Sveinn Blood-Eagle

Skäne Snjármǫn's page

92 posts. Alias of Black Dow.

Full Name

Skäne Snjármǫn


Human (þursfyrðar)


Ranger (Freebooter) 1



About Skäne Snjármǫn

The Kaldrnordmann standing before you appears to be the archetypal Northern warrior: Towering and brawny, he bears both the ritual scarification of the giant-blooded þursfyrðar and air of a man accustomed to violence. His ice blue eyes are framed by a braided moustache and long hair the colour of a winter snowfall - giving him the look of a man much older than his years.

About his person he wears a battered leather coat reinforced with iron plates and overlayed with a wolf pelt cloak. In his huge hands the Northerner holds a heavy axe whose sharp blade is bitten with use and the signature wooden shield of a Viking reaver - upon its face a faded sea wyrm...

Skäne Snjármǫn

Male Human [þursfyrðar] Ranger (Freebooter)1 [Multiclassing with Fighter (Viking)]
XP: 0
N Medium Humanoid
Favoured Class: Ranger
Speed: 30ft [30ft unarmoured]
Init +0
Senses: Perception +0

AC 17 (10 Base, +1 Dex, +4 Armoured Coat, +2 Heavy Wooden Shield*)
Touch AC 11 (10 Base, +1 Dex)
Flat Footed AC 16(10 Base, +4 Armoured Coat, +2 Heavy Wooden Shield)
HP 19 (1d10; +2 Con; +1 favoured class; +6 Tribal Scars)
Fort +4 Ref +4* Will +1
CMD 15 (10+3+2)**/***

* (Ice chasm) Tribal Scar: grants +1 bonus on Reflex saves.
**Blood of Giants trait grants +1 to CMD when resisting Sunder and Overrun CMs.
*** Heart of Snow racial trait: grants +1 racial bonus to resist trip attempts.
BAB +1 CMB +4
Melee: Battle Axe +4 (1d8+3/x3) or Heavy Wooden Shield +5 (1d4+4*/x2)
Ranged: Spear +2 (1d8+3/x2 20ft. range)

* Shield Bearer trait

STR: 17 DEX: 12 CON: 15
INT: 10 WIS: 12 CHA: 12

20 Point buy:

7 points each: STR & CON
2 points each: DEX, WIS & CHA

+2 Racial Bonus - STR


Racial Trait

Bonus Feat: Additional feat at 1st Level.

Heart of the Snows: Humans born in chilly climes treat cold climates as one category less severe. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws against the effects of cold climates, on any check or saving throw to avoid slipping and falling, and to CMD against trip combat maneuvers. This bonus applies on Acrobatics and Climb checks made in slippery conditions. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Class Abilities

Freebooter's Bane (Ex):

At 1st level, the freebooter can, as a move action, indicate an enemy in combat and rally her allies to focus on that target. The freebooter and her allies gain a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against the target. This ability applies only to allies who can see or hear the freebooter and who are within 30 feet of the freebooter at the time she activates this ability. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the bonus increases by 1. The freebooter’s bane lasts until the target dies or the freebooter selects a new target.

This ability replaces favored enemy.

Track (Ex):

A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.

Wild Empathy (Ex):

A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Tribal Scars: (Ice Chasm) - Gain +6 HP and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves and a +2 bonus on Climb checks.
Additional Traits: +2 traits.


Shield Bearer (þursfyrðar/Ulfen):

You have survived many battles thanks to your skill with your shield.

Benefit: When performing a shield bash, you deal 1 additional point of damage. Also, once per day on your turn as a free action, you may provide one adjacent ally a +2 trait bonus to his Armor Class. This bonus lasts for 1 round, so long as you and the target remain adjacent to one another. You can only use this ability if you are using a shield. You retain your shield bonus to your armor class when using this ability.

Blood of Giants (Campaign):

You’re a big person, and people have always said you’ve got some giant blood in you. Even as a child, you towered over your friends, and as you grew older, you grew even taller and stronger. Maybe your hair has a tint of blue as well, or your skin is as pale as snow. Perhaps someday you’ll get the opportunity to travel to the North and meet some real giants, and see whether the rumors about you are true.

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks to sunder, and a +1 trait bonus to your CMD against bull rush and overrun combat maneuvers.

Call of the Longships (Kaldrnord/Land of the Linnorm Kings):

Your blood sings with longing to relive the adventures of one of your ancestors, and you are inexorably drawn to the sea.

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Profession (sailor) checks and a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls made onboard ships.

Bloodthirsty (Combat):

You have a vicious streak, and nothing satisfies you more than warm blood on your hands and blade.

Benefit: Whenever you make an attack that reduces a foe to 0 hit points or fewer or you confirm a critical hit, your attack deals 1 additional point of damage. The additional damage is a trait bonus, and is multiplied by your weapon's critical hit multiplier.

Skills: Ranger: 6 per level]

Climb +3 [1 Rank, +3 Str, +3 Class, -4 armour penalty]
Intimidate +5 [1 Rank, +1 Cha, +3 Class]
Perception +5 [1 Rank, +1 Wis, +3 Class]
Profession (Sailor) [1 Rank, +1 Wis, +3 Class, +1 trait]
Survival +5 [1 Rank, +1 Wis, +3 Class] *
Swim +3 [1 Rank, +3 Str, +3 Class, -4 armour penalty]

* +1 Ranger Level bonus to Survival Checks to track.

Languages Skald, Common

Combat Gear: Armoured Coat [remove/don is a Move action], Heavy Wooden Shield, Battle Axe, Spear, Dagger.

Other Gear: Backpack (holds): Bedroll, Trail Rations (2 days), Waterskin, Empty Burlap Sack, Iron Cooking Pot, Torches (2); Traveller's Outfit & Furs; Belt Pouch #1 (holds coin), Belt pouch #2 (Flint & Steel; Tobacco & Clay Pipe); Whetstone (worn round neck as pendent); Signal Horn; 74.5 lbs (Light Load)

Shield Bearer ally bonus (free action) 1 round - 1/1

Coin & Treasure

Gold 47
Silver 9

Age: 26 Height: 6'11 Weight: 303 lbs.



Skäne was born in Kaldrnord, the land of the Cold North. In a land where the claws and fangs of the native beasts was as nothing to the savagery of the weather, the þursfyrðar were truly the most fearsome of foes. These "Giant People" were feared throughout the known lands for their size, strength and ferocity in both battle and culture. Their lords rewarded loyalty and service with torcs, armbands and bracelets of noble metals. To demonstrate their fortitude, the þursfyrðar would pierce their skin and run these band under the skin, letting it heal naturally and create ridged rings on their arms. It was the sign of a truly wealthy man to have arms bulging with numerous rings, no gaps or scars to show he had ever been forced to use one for money.

As one of the many bastard sons of Ingvâr Sharptunga - an infamous skald of the North, Skäne's life to date have been a series of blood feuds, duels and shieldwall battles all caused by his father’s questionable honour and reputation. The Kaldrnord has made this boy into a hard-bitten man, as cold as the land that spawned him.

Seeking respite and value in his own name, Skäne took axe and voice wherever there is a reason to fight. Recently he fell in with the crew of longship “The Haar-Witch”, but their last raid went sour and Skäne and his mighty oarbrother Bjorn were lucky to escape with their lives. After weeks in the wild, the Northmen have healed up as they make a slow return to their homeland...[/i]