Berserker Rage
When you work yourself into a violent, howling frenzy, roll+CON. *On a 10+, gain three rage powers. *On a 7-9, gain three rage powers and choose a drawback. *On a 6-, gain two rage powers and the GM chooses a drawback.
Your attacks are forceful and messy*
You can run much faster and jump higher than normal
You can smash inanimate objects with nearly superhuman strength
Your enemies fear you and act accordingly (avoiding you, hiding, attacking with fear-driven abandon)
You feel no pain, and gain +1 armor
You are immune to fear, and any attempts to control or manipulate your mind fail
You ignore the effects of all of your debilities
• You gain a debility at the end of your rage, chosen by the person who picked this drawback, you or the GM
• You cannot rage again until you rest for several minutes
• You injure an ally or break something dear to you while raging, but you won’t notice until the rage ends. What you break is chosen by the person who picked this drawback, you or the GM
While raging, when you make a move that does not use STR or CON, or you take an action requiring subtlety, finesse, thinking or discussion, lose one of your rage powers.
You cannot use this move while wearing armor.
When you slay a foe while raging, if you have less than three active rage powers, gain a rage power.
Terrifying reputation
When you enter a steading, rumors about your fury may precede you (your call). If so, tell the GM what people heard. They'll act accordingly, maybe by barring their doors, asking for your help, or testing your strength.
You never make the Outstanding Warrants move; the local guards and magistrates are too intimidated to try anything unless things are really getting out of hand.