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Harley Quinn X wrote:

Hello. I'm pretty new to GMing and I have a quick question about the enemy position in room 20 (The Great Pit) in Godsmouth Heresy for people who've GMed this module. I haven't run it yet, but I'm just trying to work through the details in my head, and this sort of popped out to me. Just to ere on the side of caution, I'll put possible pertinent bits in spoiler tags, just in case some player who hasn't played yet is reading the thread.

** spoiler omitted **

My question is, where is the enemy standing at? Is it considered sharing the same path that the PCs, or is he considered in the pit? The picture on page makes it seem as though the creature is in the pit and its head is just out of the pit. Given its seemingly powerful attacks, it would make sense if it were considered to move adjacent to the path around the area, so that way three PCs could pound on it.

However if it had to put its head on the path to attack, flanking with melee fighters and such would be more feasible.

Perhaps, I'm just thinking too much about this and it just falls under the rules of "GM Fiat"? Any ideas?

I'm curious how your party dealt with the necrophidius? I am running this module now, party is a Druid, Barbarian, Rogue and Wizard (universalist). They came in from the west side (area 19) and the rogue went around to the door on the east side of the pit. The druid and his wolf companion went around the south side of the pit, while the wizard slowly scampered along the north edge. The barbarian was hanging back by the west entrance. While the rogue was checking out the eastern door the necrophidius crawled up and surprised them all, and the druid, wolf and rogue were dazed by his dance of death. The wizard used his Grease spell and the necro failed his save and fell prone. The barbarian started smashing him. The wizard followed up with his longbow (he's an elf) and actually got a couple hits. The barbarian raged and used his two weapons (axe and spiked shield) to finish him off. Then the wizard noticed the secret door at 21 and the rogue went to investigate. The Iron Cobra surprised the rogue, and they started a grapple after that. The rogue had the upper hand and wanted to try and stuff the iron cobra in a sack, and the druid shouted 'throw it in the pit you fool!'. Which he did, and they went on to area 22.

So far it's been a fun module, they're all enjoying it a lot. We have had 2 sessions and play about 6-7 hours. Hope to finish it off this weekend.