1 --Arcane Spell Power +1
02----- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 2 --Expanded Spell Knowledge (1st Level or lower)
03----- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 2 --Augmented Casting
04----- 2 -- 1 -- 1 -- 3 --Arcane Spell Power +2 Expanded Spell Knowledge (2nd Level or lower)
05----- 2 -- 2 -- 2 -- 3 --Bonus Feat
06----- 3 -- 2 -- 2 -- 4 --Expanded Spell Knowledge (3rd Level or lower)
07----- 3 -- 2 -- 2 -- 4 --Arcane Spell Power +3
08----- 4 -- 3 -- 3 -- 5 --Expanded Spell Knowledge (4th Level or lower)
09----- 4 -- 3 -- 3 -- 5 --Bonus Feat
10----- 5 -- 3 -- 3 -- 6 --Arcane Spell Power +4 Expanded Spell Knowledge (5th Level or lower)

Skill Points Per Level (4+Int mod)
Class Skills: Craft, Fly, Linguistics, Knowledge (All skills taken seperately), Profession, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.

Spell Casting Progression:
At all levels except 1st, 4th, and 7th, the Ultimate Magus increases their arcane spell casting level in both spontaneous spell casting and prepared spell casting class. At 1st, 4th, and 7th the Ultimate Magus increases their lowest level arcane spell casting class. If the Ultimate Magus has more than one spontaneous arcane spell casting and prepared arcane spell casting class each, he must choose which classes to increase.

Arcane Spell Power: (Ex)
At 1st level and every three levels after 4th, 7th, and 10th, the Ultimate Magus increases the caster level for all arcane spells by +1 to a maximum of +4 at 10th level. This is for spells based off of caster level only, you do not gain increased abilities gained from a familiar, specialty classes, or bloodlines.

Expanded Spell Knowledge: (Ex)
At 2nd level you can select one 0- or 1st level arcane spell from your spell book and add it to your list of spontaneous casting class, even if you cannot cast spells of that level. (In this case, you would know the spell but wouldn't be able to cast it until you had spell slots of the appropiate level).

You can add another spell from your spell book to your list of spells known every two levels there after. At 4th Level this can be a 0-, 1st, or 2nd level spell. 6th Level this can be any spell of 3rd level or lower. 8th Level this spell can be 4th level or lower. Finally at 10th Level this spell may be of 5th level or lower.

Augmented Casting: (Su)
Starting at 3rd level you can choose to sacrifice a spell or spell slot from one of your classes to apply the effect of a metamagic feat to you know to a spell cast from another arcane class. (For instance, you could sacrifice a sorcerer spell slot to apply a metamagic effect to a wizard spell being cast.) This sacrificed spell or spell slot is lost (just as if you had cast it) in addition to the spell being cast.

The level of the spell to be augmented cannot exceed 1/2 your Ultimate Magus level. For example when you gain access to this ability you can only use it for 1st level spells. While a 10th level Ultimate Magus may use this ability for any spells up to 5th level.

The level os the spell slot being sacrificed must equal or exceed the spell level adjustment of the metamagic feat. To empower a spell, for example, you would have to sacrifice a 2nd level or higher spell or spell slot. You cannot use this ability on a spell already affected by a metamagic feat.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to 3 + 1/2 your class level.

Bonus Feat:
At 5th and 9th Level the Ultimate Magus may select a bonus Metamagic Feat for which they meet the prerequisites.