Low Templar

Sir George's page

21 posts. Alias of flamethrower49.

About Sir George

Sir George of Silene
Male Human Paladin 8 (Shining Knight)
Medium, Age 26
Lawful Good
Worships Iomedae

Ability Scores:
Strength 22 (16 Base, +2 Level, +4 Bull's Strength)
Dexterity 10
Constitution 16 (14 Base, +2 Belt)
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18 (16 Base, +2 Headband)

Vital Statistics:

HD: 8d10+24+8 (FC)
HP: 84
Attack: +20/+20/+15, +1 Keen Lance (+8 BAB, +6 STR, +1 Weapon, +2 Good Hope, +1 Haste, +2 Luck {Divine Favor}) (19-20/x3)
Damage: 1d8+11 (+6 STR, +1 Weapon, +2 Good Hope, +2 Luck {Divine Favor})
CMB: +18 (+8 BAB, +6 STR, +2 Good Hope, +2 Luck {Divine Favor})
CMD: 25 (10 +8 BAB, +6 STR, +1 Haste)

Armor Class: 31 (10 +10 Armor, +5 Shield, +5 Natural {Barkskin}, +1 Haste)
Fortitude Save: +18 (+6 Base, +3 Con, +4 Grace, +2 Resistance, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Prayer)
Reflex Save: +13 (+2 Base, +4 Grace, +2 Resistance, +1 Trait, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Haste, +1 Prayer)
Will Save: +15 (+6 Base, +4 Grace, +2 Resistance, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Prayer)

Feats, Traits, and Skills:

Feats: Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge, Shield Focus, Mounted Shield.
Traits: Magical Knack, Deft Dodger.
Skills: Ride +14 (8 Ranks, +3 Trained, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Luck {Prayer})(+17 When negating hits to any mount), Diplomacy +18 (8 Ranks, +3 Trained, +4 Charisma, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Luck {Prayer})

Class Features:

Aura of Good (Ex): 8th level aura of good.
Detect Evil (Sp): Detect Evil at will. Can determine evil on a creature within 60 feet as a move action.
Smite Evil 3/day (Su): +4 Attack, Deflection to AC, +8 to damage vs. one evil opponent as a swift action. Any DR is bypassed automatically, and smite damage vs. outsiders, dragons and undead is doubled.
Divine Grace (Su): +4 to all saving throws.
Lay on Hands 8/day (Su): Heal 4d6 damage to self as a swift action, or to someone else as a standard action.
Aura of Courage (Su): Immune to fear. +4 Morale to saves against fear for allies in 10 feet.
Skilled Rider (Ex and Su): No penalty to ride checks due to armor check penalty. Helios benefits from Divine Grace.
Mercy (Su): Lay on Hands removes the fatigued and staggered conditions from anyone it heals.
Channel Energy (Su): For two uses of Lay on Hands, can heal creatures or harm undead for 4d6 damage in a 30 foot radius burst.
Divine Bond (Sp): Helios. Can call him to my side 1/day (CL 2).
Aura of Resolve (Su): Immune to charm. +4 Morale to saves against charm for allies in 10 feet.


2/2, Save DC 14+SL, CL 7.
Level 1: Divine Favor, Hero's Defiance
Level 2: Resist Energy, Bull's Strength (cast)

+1 Keen Lance (8310), +1 Full Plate (2650), +2 Heavy Wooden Shield (4157), Belt of (adjective) Constitution +2 (4000), Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (4000), Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000), Potion of Fly x2 (1500), Potion of Barkskin +5 (1200)

Helios, Large Warhorse.

Size Large; Speed 80 ft., Fly 90
HD: 7d8+21
HP: 63
AC 30 (+4 Armor, +8 Natural, +3 Shield, +4 Dex, +1 Haste)
Fortitude: +16 (+5 Base, +3 Con, +1 Resistance, +4 Grace, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Prayer)
Reflex: +20 (+5 Base, +4 Dex, +1 Resistance, +4 Grace, +2 Feat, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Prayer, +1 Haste)
Will: +13 (+2 Base, +1 Wis, +1 Resistance, +4 Grace, +2 Feat, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Prayer)
CMB: +14 (+5 BAB, +4 STR, +1 Size, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Prayer, +1 Haste)
CMD: 25 (10 +5 BAB, +4 Str, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Haste)

Attacks: Bite +13 (+5 BAB, +4 STR, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Prayer, +1 Haste) for 1d4+7 (+4 STR, +2 Morale {Good Hope}, +1 Prayer), 2 hooves +8 for 1d6+5
Ability Scores: Str 18, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6
Feats: Skill Focus (Fly), Toughness, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will
Skill: Acrobatics +10 (1 rank, +3 trained, +4 Dex, +2 Morale {Good Hope}), Fly +18 (6 ranks, +3 trained, +3 focus, +4 Dex, +2 Morale {Good Hope})
Special Qualities: Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Low-light Vision, Scent.

Equipment: Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000), +1 Studded Leather Barding (1700)

Active Buffs:

Bull's Strength (CL 7)
Barkskin (CL 15)
Good Hope (Kaze's Scroll)
Life Link (from Peter)
Haste (Kaze)
Prayer (Peter)
Divine Favor (CL 7)

Buffs on Helios:
Good Hope (Kaze's Scroll)
Fly (CL 5)
Haste (Kaze)
Prayer (Peter)