
Sith Knight's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I found/customized some reaper figs for our PCs, and ordered some of the Paizo plastics for others, but has anyone found a great mini for Owlbear, or others?

I'm ready to start a Skull and Shackles game and I'm planning on using the paper minis/pawns from Paizo.
My question is how to fold then to make them stand correctly on thier own, and can anyone point me to a source for 1" plastic stands for them?

Its a game of pirates and sailors, who well...Swear like sailors!

For one of the NPCs, A first mate or captain of one of the ships later on, it says its one of her defining characteristics to Swear profusely.

Without actually being vulgar what are some ways that you represent this aspect.

I just stared this week and have so far just said
"Blankedy, Blank Blank Blank!" a lot!

Mostly you could use the standard D&D minis. But I'm at a loss for the "Savege" people and creatures.
I thought about using some lego Pirates 2 figs for the savage, pirates and hanve been searching for some (proper scale) cheap kids, Dinos for the Isle of Dread! but are there any other ideas that I'm over looking? What are your ideas?

Has anyone finished the SCAP and lived to tell the tale?


We died lat night in the final confrontation with Adimarkus (Spelling???) We killed one of his aspects but it killed us all to do it. After being pushed into the flamming pillar at the end of the test, Adimarkus returned (although diminished) and our paladin (the lone survivor) weak and level drained used (the better part of valor) a scroll of Plane shift to escape.
Has anyone else made it out alive??