
Simon the Hunter's page

35 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

About Simon the Hunter

Welcome traveller of the realms!

I'm Simon, living in Melbourne, Australia.

I'm a long time RPG gamer with a love of RPGs, Motorbikes, Coffee, Astronomy, Gaming, and lots of other nerdy things.

At the moment I am spending my free time in the world of TTRPG creation, writing adventures and drawing maps. I publish these works through Pathfinder Infinite and previously on DriveThruRPG and Dungeon Masters Guild.

I have been lucky enough to be asked to part of the Pathfinder Infinite Masters program and am writing Golarion based adventures as part of this program.

I also 3D print miniatures and paint them (with various levels of success), adn I have a pile of terrain that needs painting ;)

In my past life I've been an Electronics Engineer, Software Monkey, Cafe Owner and Barista. I roast my own coffee, stargaze, print and paint miniatures, and ride an XSR900 motorbike.

Pathfinder Infinite Master Titles
Tasks & Deeds:1 - Weeding Them Out
A Task & Deed encounter based in the River Kingdoms.

Theatrum Immortuorum
A bundle of 5 encounters all based within a theater.

Pathfinder Infinite Titles
Wrecked Upon the Shore
An Otari based adventure for level 4 players.

Pathfinder Second Edition Compatible OGL Titles
Diana, Luna, Lucina
Three goddesses, a mystical stag, and a broken ancient relic.

The Low Road to Braddock Dene
Two factions, three meddling hags.

The Old Sandpiper Cottage
An abandoned cottage with an underground secret.

Athenaeum Anarchy
A library tower with a surly library assistant.