Priestess of Pharasma

Simcha's page

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I still feel cheated. I have not played then ending yet and I have not downloaded the EC. Because I am angry. And because I am sad.

I understand that ME is supposed to be about sacrifice.
BUT! it is also about HOPE, forcrissake! Shepard flipping DIED in ME2 and came back. So she has to die AGAIN because an old machine thinks it knows better?

I could have lived with being bombed to the stone-age. I could have lived with making peace with the Reapers.

But this pseudo religious mumbo jumbo nonsense from the conduit!? Honestly? There is peace between the Geth and the Quarians - stupid conduit proven wrong!

I feel like I was promised little blue children and BW/ME fail to deliver - big time.

The whole ending sounds like they wanted the thing over with, move on to greener pastures, whatever.

Yes, they are a company that wants to make a profit - but sc**ing over their fanbase?

And to add insult to injury, to be able to choose at all, I need to play a buggy multiplayer game, I am neither good at nor like?

I agree with magnuskn, I will be very careful in the future ordering a game in advance.

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It's ridiculous to say that someone is oppressing you for expressing their preference for more esquilaxes in an appropriate forum, though.

Yes, you are right, polling different opinions is a good approach. What you get from that is the smallest common denominator (modified by the tastes of the developers), that is what gets printed. Being against that would be ridiculous indeed.

Saying, "I don't like ghouls, and I would not use them and would like to see them used less in publications.", is expressing an opinion. That is fair, and I am not saying the least against that.

What I oppose is the attitude, " Ghouls are rubbish and outdated, no idea why they are used as we have so many other undead to chose from, and anyone who thinks different is a numtard." - that is beyond the pale!

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I have never been the greatest adherent to D20 systems.

Maybe that has to do with my RPG origins, Rulemaster and Vampire.
Maybe it has to do with my latest parties, all 3.5e devotees.
Maybe it has to do with me reading the boards and getting fed up with people telling other people how to play the game.

Whatever it is, lately I feel a rising estrangement from all things D20.

I know the game is what you make of it.
I know that the rules don't make the play style.
I know there is no perfect system.
I know that PF APs are well written.

Still, I am so fed up with edition wars, optimization, drop stats, void classes, balancing, brokeness, monster PCs, and whatnot.

I really liked what Paizo did with 3.5e, it made so much sense when it was announced. I thought to myself, finally I can make a character in D20 and not just an elaborate combat sheet.

Maybe it IS the people I am playing with. Maybe it is me. I find myself starting to think in optimizing terms, and I hate it. Because from a game theoretical point of view, I see the benefits of optimization for combat effectiveness. But that is not the point of the game, is it?
Or is it?

My PF days are over, for now, I guess. I want to tell stories, and for me, personally, D20 is not the means to do that. It may well be for others, and the APs tell great stories in their own right. But in the end, not for me.

Cheers all! Game on!