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Silly GM's page

4 posts. Alias of Mean GM.


Actually, I downloaded the Skull & Shackles pawn set (they had Captain Morton in it). Unfortunately there was no pawn for Xicorax, his air mephit, so I also found a paper minis set that had various summoned monsters to use instead. I was hoping that they had done pictures and pawns of the various mephits not shown in the Bestiary.Several adventure paths use these mephits but there are only pawns for fire, ice, mud and water (I think).

I'm looking at the encounter with the Dryad's Grave and I noticed there is no picture for Milksop Morton and his air mephit, Xicorax. I know that they can't have artwork for every NPC or there isn't enough room to place it, but he is the captain of the ship (the satyr variant ship sentinel picture could have been in the AP bestiary). Was there every a picture for Milksop?

Just got on and I see that single miniatures are available to order. Any idea how long until these singles cannot be purchased (other than if they run out of them)? Usually its about a month (I think) and the final date used to be on the Store Blog (which doesn't seem to exist anymore).

Working to update this to Pathfinder rules, so I'm also interested in getting the "Director's Cut" if you're not too busy. ;)

PJBakos2846 at gmail dot com