Simcha |
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I still feel cheated. I have not played then ending yet and I have not downloaded the EC. Because I am angry. And because I am sad.
I understand that ME is supposed to be about sacrifice.
BUT! it is also about HOPE, forcrissake! Shepard flipping DIED in ME2 and came back. So she has to die AGAIN because an old machine thinks it knows better?
I could have lived with being bombed to the stone-age. I could have lived with making peace with the Reapers.
But this pseudo religious mumbo jumbo nonsense from the conduit!? Honestly? There is peace between the Geth and the Quarians - stupid conduit proven wrong!
I feel like I was promised little blue children and BW/ME fail to deliver - big time.
The whole ending sounds like they wanted the thing over with, move on to greener pastures, whatever.
Yes, they are a company that wants to make a profit - but sc**ing over their fanbase?
And to add insult to injury, to be able to choose at all, I need to play a buggy multiplayer game, I am neither good at nor like?
I agree with magnuskn, I will be very careful in the future ordering a game in advance.