About Sir Donovan RavencourtHuman Lore Warden Fighter 2 Initiative: +4
20 HP (2d10+ 4 con) 21 AC: (+4 chain shirt, +4 dex, +2 shield, +1 expertise)
15 CMD (+1 BaB, +4 dex) +6 Fort (+3 fighter, +2 con) +4 Ref (+4 dex) +0 Will (+0 Trait)
BaB +2 CMB +2 Melee
Lux Tenebrae (Masterwork Rapier), +7, 1d8 damage, 18-20 x2 crit The Judge (Consecrated light mace, white oak haft, Cold Iron and Silver nails and studs adding piercing damage, weapon cord) +6, 1d6 damage, x2 crit, bludgeoning, piercing Hatchet w/hammer back, +6, 1d6 damage, x3 crit Sawback Shortsword, +6, 1d6 damage, 19-20 x2 crit Sap, +6, 1d6, x2 crit, non-lethal Ranged
Throwing Axes +6, 1d6, x3 crit Bola, +2, trip Combat Net, +2, Entangle Feats and Traits:
traits Threatening Defender (-1 combat expertise penalty Rich Parents (900 gp starting wealth) Feats
Skill Points: +8 fighter, +4 int, +2 race, +2 Favored Class
+6 Acrobatics (2 ranks +4 dex)
+5 Perception (2 ranks, +3 class)
+9 Knowledge: Dungeoneering (2 ranks, +3 class, +2 int, +2 equipment)
Class Abilities:
Scholastic (Ex): Lore wardens gain 2 additional skill ranks each level. These ranks must be spent on Intelligence-based skills. All Intelligence-based skills are class skills for lore wardens. This ability replaces the lore warden’s proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields. Equipment:
-Worn- Armor: Chain Shirt
Unslotted: Sword pommel Wayfinder -Belts and Pouches-
-Satchel 1-
-Satchel 2-
-On Horse-
Saddlebags 1, survival kit
Saddlebags 2, Tool kit
262 gp 19 sp 8 cp Gear cost: Apx 1650 gp
Background and Family History:
The Ravencourts are ancient noble family dedicated to the service of Pharasma. They are originally Taldan, but have a strong streak of Azlanti blood that they try desperately to preserve. The family's progenitor, Simon Whitemane, was a Field-Marshal of the Knights of Ozem. At the end of the Shining Crusade when the Shield of Aroden shattered, in the wake of Tar-Baphon's defeat, the shards of the shield were entrusted to the surviving leaders of the Crusade. Those shard-bearers went out into the land and raised families devoted to defending the land against the darkness that had claimed it. The shield-houses have been the Watcher-Lord of Lastwall's silent supporters in maintaining the peace of the land so that the job of holding back the darkness could be made easier. The Lord keeps his sights on the borders, the shield-houses keep watch over the populace, quietly among them like watchdogs in a herd of sheep. The shards of the shield became symbols of devotion to their charge to never again let Ustalav fall into darkness. At least that is how it was supposed to be. Of the original guardian houses, the Whitemane family and the Ravencourt family have merged by marriage. Many other houses have fallen or forgotten their oaths. Many shards have been lost. The House of Ravencourt now seeks the remaining shards. Five are accounted for, three of which are in the possession of the Ravencourt family. The rest are scattered. Donovan is the Second born of this generation. Trained from birth and knighted by the Watcher-Lord himself, he has always known exactly who and what he is. Donovan Ravencourt hunts down and destroys monsters. The Shards of the Shield are important, and he passes on what information he finds, but the search for them is not his primary concern. That task is for others. Donovan's job is to clear the way for them. Over the years he has put down countless zombies and ghouls, a dozen vampire spawn, two werewolves and a wraith. He keeps a journal, like all his predecessors, detailing his hunts and battles so that future generations can learn from his endeavors. Personality, Goals and Fears:
Donovan takes his job very seriously. He's a Knight of Lastwall charged with the protection of the innocent. Not with defending a keep, or serving a king, but with guarding the flock. In another family, he would have been a Paladin, but the Ravencourts don't have the luxury of adherence to those kinds of codes. Sometimes hands have to get dirty. He's been through a lot and seen things mortal eyes shouldn't. He's a grim fellow with lots of demons behind his eyes, but he never loses sight of his oaths or his job. They're what keep him going. He knows someday he's going to come across something he can't defeat and that people are going to die, or worse. His biggest fear is surviving and being forced to live with his own failure. Survivor's guilt runs pretty common in his family, almost as common as dying heroically. He's also afraid to let anyone into his heart. He thinks he's probably going to die before he gets old enough to go home and train the next generation, so he feels that it isn't fair to get too close to people. In spite of that, he's afraid that he'll die alone and never know love in his lifetime. He knows many people who have been struck with curses or taint from fighting the creatures of the night. His own brother Kane was born cursed because of his mother's time as a Shard Seeker. As such Donovan is far more open minded regarding things like Dhampier and Teiflings. He believes choices are the make of a person, not blood or destiny. In spite of all that, he's a kind, relaxed and pretty amusing fellow. He's been taught all his life that happiness, love and friendship are the natural enemies of the forces of darkness and despair. His humor is as much a shield as the one strapped to his arm.