
Shimi Izzlebold's page

5 posts. Organized Play character for HNB.


Liberty's Edge

stringburka wrote:
A feat's a feat, and if your DM would agree to let you use them as shurikens, EWP (Shuriken) is probably more worth than Throw Anything, though TA is more versatile. But shurikens are quicker to draw, do 1d2 damage and are cheaper to get masterworked as they are treated as ammunition. TA is more suited for someone who doesn't focus in ranged combat, but wants to throw the odd bar mug or chair now and then.

Yeah, you´re probably right, but i´ve been told this is more a flavor thingie.

Liberty's Edge

Paris Crenshaw wrote:

(Given the fact that normal coppers don't have sharp edges, they probably would do nonlethal damage, instead. I realize, however, that it wouldn't fit the character concept as well, so I'd say 1 point of regular damage is fine.)

Yes; sharpening them should´t be too hard.

Thanks to both of you again.

Liberty's Edge

Paris Crenshaw wrote:
You'll want the Throw Anything feat. Then you'll be tossing those pennies with a +1 bonus. :D

Great! I didn´t wanted the stupid feat dummy gave me, anyway. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

stringburka wrote:
RAW, yes, he'd be at -3. However, I personally would let the player treat the copper pieces excactly like shuriken. No bonus from the trait, but you can use it as a weapon like any other.

Good idea. But i´m afraid that i am not proficient with shuriken as a bard, cause its not a simple weapon, so the penalty would still be there. Thank you for the answer nontheless.

Liberty's Edge


I am being created right now and dummy is kinda stuck. He wants me to get the prismati player trait ([...]You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with fistsized rocks or similarly shaped objects, [...]) and let me throw copper pieces (fistsized, alright).

I like that, but I had to point out that there is a -4 penalty for throwing improvised weapons; thus the attack roll is still -3. Am I right? Oh yeah, what would you use for dmg? 1, 1d2, 1d4-1 etc.

Thanks, Shimi.