
Sir Pierre Chauffre's page

27 posts. Alias of Death-Lok.


M Human Cavalier 10 | HP 94/94| AC 29 (tch 19, ff 20) | CMB +9, CMD 29 | F +11, R +12, W +7 | Init +9 | Normal vision | Perc. +10|Challenge: 4/4|Greater Tactician: 3/3|Panache: 3/3

About Sir Pierre Chauffre

Sir Pierre Chauffre
Male human (Taldan) cavalier (daring champion) 10)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +9; Senses Perception +10
AC 29, touch 19, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +6 Dex, +3 dodge, +1 natural, +3 shield)
hp 94 (10d10+30)
Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +7 (+3 bonus vs. mind-affecting effects)
Defensive Abilities nimble +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 adamantine longsword +20/+15 (1d8+8/17-20+10 Precision)
Special Attacks banner +3, braggart, challenge 4/day (+10 damage, +3 dam while only you threaten), greater tactician 3/day (Outflank or Shake It Off, swift action, 8 rds), panache (3), precise strike, steal glory
Str 8, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +10; CMB +9; CMD 29
Feats Dazzling Display, Dodge, Improved Critical (longsword), Iron Will, Outflank, Shake It Off, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Slashing Grace, Steadfast Personality, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Traits dangerously curious, sword scion
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Linguistics +1, Perception +10, Perform (dance) +15, Ride +11, Swim +3, Use Magic Device +19
Languages Common, Giant
SQ champion's finesse, dodging panache, order of the cockatrice, swashbuckler initiative
Combat Gear:
Potion of fly (750gp)
Wand of shield (CL 5th, 30 charges) (2250gp)
+2 glamered mithral chain shirt (7800gp)
+2 mithral buckler (5005gp)
+1 adamantine longsword (5015gp)
Amulet of natural armor +1 (2000gp)
Belt of incredible dexterity +4 (16000 gp)
Cloak of resistance +2 (4000gp)
Headband of alluring charisma +4 (16000gp)
Ioun torch ioun stone (75 gp)
Ioun torch ioun stone (75 gp)
Ring of sustenance (2500gp)
Total: 61,470gp
Belt pouch, masterwork backpack, soap, light horse - Francois (combat trained), bedroll, bit and bridle, feed (per day), hemp rope (50 ft.), riding saddle, saddlebags, waterskin
Special Abilities
Banner +3/+2 (60 ft.) (Ex) Allies within 60 ft. who can see your banner gain +3 save vs. fear & +2 to hit while charging.
Braggart (Ex) Demoralize as a standard action, +2 to hit demoralized targets.
Champion's Finesse At 1st level, a daring champion gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and he can use Charisma in place of Intelligence for the purpose of combat feats prerequisites.
Cockatrice's Challenge +10 (4/day) (Ex) +10 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, +3 damage when you are the only one threatening the target.
Dazzling Display Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Deed: Dodging Panache +3 (Ex) As an imm action when attacked, use 1 panache to move 5 ft. and gain +3 to AC vs. attack.
Deed: Precise Strike +10 (Ex) While 1 panache, bonus to att/dam with light/one-hand piercing weapon.
Deed: Swashbuckler Initiative (Ex) While have Panache, free hand draws light or 1-hand pierce weapon as part of the init roll.
Greater Tactician (Outflank or Shake It Off, 8 rds, 3/day) (Ex) As a swift action, grant the use of one of your teamwork bonus feats to all allies within 30 ft.
Nimble +2 (Ex) +2 dodge bonus to AC.
Outflank Increase flank bonus by +2 if flanking ally has same feat. If you crit, ally gets an AoO.
Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow.
Shake It Off Gain +1 to all saving throws per adjacent ally
Slashing Grace (Longsword) Treat chosen weapon as 1-handed piercing weapon and can add Dex instead of Str to dam.
Steal Glory (Ex) You may make an AoO against a target who receives a critical hit.


Pierre Chauffre’s origins began in the greatest city on the planet, in his estimation, remarkably known as the City at the Center of the World: Absalom. The Chauffre family was a noble one of minor repute, Pierre was not a strong child and was considered relatively weak. However, that did not stop him from pursuing his devotion of the sword. Many would say that Pierre was born with a sword in his hand, as his childhood was spent on many training lessons, to which the boy naturally adapted. He loved the footwork and grace of fighting, relying on his speed and agility rather than brute strength. When he was of age, he joined the knightly order of the Cockatrice and has spent the last 10 years of his life gallivanting the realm, earning personal glory for himself. Once a year he reports to his superiors in Absalom, but the rest of his time, he is on his own, operating independently. And unfortunately for him, Pierre is quite solitary because he does not last long in many adventuring groups. For some reason, despite his prowess in battle, his companions tend to not stand his braggadocios nature and arrogance. So, he has often been asked to leave their company. For Pierre, it is their loss, not his, as he is still alive in his chosen profession, while many of his former companions have perished. Pierre's only true connections/allies are in Absalom: His parents and sister (Persephone) and his mentor and trainer, LaSalle. Pierre finds himself presently traversing the Varisian lands, famous for their curvaceous gypsies, when he learned of the pending giant threat/invasion. He jumped on Francois, his noble and loyal mount, and rode off to Sandpoint, eager to show off his prowess and earn some gold and perhaps the eternal gratitude of some fair maidens in distress.
Pierre is quite a handsome fellow, standing 6’ tall with brown hair and green eyes. He keeps his hair and beard immaculately groomed. He has a reputation for being a ladies’ man due to his silver tongue. Typical of Taldans, Pierre considers the rest of the world to be backwater, not on par with his level of sophistication. In battle, however, his boastful nature is a terror to his opponents, who are known to fear him in battle.