Str 8 (-1); Dex 15 (+2); Con 12 (+1); Int 12 (+1); Wis 16 (+3); Cha 10 (+0)
Acrobatics +2 (+4 to stop movement or climb along handholds in zero-g)
Athletics -1 (+1 to stop movement or climb along handholds in zero-g)
Engineering +2 (1 ranks)
Medicine +5
Mysticism +7
Perception +9
Piloting +6 (1 ranks)
Sense Motive +7
Survival +7
Reduce the DC of Culture checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about starship and vehicle models and parts as well as famous hotshot pilots
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness
Languages Castrovelian, Common, Ysoki
Other Abilities healing channel (2d8), Connection healer
Combat Gear second skin, azimuth laser pistol with 1 battery (20 charges)
Other Gear: basic medkit, canteen, cold climate environmental clothing, consumer backpack, engineering tool kit, fire extinguisher, lighter, personal comm unit, R2E (3), zero gravity environmental clothing, credstick (820 credits)
Augmentations pressurized lungs
Shoma, a spindly gender-neutral human (they/them), grew up in the Armada surrounding Absalom, where their family has lived for generations. Shoma joined a ship crew as a medic at a young age for the chance to explore the galaxy. They weren't an exemplary crew member - very comfortable in space, but a little "spacey." But one day, more recently than they like to admit, Shoma's ship passed a storm of cosmic energy that changed everything. Almost all of the crew was driven insane, shortly if not instantly - but Shoma and a few others stared into a void that awoke something within them. For Shoma, they keep discovering psychic powers they weren't sure were possible - powers they're not always able to control. Despite the novelty and chaos of Shoma's powers, they've become an asset to the Dataphiles' research into psychic cosmic phenomena, and helped Shoma find a new job with the Starfinders (which is nice, because it's hard to get a job recommendation from the gibbering crew of an abandoned space wreck).